Adam Seligman on Dreamforce 2014


This week on the podcast we talk to Adam Seligman who is the Vice President, Developer Relations at about the intersection of Admins and Developers. We find out that while visiting Dreamforce 2013 Hackathon Adam’s daughter learned how build on the Salesforce platform and built an amazing app! Adam gives us insight into what Salesforce is doing in terms of academic programs and challenges all of us to take 1 hour to visit with students and inspire them to engage with technology. If you are interested in participating the Hackathon Adam invites Admins to join a team and contribute! There is so much in this episode including Adam’s one tip for anyone attending Dreamforce

See us Podcast at Dreamforce!

  • Monday (10/13): 11am-11:45am
  • Tuesday (10/14): 4pm- 4:45pm
  • Wednesday (10/15): Noon- 12:45pm
  • Thursday (10/16): 11am-11:45am

Add the Salesforce Admin Keynote to your Calendar

The first ever Salesforce Admin Keynote will take place Wednesday (October 15th) Hilton Union Square, at 9am- plan on being there early to avoid the line! We have some Super content planned with amazing demos and Salesforce Admin heroes!

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What Should Salesforce Admins Know About User Learning Styles?

Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Lisa Tulchin, Senior Curriculum Developer at Salesforce. Join us as we chat about user learning styles and how to use them to create better training sessions. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Lisa Tulchin. Choose […]