It’s Possible: The Story of Zac Otero


This week on the podcast we interview Zac Otero, who took control of his destiny, stuck to his goals, and was determined to build his career. Zac’s story is one of passion and perseverance despite your current situation. Telling Zac’s story is the reason we podcast, despite having to overcome work-related restrictions he invested in career and used the podcast along with community-generated content to up-skill himself.

Zac describes himself as “the Blue-collar Admin” because of his manufacturing background. But Zac is anything but blue collar- in my book he is a rockstar. I am so glad that we could help to tell Zac’s story because it embodies the passion and commitment that Salesforce Admins have to advancing their careers.

After the recording…

I want to share a behind the scenes story that happened after we wrapped up our recording with Zac. As we were packing up the podcast equipment we asked Zac if there was “anything we could help him with?”, expecting his answer to be about some feature or something he was stuck or trying to learn. His answered floored us. He said “Yeah, actually I’m trying to get in to present at the Career Center in Springfield so that I can present Salesforce to other people looking to change careers.” Barely a year into being an Admin and Zac is already thinking about how he can pass on what he learned to others! Thank you Zac, that is truly the Ohana Spirit we embrace at Salesforce.



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