Getting your Flow on with Bonny Hinners


“Admin is the best role possible, in any company. Because it gives you the chance to work with people, and to dive into technology as deep as you want to go.”


About Bonny Hinners

Bonny is a Salesforce Architect, Salesforce MVP, and User Group Leader. As a multi-Dreamforce presenter Bonny has inspired crowds of Admins to embrace the power of Visual Workflow. As a Salesforce Architect she is responsible for the configuration, design and continued operations of Salesforce across the enterprise. She works with internal and external partners in all phases of planning and design of the application, configuration, development and coding of custom objects, fields and integration points. Manages integration with third-party AppExchange and custom apps.Provides Salesforce support to marketing for campaign management and to customer service for case management.



Community Spotlight

This is your chance as a community to shine and be featured on the podcast! If you are active in the Salesforce Success Community, a blogger, or on twitter we will be highlighting posts that are helping Admins become #AwesomeAdmins. And if you find a post that was helpful to you, or want to suggest it for the show be sure to tweet or post it to the success community using the hashtag- #AwesomeAdmin . Check out what other Admins are saying by following the hashtag #AwesomeAdmin on Twitter.


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