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We’re back with another special bonus episode of the Salesforce Admins Podcast, this time with Vin Addala, Product Manager on the Lightning Platform. We’re discussing how dynamic forms and pages are changing the game for what’s possible for admins.
Join us as we talk about the new dynamic features coming in Summer ‘20, how admins and devs make a dynamic duo that can solve any problem, and why drag-and-drop tools punch above their weight.
You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Vin Addala.
From the IdeaExhange to your org.
Vin started out his Salesforce career as Product Manager, working to launch Dynamic Actions. He went out and heard a lot of feedback about both how great actions are and, at the same time, the limitations people had been running into when they were trying to put them to use. The goal was to make actions more flexible and adaptable to a modern application development environment. Look for Dynamic Actions in the Summer ‘20 release for production orgs to try out for themselves.
Right now, Vin is working on the number-one-rated item on IdeaExchange, Dynamic Forms. “Some people wonder whether PMs read IdeaExchange,” he says, “but I make it a point that all the people that work with me go read what’s up there.” They’re working up Dynamic Forms from scratch on Lightning, and you should look for a version you can play with yourself in production in Summer ‘20.
The power of Dynamic Forms and Actions.
One of the biggest advantages of moving to Dynamic Forms and Actions is that it removes the need for tons of different page layouts for each different user in your org. “App Builder will become a one-stop-shop for building your pages,” Vin says. “I’m inspired by the conversations I have with our customers,” he says, “and when I see that there’s something we can solve to make people’s lives easier and more efficient I want to be there and that’s what really motivates me.”
More broadly, Vin is always thinking about how that developer/admin relationship. “It’s one of the things that makes our platform, and working on our platform so unique,” he says, “both are first-class citizens and they can work together to solve a problem greater than what they could have solved separately.”
How to reevaluate what you think is possible.
“When something becomes a habit you might just get used to the inefficiency so it feels normal to have all these clicks,” Vin says, “but I think it’s time=—when all these features start coming out—to reevaluate those habits and ask if there’s a better way of doing this.” These tools are drag-and-drop, but the power is there to solve big business problems and make it simple, too.
“The fun thing about my job is we have all these complex systems, and how do we simplify it in a way to make it accessible without losing that complexity,” Vin says. At the end of the day, what that means is putting more powerful tools in the hands of admins so they can solve key business problems with simple solutions. Don’t miss the full episode, where we talk about SABWA (Salesforce Administration By Walking Around), Vin’s 250+ board game collection, and more.
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Full Show Transcript
Mike G.: Welcome to the Salesforce Admins Podcast where we talk about product, community, and careers to help you become an awesome admin. I’m Mike Gerholdt.
Gillian B.: And I’m Gillian Bruce.
Mike G.: And joining us today is Vin Addala who is the product manager for, man let me tell you, something super dynamic.
Gillian B.: So dynamic. We’re going to hear how dynamic his products are.
Mike G.: He’s also a very dynamic person. So let’s get Vin on the podcast. Vin, welcome to the podcast.
Vin A.: Yeah, thanks Mike. Yeah, as you said, my name is Vin Addala. I’m product manager here on Lightning Platform and the primary products that I work on is Lightning App Builder. And you said dynamic, dynamic forms as well. Super excited about that.
Mike G.: So tell us how you became a product manager at Salesforce.
Vin A.: Yeah, so I joined Salesforce about three years ago. Actually one of my primary jobs was to sort of look at where we are in the low-code space and how we can innovate in that area and help you admins get even more out of our platform. And so before that, I was an engineer at a pretty big company out here in Bay Area. So I was engineer for about 9, 10 years or so, did a lot of coding. And then I went to get my business degree and then I switched over to product management and then eventually wanted to move on to areas where I can have even more impact. And I felt like Salesforce was right for that.
Gillian B.: So then tell me a little bit about some of the cool product areas that you worked on. So you’re coming to Salesforce and, I bet you were, so you arrived probably amidst the Lightning transition as we were kind of getting ramped up on Lightning and helping everybody use Salesforce in a whole new way, which was kind of when I became a power admin, so to speak, as the admin of Lightning. So there were things in class I just never learned how to do because I learned it all on Lightning.
Mike G.: Yay Lightning.
Gillian B.: Yay Lightning. So then tell me a little bit about some of the product areas that you have worked on since joining Salesforce.
Vin A.: Yeah, you pinned me in their exact timeline. So when I was joining, the big part of was Lightning was just released and we were making lots and lots of enhancements, closing out all the gaps, based on the feedback that we got from the admins. And I even went on a number of Lightning Now tours, which was one of the first ways I actually learned about what the needs of our customers and admins and developers were firsthand. And I could also see the passion that everybody has for our platform. That’s kind of how I started to envision what I would like to work on and where I would like to take the areas that I’ve been hired on to do. So the first area that I was working on up until about four or five months ago is actions.
Vin A.: So I used to be the Platform Actions product manager. And for the longest time, we had quick actions and we had global actions, I felt that there was a lot more innovation that can be done in actions, which is now what you hear as dynamic actions. You might’ve heard about it at Dreamforce when we announced it last. It’s the ability within app builder to drag and drop actions and set visibility rules for actions. So when I was going out and listening to feedback, it was very clear. People were saying, “Hey actions are great, but they’re always stuck in the highlights panel. They’re always stuck in these few places. And I’m trying to build a modern application where I need my actions to be in different parts of the page, just like component. And when I’m on mobile, I don’t want to see all 20, 30 actions. Not only do I not have real estate, they’re not relevant.”
Vin A.: How do we configure this? So that’s when I felt like, “You know what? There’s a lot more that can be done with actions simply than just creating quick actions. We can empower our admin user base to do even more.” So this is where sort of that dynamic idea actions came about. And I think as you all, know it’s voted number two on true to the core and excitingly it’s going to be available in summer ’20 in production orgs to use and try it out yourself.
Mike G.: Wow.
Vin A.: So that’s one of the areas that I worked on that I’m super, super excited about and I passed that on to my fellow PM Eric Shi so I can focus on getting dynamic forms to the next level as well. So I would say that’s the next area of innovation that I was working on. Again, similar sort of the thing looking at IdeaExchange and I know some people wonder whether PMs read IdeaExchange. I can tell you from my experience myself and all the people that work with me, I make it a point that they go read the IdeaExchange and right now it’s hard to miss dynamic forms on IdeaExchange because it’s the number one voted idea, dependent page layout.
Vin A.: And we go through every single one of them and see what people are saying. And we are building dynamic forms from scratch. The feature requests that people have in that IdeaExchange post cannot be built that easily on our old metadata. So we’re building it from scratch on Lightning, making it a part of the app builder metadata, which is why it’s taking a little bit of time. And I understand that. Again, awesome news here is in summer ’20 again you can play with this in production. It’s a production pilot and we’d love for you to use it and it’s such a huge milestone because we’ve been working on it for some time. I think those are some areas that I’m pretty proud of bringing innovation in.
Mike G.: I would say so. Vin I started to call yesterday, no joke, by telling people I worked on the Salesforce platform since you would open up page builder and you would click on the field that you wanted and then click on the area of the page layout that you wanted it and you had to do the fields in order because it would stack down the page. So dynamic forms sounds great. If somebody’s just hearing this for the first time, tell us about this thing that’s about to come out.
Vin A.: Yeah. Again, I don’t know if you can tell, but it’s one of my most favorite features ever and I’m so excited about it because I think it’s a fundamental game changer. As you said, PLA is great, I absolutely love what PLA did. But in the world that we’re in Lightning, when we imagined Lightning, we imagined what would app building experience be like in this modern world where so much needs to be done so quickly? Even when I talk to developer communities as well, they want to be working on the really, really challenging problems and if they can empower their admins to get the job done, they’re definitely supportive of that. So what dynamic forms allows you to do is basically build pages and applications in ways that you’ve never been able to or that you may have to have relied on a developer or some really complicated technologies.
Vin A.: So for example, with dynamic forms within app builder, you’re going to get a new fields pallet and right next to the component that you have, you can maybe visualize this today when you go into edit a page on app builder, on the left side you have a list of your standard components and custom components. You’re going to get another tab, a fields tab with all the fields of the object that you’re building this page for. So what that allows you to do is within app builder, you’re able to just drag and drop these fields without having to jump to the page layout editor. So there’s something greater going on here, that’s really exciting. The even more awesome thing here is that app builder is no longer just a tool to just spray or rearrange components. It’s actually becoming a true app builder. You see?
Gillian B.: That is so cool.
Mike G.: Yeah. Yeah. I’m just envisioning the days of when I used to swim in page layouts. Like here’s the record type, here’s the 10 different page layouts I used to have to create, and then somebody would email you, “I can’t see this field.” Uh, which page layout was that on?
Vin A.: Exactly. And the great thing about the app builder is app builder already has a bunch of really cool features and one of my most favorite features is the ability to add rule set to change the visibility of components because dynamic forms is being built in app builder. That feature that already existed, we have to do a little bit of work, but it’s pretty much comes for free for fields and sections as well. So you are able to build these dynamic applications where you maybe had 10 … And I’ve talked to some customers in pilot and things like that where have almost 200 layouts. I just can’t imagine how you would manage those. Our hope is that … And then when I talked to them, a lot of those layouts have very, very minor differences based on profiles or permission sets and things like that.
Vin A.: I’m not going to say you’re going to get rid of all 200 pages to one page because it’s up to your specific configuration. But I can definitely say there’s a lot of cases where if you were just creating multiple sets of layout just because you had one or two couple of tiny differences, they can be taken care of by visibility rules now, what a huge savings in time right?
Gillian B.: Totally. And what I’m hearing too, which is really cool, is from an admin perspective. When you’re building these pages now, it’s going to be so much easier to get your users to use them and to interact, because now you get to only service the fields they need to care about at the certain point at which that record is at. And I hear all the time that probably one of the biggest barriers to getting your sales users to use Salesforce is they don’t want to have to click through or scroll down through all of the different fields and like, “Which ones do I need to use? Which ones do I not? I didn’t know that was required.” This makes that so much easier.
Vin A.: Yeah. And that’s really interesting you mentioned that because as a product manager, I have sort of guiding principles of what I philosophically want these products to be which obviously translates into features and user interface. Philosophically when I look at this product, I’m thinking of it from the perspective that we are building a page to increase efficiency and entering data and working with data is something that people do very, very often and we want that to be efficient. We want that to work really well, you see.
Mike G.: Oh and you have to think of admin time too. I mean Gillian, your point is so well taken. I can’t even begin to tell you how many users I had that was like, “Why do I have to keep scrolling past this all the time if it’s stuff I filled out?” But as an admin, to be able to efficiently build things means you’re building more in your organization. You’re not spending however long making 200 page layouts for one team. I mean if you only had to make 20, that’s 10 teams that you could go and build page layouts for or build an app for. And yes, I chose a number that’s easily rounded by 10 because math.
Gillian B.: Yay math.
Vin A.: When you take dynamic forms in conjunction with actions as well, you’re seeing what I was talking about, app builder slowly transform into a true app builder being … Right now actions, there again off in set up and things like that, and we’re going to be doing more to bring actions into app builder. Again, all this obviously is going to take some time, safe harbor, et cetera, et cetera. But we’re looking at how do we bring all of the functionality in the page layout editor into app builder and once we have that, innovate even further. So app builder becomes this one stop shop for building your pages. And I know how people love building in app builder because again, it’s just drag and drop.
Gillian B.: For someone like me who really was not an app builder pre my Salesforce experience and who never considered myself much of a developer or builder in that context, Lighting has been a game changer for me. And I tell you that app builder, it drives home what I’m trying to do and explain it to other people so much easier. I mean, it does 90% of the work that I would have had to do to explain that process without app builder. And I think between some of the things like object creator and app builder and process builder, these are incredible tools that really enable anyone who has the desire to learn how to build apps and to build them quickly and to build them fast and to get that payoff and get that impact. And just for me personally, just tootling around with some of my Trailhead projects and badges I’ve been doing, being able to so quickly build these things and then to build demos and tinker around, it makes me feel really proud of what I can do.
Gillian B.: And it also really, it drives home how powerful this platform can be. And it gets me all excited. And then I love how you went from like, “Oh, so I was working on actions and bringing those into app builder.” And now you took it-
Vin A.: Just a small little thing. Gillian, I was just working on a small little thing.
Gillian B.: And now, Oh let’s make you be able to do all the fields that you want to do too, the same way. I mean, Vin, you’re kind of awesome. The community is going to go crazy about what you’re doing.
Vin A.: Well I appreciate them. Those are some very kind words. But I’m definitely inspired by some of the conversations that I have with our customers and when I see that there’s something that we can solve, obviously not that easily, but if there’s something that I can solve to make people’s lives easier and more efficient, I want to be there. And that’s what really motivates me. And the other thing is you were talking about that really kind of excites you about app builder. You were talking about how quickly you can build pages.
Vin A.: Coming from both a developer background and an admin background, the great thing with the app builder is that yeah, we have all these tools that make building pages for the admins easy. But sometimes you may have to live and rely on your developer. And I do think about how do these two groups work seamlessly together. And you can see that today for example, a developer may have built some components which have some properties that admin can set. So it’s a way for these two to work together. And I think that’s a unique relationship that should be cultivated. And I think it’s what makes our platform and working on our platform so unique is that both of these are first class citizens and they can work together to sometimes solve a problem greater than they could have solved separately. That really is to me awesome.
Mike G.: And a lot faster too.
Vin A.: A lot faster.
Mike G.: You can really have your developer on integrations or really hard stuff and you can have admin knocking out a whole bunch of other things too. And they both come to the table. They both equally prepared and now the organization benefits. It’s not relied on one single person. Then I’m going to put out there that the next thing you work on, which by the way good luck with that because it has to have dynamic in the name because you’ve done dynamic actions, dynamic forms. I mean you could be really married to the name Vin Addala, but Dynamic Addala could be a fun name. You could legally change name. Vin Dynamic might be kind of fun. I mean it could-
Gillian B.: That sounds like a superhero.
Mike G.: It also sounds like a Netflix special.
Vin A.: You know, one of my first sort of mentors at one of my previous jobs I used to be an intern, she used to call me Vintern. So Vin Dynamic seems kind of …
Mike G.: I like Vin Dynamic. That’s what I would start signing all my emails with.
Gillian B.: I love it. You’ll be our new mascot for all things dynamic pages, dynamic actions. Basically you’ll be the Lightning app builder superhero icon. It would be great.
Vin A.: That’s great. The other thing, you speaking of app builder and sort of optimizing working within app builder, I don’t know how many people have heard of the in-app guidance in Lightning App Builder but-
Mike G.: All of them because they watched the admin keynote from Dreamforce last year.
Vin A.: There you go. So that’s another thing that is super exciting to me as well is not only … When we talk about building really efficient pages, there’s some tips that we give out in our help documentation and our Dreamforce talks and all these things. So we’re starting to put these tips right within app builder. And so for example, when we’d built dynamic forms, we started adding some tips into this enough guidance to say, “Hey, maybe you want to arrange these in this way for the best performance.” And things like that. So it’s some area that we’re going to be starting to invest more in. So again, if people have feedback on what kind of things they would love to see in there, I’d love to hear and start surfacing that too.
Gillian B.: You know, our community is not shy. You talked about the IdeaExchange. I also love that you started kind of your journey with all of this by going to the Lightning Now tours because I think a lot of us, especially internally at Salesforce, like Mike, myself also started a lot of our journey learning about Lightning, not only going to those tours but running them. So I don’t know who trusted us to do that, but …
Mike G.: [crosstalk] Yes, mm-hmm (affirmative).
Gillian B.: But I think I still remember so vividly those sessions and the questions that the customers ask, “Why can’t I put stages in my path?” And like, “How can I manipulate the Kanban board? How can I do this to calendar?” Because all these things were new and what’s fascinating is I think the Lightning Now tour was what, like four years ago, something like that? And now looking at how far those products have come and kind of how far our community has come as well, what customers have figured out how to optimize and use. No one’s asking anymore, “Can I put 20 stages on my path?” Because they’re like, “Oh right. Because that doesn’t make any sense.” So it’s really interesting because I think it’s also helped informed how people are building and what they’re building, like Mike said, instead of maybe having 200 different pages.
Gillian B.: Now you’re enabling people to think a little bit different about how they would build an app. Say, “Okay, instead of a different page for this specific person and this specific person, now I can have one.” How does that change my app strategy? How does that change maybe how I’m thinking about how these different groups work together and kind of run these processes because as we know, admins are really kind of that crux between Salesforce and the business. And how can they take those business processes or the business problems and use Salesforce to solve them? And I think this opens up a lot of new opportunities in that space for people to think about.
Vin A.: Yeah. And I have this motto that I think of which is, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” So that’s just kind of what you’re talking about now. And this is why I think … I was talking about how this is a big shift in how you build applications. Some of the habits that maybe people have fallen into and when something becomes a habit, you might just get used to the inefficiency so it feels normal to have all these clicks. But I think it’s time to, when these features start coming out, sort of reevaluate those habits and say, “Is there a better way of doing this? Is there sort of a more efficient way of doing this? Does having that many layouts make any sense or that many fields on a page when it affects efficiency?”
Vin A.: So I think we’re now providing tools to make these applications and pages even that much more polished and that much … Our applications that you build on platform, again the great thing is though they’re often built using drag and drop, they’re solving some real big impactful business cases. Just because it’s drag and drop doesn’t mean we’ve hidden all the power away from people. We’ve hidden the complexity. So you can build applications much simpler, but we haven’t hidden away the power. The power is all there and that’s what’s amazing about it.
Mike G.: And that’s really the cool part for me. It’s one thing to build something. It’s another thing to build something and make it simple. You look at, you go back in time, how many different digital music players weren’t there before the iPod and then the iPod was literally just plug it into your computer and iTunes figures everything out.
Gillian B.: I mean, I had a mini disc player. I don’t know about you.
Mike G.: Did you? A SanDisk?
Gillian B.: Yeah.
Mike G.: I had one of those Palms with the little metal pens that never worked and you basically just plucked away at an LCD screen until something happened and it made a noise.
Vin A.: Yeah. That’s actually the super fun thing about my job is that we have all these complex systems and how do we simplify it in a way to make it accessible without losing that complexity? How do we make it intuitive, such that when you go into app builder you’re able to do all these seemingly complex things in just a couple of steps. And that is really cool innovation right there. You know what I’m saying? And that gets me excited.
Gillian B.: Well it’s like the ultimate goal of any great user experience is that it’s powerful, it’s simple and I think not only from your point of designing the platform tools, but I think admins’ as well now can kind of really take that on as we’ve talked forever about the principle, when you’re talking about security, like the principle of least privilege. You only add on layers to things that you want to give people specific permissions to. I feel like now we can translate to how you design pages and apps, like the principle of least complexity. What is the bare minimum that everybody needs? And then you add some special visibility to add people to these fields, that kind of thing. I think this is going to be really fun to see what people are going to do with it.
Vin A.: Yeah. And sometimes people ask me, “Hey, how can I approach building my pages such that they’re meeting the needs of my end users?” And things like that. And some of the principles that I use are principles that everybody can use as well. First, it starts with really understanding the customer, understanding the need, understanding what business where a problem we’re trying to solve and then working through all the different sets of use cases and then having a user interface that’s designed and tested.
Vin A.: Obviously, everybody can’t go through every one of these stages as much as we do based on the resources we have, but these are some. And then obviously rolling it out and testing it, getting feedback. And this to me is the most important thing, is rolling it out, getting feedback and iterating. And through simple techniques like surveys or just tapping somebody on the shoulder for a quick demo test with you, “Hey, I’ve got a built this. Can you click through?” How would you achieve this that you were setting out to achieve and watching them. So this iterative process is not only important for me as I build these applications, but it’s also important for everyone when they’re building applications and pages as well. Same process.
Mike G.: Vin I need to introduce into your Talk Track the idea of Salesforce Administration By Walking Around.
Vin A.: Oh, is it? Okay. Tell me about it.
Gillian B.: SABWA.
Mike G.: Affectionately known as SABWA.
Vin A.: Nice. Nice.
Mike G.: It served me well.
Gillian B.: And I like to an emotion with it, SABWA.
Mike G.: Right, SABWA yes. Have coffee or tea with your users, just find time. Hang out with them, Zoom seems to be popular. See how they interact with the tech. I love doing it as an admin, back in my days and managing 20 page layouts or so.
Vin A.: Did you have to bribe them with any swag or were your applications good enough that they were willing to test it?
Mike G.: Well, my users were never short on giving me feedback and I always bribed them by offering non-office coffee because usually the office coffee was pretty rough. So I said, “Hey, I’ll get Starbucks if you sit down with me.” That was what.
Gillian B.: Mike, king of the food and drink bribes. It’s good.
Mike G.: Coffee in the morning people, it works out pretty well. Just saying, especially for the ones that don’t want to talk to you. I think we could probably talk all day about this and I know we could. And I’m thinking one of the outputs of this podcast is somebody in the community has to create a Vin Dynamic chatter group, much like they had. Because the amount of empowerment that you’ve given to admins with dynamic forms is just amazing but I want to have fun as we kind of wrap up. And talk about the plethora, that’s what I’m going to call it, the plethora of games that you have behind you, which I know if you’re listening to the podcast, you can’t see. Vin has nothing short of an entire hobby store behind some of those games. And I am quite jealous because I think old school board games are super fun and they’re really hard to cheat. But Vin, please introduce us to some of your games.
Vin A.: Yeah, it’s very hard to miss these racks of board games. I think there’s about probably 250 board games in there.
Mike G.: Wow. We should have done over-under on board games, I totally would’ve lost.
Gillian B.: I would’ve lost too though.
Vin A.: Oh, we should get a camera B-roll of the entire shelves of board games.
Mike G.: Yeah, how many board games?
Vin A.: So there’s about 250 of them and they range all the way from … I got into this hobby as a way of spending quality time with my family and my son and things like that. He’s seven years old and I want to have things to do with him other than other things. So this is how I started, got into the hobby to spend time. So I’ve got games that are meant for two players specifically all the way down up to games where you’re running an entire train company and industry that takes five or six hours to play. So yeah, it ranges from the gamut. So I’m like a true nerd, I would say. I love what I do here at Salesforce, but outside of Salesforce, my brain is still calculating mathematics and crunching numbers in the form of these games out here.
Vin A.: And it makes for a colorful display and sometimes I’ll just, especially in this quarantine, it’s been amazing. I’ve been recommending board games to so many people because, how long can you sit in front of Netflix? We all, as human beings, want to interact with people and crave that attention. And I think these are some of the best ways to play and you don’t have to have competitive games. There’s even co-op games where you work together to solve a problem as well. So if somebody wants any input on what board games they want, just hit me up on Twitter. Tell me what you’re looking for and I can send you a list of recommendations
Gillian B.: Vin, Is there one specific board game you recommend for someone who’s maybe not mathematically inclined but loves to play games and has a partner who is maybe medium of his interest of wanting to play games with me. I got him to play Yahtzee for like an hour the other night. I felt really accomplished.
Vin A.: One of the best games for two players, especially for non-gamers, which is often what I recommend because those are the kinds of people that usually sort of look at this and are like, “Oh my God, what is that?” And I’ve gotten many people into this hobby as a result of this rack right behind me. But I would say Patchwork is a great one. So in patchwork, what you’re doing, Tetris, everybody’s very familiar with Tetris and placing blocks in really nice looking patterns. So in Patchwork, you basically have a grid where you’re placing these tiles and these tiles are beautiful fabric pieces and you can sit there and build this basically quilt, which is what Patchwork is. And at the end you basically score points, but you know what, forget about points. It’s just that the patch and the quilt looks so beautiful at the end and it’s super simple to play, super easy to explain, about 20, 30 minutes. And you can often play it two times in a row. So Patchwork, my number one recommendation in your situation.
Gillian B.: I am going to get that because I also, my favorite video game, I know this makes me really lame in some people’s eyes was Tetris.
Vin A.: There you go.
Gillian B.: And salt.
Mike G.: I love Tetris.
Vin A.: It’s as if I read your mind, right?
Gillian B.: It is.
Mike G.: So Vin, has any of the stuff that you’ve done in a board game influenced what you’ve put into a product?
Vin A.: You know, that’s an awesome, awesome, awesome question because one of the reasons-
Mike G.: Couldn’t wait until that one.
Vin A.: Yeah, that’s such a good question because one of the reasons why I’m so passionate about board games and why I have so many of them, because to me, each one of these is a product that I can pull out and analyze. Each one has artwork. Each one has a set of features. Each one has an instruction booklet. Each one has a certain flow and a goal that it’s trying to achieve and each does it just slightly differently. So yeah, I think the reason I love this thing so much is because at a very meta level, it’s very akin to what I do as a product manager where I’m working on not only the design and the feature and the rollout and the explanation and the marketing, all of it.
Vin A.: So when I look at this, some of the best things I look for is creative inspiration. Like how are some of these board games taking some very complex problems? And boiling down them into steps to achieve what you need to achieve in the game and that methodical way of thinking is sort of what I put back and reflect. And so it’s very much like an osmosis thing. Great question Mike.
Mike G.: I just happened to think of it. Beautiful set of board games back there and the art, I have to believe that somebody has to collect that art.
Vin A.: Yeah, for sure. For sure. For sure.
Mike G.: Well I want to thank you, Vin, for being on the podcast and of course if you want to learn more about these new features coming in summer ’20, be sure to join us for #BeAnInnovator. With dynamic pages, you’ll learn how to use dynamic forms and actions to build smart dynamic experiences your users will love in our six part video series. So we’ll take you step by step on an adventure, just like Vin’s board games to reimagine your Lightning pages. So to do that, go to sforce.co/BeAnInnovator. Don’t worry, the link will be in the show notes for details on how to get started. Also, if you’re listening to this before May 7, the #LowCodeLove virtual event is happening on Thursday, May 7. You can join Sarah Franklin, Brett Taylor, Parker Harris, Vin who is featured on this podcast and so many more special guests as we talk about low-code app development on Salesforce Live. And you get to hear amazing customer stories along the latest product news. Gillian, I think you’re hosting that, so it’s going to be awesome.
Gillian B.: I am. We’re going to have some fun. So if this is before May 7th, make sure you mark your calendars and join us because you’re not to want to miss this very unique first of its kind, really fun virtual event experience
Mike G.: And if you want to learn more about all things Salesforce admin, go to admin.salesforce.com to find more resources and a reminder, if you love what you hear, be sure to pop on over to iTunes. Give us a review. I promise I read them all and you can stay up-to-date with us on all things social for Salesforce admins. We are @SalesforceAdmns on Twitter, no I. You can find me. I am @MikeGerholdt and you can find Gillian at @gilliankbruce. So with that, stay tuned for the next episode and we’ll see you in the cloud.