Adam Torman on the changing role of the Salesforce Admin


Adam TormanAdam Torman is the Director, Product Management at He is responsible for designing and managing user provisioning and authorization features, he has been involved in the redesigning of the core role based user authorization framework and has been a senior application instructor. Not to mention a really cool guy to present with at Dreamforce.

Don’t let the length of this episode scare you, it’s packed with a ton of content from Adam. As a former instructor and passionate advocate of technology Adam has a lot of great information for Admins. In addition we love to give a shout out to our listeners- is it you?

We spend time talking about how Salesforce Administration has changed over the years and what being a Declarative Admin means in 2013. If Permission sets, profiles, and security are something you need to learn more about this episode is for you. Adam gives us the back story on how Salesforce migrated a ton of permission sets to make profiles and permission sets incredibly useful.

Oh and if you are looking for our 2012 Dreamforce session we reference:


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