Luis Suarez on working without email


Luis Suarez Email

This week on the podcast we talk to Luis Suarez who is a Chief Emergineer, People Enabler and Charter Member of Change Agents Worldwide. He is a well seasoned Social / Open Business evangelist and 2.0 practitioner with over 15 years of experience on knowledge management, collaboration, learning, online communities and social networking for business. Since February 2008, Luis has been working without email challenging the status quo of how knowledge workers collaborate and share by promoting openness, transparency, trust, sustainable growth, engagement, connectedness and overall smart work.

This episode is packed with information!

Luis mentions the 2012 McKinsey report “The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies” which is a great read for an Salesforce Admin. Can you believe they estimate the average worker spends 28% of their workweek managing email?!!

And if you want to find out more information about the Pomodoro technique you can click here.

Connect with Luis on twitter at @elsua


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