George Kenessey on designing the user experience


george kenesseyThis week on the podcast we talk with George Kenessey, CEO of Appiphony, A Chicago based consulting firm that designs and builds applications on the Platform. George has a tremendous amount of experience working with customers building incredibly useful apps on the salesforce AppExchange. He was one of the first people to launch an app on the AppExchange. If you are a Salesforce Admin who is interested in learning more about gathering requirements, or scenarios and how to have great conversations to uncover the real problems and what the user expects in an app.

You can follow George on twitter @GeorgeKenessey

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What Should Salesforce Admins Know About User Learning Styles?

Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Lisa Tulchin, Senior Curriculum Developer at Salesforce. Join us as we chat about user learning styles and how to use them to create better training sessions. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Lisa Tulchin. Choose […]