The Secret Formula to App Success with Alexander and Florian


This week Gillian and LeeAnne take over the podcast for our first interview in Germany! That’s right, the podcast has gone international and we talk to Alexander Salatzkat, Head of CRM at Carl Zeiss Group and his developer Florian Piel, IT Consultant/Developer. Alex and Florian give us insight into how Admins and developers partner to build amazing apps. They have some really great tips around considering the end-user and the number of clicks that they have to do to accomplish what they are working on.

And even though we are across the pond, we still sneak in a great lightning round question- to be honest it’s a tough choice.



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Salesforce Admins Podcast cover featuring a woman's photo and a cartoon mascot holding a phone, with text on diversity in tech

Unlocking Diversity in Tech: a Deep Dive with Kat Holmes & Josh Birk

Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, Admin Evangelist Josh Birk sits down with Kat Holmes, Chief Design Officer and EVP at Salesforce. Join us as we chat about diversity, accessibility, and her book, Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with […]