Into a Consultant’s Mindset With Jene Fuller


On this episode of the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Jene Fuller, Salesforce Consultant for UPS. This is the next in a series of episodes recorded live from the Salesforce Worldtour in New York City. We learn how her developer and business analyst background have combined to make her into the awesome admin she is today.

Join us as we talk about how having a business analyst mindset, and the soft skills to figure what the real problem is, helps you build the right solution to help fix it.

You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Jene Fuller.

How to have a BA mindset.

Jene brings her developer and business analyst (BA) background to everything that she does. “I’m all into requirements,” she says, “trying to figure out what is the big picture and how do we get there without all the over-architected processes and terms that nobody understands.” She brings her BA mindset to everything that she does, always starting out with the key questions: who are my users? What do they do? How do they do it? What are their obstacles?

Being able to take a step back is a crucial skill to have in order to be successful at understanding the task at hand. As Salesforce admin, being able to put on the BA hat to understand the whys behind what you’re trying to do makes a big difference, not just for your career but the people you’re helping as well. “I try to get who the people are and what are their exact needs,” Jene says, “and then build the solution around it.”

From faxes to Salesforce.

When Jene first encountered Salesforce, she was basically thrown in head-first. She was brought into the department through a connection, so she was the lowest person on the totem pole, so to speak. “I said to myself, ‘Let me do the thing that nobody wants to do—let me do all the user stuff.’” But as she started working on it, she realized that her BA experience gave her a unique perspective on things.

What Jene also realized as she was taking stock of the situation was that there were other departments in the company still doing key business processes on paper and through fax—in 2014. Things like getting signatures for SOW approvals required getting the right piece of paper to right person, which caused a lot of holdups. Jene started going to key stakeholders offering to digitize the process. “If you’re interested, I can teach you how to do it,” she would say, “if you’re not interested, I can do it for you.” She ended up integrated that electronic signature tool into Salesforce—eliminating the need for the fax machine and starting her Salesforce career.

When it comes to getting rid of those pesky spreadsheets and making things better for everyone, Jene has some important advice. “We need champions, people that see the vision and can market it on our behalf,” she says. That means getting someone to understand just how much time you can save them so they can really go to the mat for you.

The magic that is the Lightning Record Page.

Jene is a huge fan of the Lightning Record Page. It lets you tell whether your user is looking at the page on desktop or mobile, and lets you customize it accordingly. Someone checking something quickly on their phone is going to have far different needs than a person sitting down in front of their multi-monitor setup to get to work, and Form Factor helps you help them.

Getting a handle on what someone’s mindset can only come from spending time with your users and seeing how they go about their day. Jene calls this a “ride along,” but longtime listeners of the show already know what we call it. SABWA: Salesforce Administration By Walking Around. Spend the fifteen minutes a day checking in on your users—you’ll never know what’ll come up.




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Full Show Transcript

Mike Gerholdt: Welcome to the Salesforce Admins Podcast where we talk about product, community, and career to help you become a more awesome admin. We’re on week two of being live here at the New York City World Tour. It’s been an amazing stop. A little chilly, but that’s okay. Last week, we talked with Marciana, and she talked a lot about process. This week I am here talking with Janae Fuller. Janae, welcome to the podcast.

Janae Fuller: Hi, Mike. Thank you for having me.

Mike Gerholdt: You have a lovely red blazer on that nobody will get to see. Ironically, it’s not your favorite color.

Janae Fuller: No, it’s not my favorite color but it’s a cousin of my favorite color.

Mike Gerholdt: It’s in the family.

Janae Fuller: It’s in the family.

Mike Gerholdt: Okay. So Janae, you’re a Salesforce admin.

Janae Fuller: Yes.

Mike Gerholdt: Tell the world a little bit about who Janae Fuller is.

Janae Fuller: Well, thank you Mike. So, I am an admin. I have a developer background experience, so I always approach things very in a detailed way. I also have BA skills.

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, I like BAs.

Janae Fuller: So, I ask those questions and I’m all into requirement and trying to figure out, what is the big picture and how do we get there without all the over-architected processes and stuff?

Mike Gerholdt: The terms that nobody understands.

Janae Fuller: Exactly. Why can’t it be English?

Mike Gerholdt: So, were you a BA before you were a Salesforce admin?

Janae Fuller: Oh, well thank you for asking. So actually, as a developer I’ve always had that BA mindset. Not just, “Hand me your requirements,” but ask, “Why does this make sense,” and, “How does this affect the person entering the data?” So, I kind of was but I didn’t know it, so I kind of had those BA skills throughout my entire career.

Mike Gerholdt: Okay. Tell me about this BA mindset. For the uninitiated, give me a BA mindset. We can take cooking dinner.

Janae Fuller: Okay, all right great.

Mike Gerholdt: How does a BA approach cooking dinner?

Janae Fuller: All right. So, where are my ingredients?

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, boy.

Janae Fuller: Who is my audience? Am I cooking for my vegetarians, am I cooking for my pescatarians? Who’s at my table?

Mike Gerholdt: Got you.

Janae Fuller: Are there any allergies? Do they like spice, and if there are any of those sensitivities, I start to look at sides so that there’s something for everyone. So, that’s how you factor that in, it’s a pepper. So then with that in mind, with your audience, the stakeholders, because you want that meal to be memorable. You’ve taken all those aspects and then as you’re cooking, you’re keeping those things in mind. Then you get this wonderful meal, and just make a little something for everyone.

Mike Gerholdt: Wow, okay. Well, that’s it for today. Cooking with Janae Fuller.

Janae Fuller: Yes, I do cooking too.

Mike Gerholdt: Thanks for listening. You should do a cooking show.

Janae Fuller: Thank you.

Mike Gerholdt: No, but that was a good explanation because I feel often I talk with Salesforce admins, and they’re kind of, “Oh, well this is a thing I have to do.” To hear the BA standpoint of it is, “Well, let’s take a step back and let’s think about this for a second. Who are we approaching, and what are we trying to accomplish?” As opposed to, and this is my favorite euphemism, “Let’s just add 10 check boxes to the opportunity page,” right?

Janae Fuller: Well you know what Mike? I used to be that person. How many check boxes? They have to be check boxes, they can’t be option boxes, they can’t be radio buttons, but then I realized I did not have a business mindset. I was totally disconnected from my users because I didn’t know what they wanted. I didn’t know who they were. What were their obstacles? That’s how you wind up becoming a dinosaur.

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, boy.

Janae Fuller: Because if you can only do one thing and you can’t think differently, you wind up getting dated and eventually phased out of things. So, I did have that ideology at one point, but then I learned from it. So any task it’s like, hold on. Let’s take a step back. The best people will appreciate that, and the worst people won’t because they’re like, “It’s already overdue.” I’m like, “Well, then you’re coming to me too late. I can’t really help you best because you’re coming to me at the tail end of something. Unless I know how the parts plug into the whole, I’m really not the best person to help you because this is just how I think.”

Mike Gerholdt: Right.

Janae Fuller: That’s just being upfront.

Mike Gerholdt: Right. Curious, I immediately think of T. rex when you say dinosaur. I’d be curious what other people think of. I don’t know why that comes to mind. Little arms, right? You’re immediately dated. “Ah, I’ve got these little arms. I can’t send a fax.”

Janae Fuller: “I’ve got these big teeth and I’m fast.”

Mike Gerholdt: Right, exactly. I know. So, it’s interesting. Before we started pressing record, we were chatting. I think this is the third time this week that fax machines have come up in conversation. All of us asking, “So, do they still exist?” I think that’s what you said, but let’s talk about going from a fax machine at an organization you used to work at, to Salesforce.

Janae Fuller: Okay, great. So.

Mike Gerholdt: So, it was a dark and stormy night.

Janae Fuller: Yes. Clouds.

Mike Gerholdt: I had to cook a meal.

Janae Fuller: I had all kinds of people at the table.

Mike Gerholdt: Exactly.

Janae Fuller: And none of them spoke English.

Mike Gerholdt: Right. Oh my gosh.

Janae Fuller: No, I’m joking, but about the fax and the world when there was such a thing.

Mike Gerholdt: Which I think some people still use, no offense to the people that still use fax machines.

Janae Fuller: Well, sure. Nothing wrong with it.

Mike Gerholdt: Sure.

Janae Fuller: They just haven’t used their cell phone much. It’s all right. It’s okay. We’ve got room for everyone.

Mike Gerholdt: Right.

Janae Fuller: So, that was when I first broke into Salesforce. I started my Salesforce journey back in 2014, and remember, I was telling you I had the dev background.

Mike Gerholdt: Yeah.

Janae Fuller: I worked with a lot of other platforms. So, I had this awesome manager and he moved into a team that had Salesforce, and he remembered me. He was like, “Janae, I want you to join my team.” So I was like, “Okay. I’ve heard of Salesforce. I have no idea what it is.” So he’s like, “Okay. Here you go, here’s the keys.” I’m like, “Oh no. What do I do?” So, I was on a team. They had other people, and so everyone had their allocated spaces of, “I do this, I do that.” Then I’m like, “Well, wow. I’m the new guy. The low man on the totem pole, or woman. The low person on the totem pole. How do I fit in here?” So I’m like, “Okay. Let me do the thing that nobody wants to do. Let me do all the user stuff,” but as I was learning I’m like, “Wait. I’m really understanding this user stuff,” because you really do need an account. There’s certain attributes you need to have that kind of help you to navigate. Right?

Mike Gerholdt: Right.

Janae Fuller: Like log in. So, I got really good at that, but I didn’t want to be a one trick pony, so then I started doing other things with the user experience. Again, trying to find a way to live without bumping into anybody else, but trying to get a space that no one else was using. So, there was an app that was integrated in our Salesforce instance. It already had a life, it already had its personality, but I realized that there were other departments within our company that were doing paper based things.

Mike Gerholdt: Oh my.

Janae Fuller: So, yes.

Mike Gerholdt: In 2014?

Janae Fuller: 2014, yeah. Yeah, so they were still-

Mike Gerholdt: That’s why we don’t have jet cars, people.

Janae Fuller: Eventually maybe.

Mike Gerholdt: Right.

Janae Fuller: Or maybe they’ll just be hovercrafts.

Mike Gerholdt: Sure, I’ll take that. It’s a first step.

Janae Fuller: Exactly. Baby steps. So, departments. Think about SOWs. You get requirements, you know, okay, we want to hire contractor X and it’s going to cost this many millions, and we need approvals because it’s in the high budget need. The decision makers are usually on planes somewhere.

Mike Gerholdt: Always.

Janae Fuller: I’m in New York. How do I get this person who’s just flew to Tokyo to sign this thing? All right, well I guess we’re going to have to sit on this contract for three weeks, and now we have to backdate everything because we had no signatures. So then I’m like, “Wait, hold on. I know we have an app that kind of does this. Maybe I can get in touch with people who have these needs and talk to them about it.” So, that’s what I did. I was like, “Hi, listen. You guys are doing SOWs and I know that obtaining signatures are a hard thing to do because people are everywhere. Can we just maybe take a few minutes and talk about what it is that you want signed, and issues like date, name, signature, amount, things like that?” I’m like, “Okay. Well, with this tool, we could just tag these things so that we can take these fields and make them readable and electronic. It’s a really simple thing to do. If you’re interested, I could teach you how to do it. If you’re not interested, I can do it for you.”

Janae Fuller: So, the relationship began. I worked with one person, and then it started working, and they were showing people like, “Look. Hey, look. We can get these and we can send this through email now. We don’t have to go and touch people, and wait for them to sign it, and get the black ink pen versus the red ink. Then fax.” Yeah, I said it again. “Fax it to so and so, let them approve it. Oh wait, we have a new edit. Now we have to go through this process again.” We don’t have to do that anymore. We can use electronic signature, and then eventually I started working with that tool with our Salesforce integration and extending that. So, that was the way I got into my groove within the Salesforce team, because again, we already had people doing other things. I used just simple soft skills. Tell me what it is that you do? Why does it hurt, and how can I help? Then just used the tech to fill those gaps.

Mike Gerholdt: So I feel like, and you said something in there I want to come back to, but you touched on yes, fax and here’s the thing we have to do, and some people still use it, but I think we’re at World Tour, there’s a lot of presentations that show you, “Here’s how you do the config changes.” The config changes are easy. What I hear in your story is yes, config changes are easy, and let me talk about all of the other things that come with that.

Janae Fuller: Right, right.

Mike Gerholdt: Right? So in your roles that you’ve had as an admin at various companies, what’s your mindset approach to that? Because, I believe you had a story of paper everywhere, right?

Janae Fuller: Yes.

Mike Gerholdt: I would love to know, because I feel like part B or part C of that is you come to a World Tour, you see how easy it is to do this, you watch an admin webinar, you see how easy it is to do that. What I hear from you is you’re really good at knocking on doors and saying, “I’ve found these five faxes, and you all are crazy. We can do this in Salesforce.” What does that look like for you?

Janae Fuller: Okay, very good question, Mike. So first, well, what I have used, I don’t want to say you have to, but what’s worked best for me is being concerned with that person that has to do this dirty thing all the time, because they have a personality. They want to do what they can in eight hours, but this stuff is really mundane and it could be done so much better with three minutes as opposed to a whole working day. So, I try to get to know who the people are, and what are their exact needs? Then build a solution around it, but that takes conversation, asking questions. “Who is this person? All right, I see you have this request, but is there anybody who does this? Can I sit with them to see how they use it?” Because most of the time when requirements come, people have an idea, but is that all? Is there more?

Janae Fuller: Because the last thing you want to do is take the time to build something and miss an entire aspect that may lead to a rewrite, because that’s painful, and it’s a waste. So, I try to work from the ground and then the other way. From the ground up, so to speak. I try to connect with people because at the end of the day, you can build this wonderful thing but if no one is going to use it, it was for nothing. So then you find out who the people are and keep them in mind with you, and use them with the acceptance testings, now all of a sudden you have adoption. So, that’s how it goes. I’m at this place now, as we all are. I’m at a company and we’re doing processes that are extremely painful, and they’re very mundane, and I almost hate to say it but we’re using, wait for it, spreadsheets.

Mike Gerholdt: Ah, well you know, people love them.

Janae Fuller: They love them because they’re so easy to use.

Mike Gerholdt: Because it’s an immediate output. That’s what I think of. When people build a spreadsheet, they almost build the report that they want to be honest with you. That’s-

Janae Fuller: They’re building databases, Mike.

Mike Gerholdt: Yeah, well. They’re clunky, but they are, yeah.

Janae Fuller: Then there’s sheets that should be attached to other sheets, and so now all of a sudden we can’t live without this, but we never should have had it. My thing is, is that these have been in use. People like it. They know where to go. Other people know where to go. There’s no really sharing access, you could just check out the file, make your updates, check it back in and now everybody sees it. It’s instant.

Mike Gerholdt: I did my job, check.

Janae Fuller: Exactly, check. Onto the rest of my life.

Mike Gerholdt: Yep, yep.

Janae Fuller: Right? The thing is, is that that data is critical data, and it only lives within the spreadsheet. How can other people see it? How do they know it exists? Then what if someone forgets to do something and now weeks later or down the road, you found out but everyone is caught off guard? So really, that’s a great candidate for a Salesforce app, but people don’t know Salesforce. Some do, some don’t. So my job now, they don’t really know it yet, what I’m doing is laying the groundwork for this to be a Salesforce application. It’s a key candidate.

Mike Gerholdt: Got you.

Janae Fuller: The reason why is because it’ll be accessible, we can report on the data, we can share it, we can have email alerts, and all kinds of metrics that don’t exist within spreadsheets.

Mike Gerholdt: So, you can stitch together what that looks like from the customer’s perspective.

Janae Fuller: Correct.

Mike Gerholdt: Because really what you’re doing is, and I love this idea, is looking at the paper. Looking at the spreadsheets. Going around and saying, “So maybe from the customer perspective, they think we have everything but there’s no one way for me to look and see what happens here.”

Janae Fuller: Yes.

Mike Gerholdt: Right?

Janae Fuller: Yes.

Mike Gerholdt: To the spreadsheet thing, what if somebody forgets to check it out that day?

Janae Fuller: That’s right, or they don’t check it in.

Mike Gerholdt: Right.

Janae Fuller: So now they’ve got all these great changes, but no one could see it but them, but we have to keep going. So then we override, and now we have a version issue. That doesn’t happen in Salesforce. You know?

Mike Gerholdt: Right. I know some people struggle with the word expert. I think the perspective you brought up earlier of, “I sit down with a person because there’s somebody that has to deal with this process that’s the expert,” that can help you become the expert in that. What’s your take, or what’s your approach look like after you do that on the ground information gathering, and you’re stitching it together to roll it up to executives? Because I really want to elevate admins to say, “Look. I put all this together, and here’s my vision.” What’s advice Janae has for presenting that admin vision to executives? What are some good things you’ve done.

Janae Fuller: That’s a wonderful question, Mike. So, oftentimes admins don’t really have that kind of access. So, we need partners, champions, people that see the vision and they can market it on our behalf.

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, I like that.

Janae Fuller: Yes. Like friends, right?

Mike Gerholdt: Yes.

Janae Fuller: Manager, next level manager, but when you have the buy in, and this is why you take people with you. So, as I’m looking at all these processes that exist in spreadsheets and trying to figure out, do I have a complete picture or is some of it still missing? Because you never want to say, “Okay, well we’re ready to take this now on the road,” but then it’s like, “Well, you forgot this other piece.” It’ll never work. Back to the drawing board. So, before getting to that, “We’re going to market this,” thing, this vision, we want to make sure that we have all the pieces.

Janae Fuller: It gets a little tricky because you don’t want it to be so big that it has to have everything, but it needs to have the right pieces before we can start to roll it up and to market it. Definitely keeping management involved, or at least one manager that sees the pain of having to fill out these spreadsheets, knowing that it’s a better way to do it, and it’ll save time. “Wait, hold on. I have my one resource that spends six out of eight hours doing this thing? Now it’ll take a half an hour? Tell me more.” So, one of the things is what’s the return on investment? What’s the so what factor? Why do I care about this? Because, that’s how management looks at it. How much does it cost, how much time is it going to save, and how are people going to use this? That’s something to keep in mind when making these assessments and wanting to market it to others.

Mike Gerholdt: Yeah, because it’s one thing to have somebody tell you, “Well, it only takes me a minute or two to check out that, make that update.” Right, but if you do that five times a day and you do that five days a week, so I’m doing quick math, 25 minutes.

Janae Fuller: Exactly, per person.

Mike Gerholdt: Yeah. Then you start compounding that. Now all of a sudden you’re like, “We’re actually paying for an entire other human at this point that I could save you.” It just is a record update that Process Builder sends an alert.

Janae Fuller: That’s right.

Mike Gerholdt: Right?

Janae Fuller: Right.

Mike Gerholdt: I like that. Okay, it’s very good. I love the idea of really marketing your idea around too, because when you’re pushing big change, you’ve got to have the air force behind you.

Janae Fuller: Yes, for sure.

Mike Gerholdt: Pushing that around. We were talking about things you enjoy, features you’re exited about. You said Lightning record pages.

Janae Fuller: Yes, yes, yes. The capabilities of the Lightning record page. So, I was blazing some trails.

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, yeah.

Janae Fuller: Yes, and I came across the Lightning record page. The reason why I really got into it is because of the form factor. Because of this feature, you can tell how your user is accessing your page. Whether they’re on their desk or if they’re on a mobile, and you can make differences so that the desktop could have a separate experience from the mobile. So now think about this. Most of us use three inch, five inch phones, right?

Mike Gerholdt: Phones, mm-hmm (affirmative).

Janae Fuller: We’re not using that size computer. We have 24 inches and up.

Mike Gerholdt: Massive.

Janae Fuller: Massive.

Mike Gerholdt: The monitors anymore, it’s the size of this wall now. Really?

Janae Fuller: It’s so true.

Mike Gerholdt: You’re reading Facebook on a monitor that’s bigger than your television that you had as a kid. I digress.

Janae Fuller: Yes, and of course we have the side by sides, right?

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, yeah.

Janae Fuller: So, it’s even more [crosstalk 00:19:53].

Mike Gerholdt: Who has one monitor? Come on now, seriously.

Janae Fuller: No, no. That’s so 2015.

Mike Gerholdt: Right?

Janae Fuller: So, we have these mega monitors. We could churn out a bunch of things, right?

Mike Gerholdt: Sure, yeah.

Janae Fuller: You don’t have that experience on the mobile. So, the fact that we can use the form factor and now customize even more what we want to put. [inaudible 00:20:18] all the immediate data, just a few fields, then if we need more then maybe we can have a separate tab that has the rest of it. Or, maybe they could just do more when they get back into home office.

Mike Gerholdt: Sure, yeah.

Janae Fuller: The fact is, is because we have form factor now on the Lightning record pages, we can do that.

Mike Gerholdt: I like that. I like where you’re thinking because you’re not only thinking back to the first question of, “Give me the BA mindset,” you’re thinking, “So, if somebody is walking out of a meeting or in a rideshare and they need to do something quick, they’re probably going to do it on their phone. We don’t have to surface the 300 fields on the phone. What are the two or five that you’re going to get while you’re sitting down with the user?” Which, I’m a big fan of. You might have heard of it, it’s called SABWA. Salesforce administration by walking around.

Janae Fuller: Oh, okay.

Mike Gerholdt: Sitting down with the user and just seeing what kind of world they live in. You know?

Janae Fuller: Yes. I call those ride alongs.

Mike Gerholdt: Ride along, yes. Do a ride along. It’s very different going into a call center and seeing your page layout on the screen when they use a chrome theme that’s My Little Pony, and their desk is super busy and crazy, as opposed to when you’re in your very zen space and you’re creating that page layout. You had this perfect music and the door was shut, and it was kind of quiet. You’re like, “Wow. I need to rethink this page layout based on the environment or the ride along that they’re in.”

Janae Fuller: Exactly, yes. I like that too, the fact that you mentioned even a ride along, or how did you-

Mike Gerholdt: SABWA. Salesforce administration by walking around.

Janae Fuller: Wow.

Mike Gerholdt: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Janae Fuller: That’s cool.

Mike Gerholdt: Yeah, 15 minutes a day. I love doing it.

Janae Fuller: Wow.

Mike Gerholdt: Yeah, it’s super fun.

Janae Fuller: See, the point is, is taking the user with you. Keeping them in mind so that we give them just what they need the way they’re using it. Because we have the Salesforce features, it’s customizable.

Mike Gerholdt: So, we’ll wrap things up. It’s 2020, so happy New Year. Saw the ball drop and all that stuff, got to bring it up because you’re in New York. Two questions. One, do you have a Salesforce New Years resolution for yourself?

Janae Fuller: Well, I don’t like to say resolutions because that’s the whole start stop thing.

Mike Gerholdt: I know, it’s a big thing.

Janae Fuller: Yeah, but I do have goals.

Mike Gerholdt: Okay.

Janae Fuller: So, I’m working on two more certifications in my line of sight, immediate ones. I’m almost at my ranger status, almost. So, I want to just hurry up and get there.

Mike Gerholdt: 100 badges.

Janae Fuller: Yes, and keep going. Thank you for the translation because it’s like, “What is that?”

Mike Gerholdt: I know, ranger. 100 badges, yeah.

Janae Fuller: Just to say that I’ve done it and then to keep going, because there’s just so much coming to Trailhead. Even with Dreamforce they mentioned Trailhead GO is coming.

Mike Gerholdt: Trailhead GO is out right now? We can do it.

Janae Fuller: You’re right, it’s out. Well, you know what? I’m on Android so to me, it’s still coming out.

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, yeah. I’m sorry. It’s all right.

Janae Fuller: Yeah well, you know.

Mike Gerholdt: We’ll talk to Reid Carlberg about that. So, that’s great resolutions, goals.

Janae Fuller: Thank you.

Mike Gerholdt: Let me pivot, and second question. For the admin community, what is your 2020 admin goal for the community?

Janae Fuller: Well, definitely keeping in touch with the community. Attending events with the New York City user group. They had a great pre-tour event last night.

Mike Gerholdt: It was. Every time I’ve come to World Tour, they always have a great user group.

Janae Fuller: They’re always hands down.

Mike Gerholdt: Always great. Packed, packed. Seriously.

Janae Fuller: Last night I think might have been the biggest. We had more than 100.

Mike Gerholdt: There was a lot of people.

Janae Fuller: There was a lot there last night.

Mike Gerholdt: A lot of people there.

Janae Fuller: A lot of new faces, and I’m happy to say I was able to moderate the event for them.

Mike Gerholdt: Yep. You did a very good job, very good job.

Janae Fuller: Thank you, Mike.

Mike Gerholdt: Yes.

Janae Fuller: We’re glad that you could join us.

Mike Gerholdt: It was great, yes.

Janae Fuller: Thank you, and we had four amazing panelists. I think it’s live streamed. Parts of that is on Twitter.

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, good. Good.

Janae Fuller: I want to do more with Women in Tech, catching their groups, and WEI has come on the horizon for Women Empowerment Institute. So, they’re actually affiliated with PepUp Tech.

Mike Gerholdt: Oh, cool.

Janae Fuller: Gina Avila.

Mike Gerholdt: All right.

Janae Fuller: So, definitely want to do more there, and just keep supporting the community.

Mike Gerholdt: Fabulous. Well Janae, thanks for being on the podcast. It was great talking to you.

Janae Fuller: Thank you Mike, so much.

Mike Gerholdt: I can’t wait to catch up this time next year, see how those goals went.

Janae Fuller: Thank you.

Mike Gerholdt: Maybe you’ll be double ranger by then.

Janae Fuller: I know, I hope so. Thanks so much Mike, it was a pleasure.

Mike Gerholdt: You bet, thank you.

Mike Gerholdt: It’s always great to connect with the New York community on the podcast, and I’m glad we got to sit down with Janae Fuller and talk about how the business analyst mindset and having soft skills to figure out what the problem is so that you can help yourself accomplish what your users are looking for. Of course, having that technology mindset to build that solution. As we’ve said many times on the podcast, and Janae brought it up, that when you hear the talk of spreadsheets come up, it’s really just an app begging to be made. So if your organization lives and breathes off spreadsheets, you have an open door to build a lot of really cool Salesforce apps. Of course, Janae is all about Lightning. So, she brought up the new form factor which allows you to view how your users would be accessing that page whether it’s mobile or desktop, and so you can create a custom record page for your users for either. I love that.

Mike Gerholdt: If this is your first time hearing about Lightning record pages, head on over to to stay up to date with current products and tools, and lots of other resources. Now, Janae told us about her New Years resolution, and I would like to know what your New Years resolution is. So, make sure you Tweet it out and use the hashtag AwesomeAdmin. Of course, soft skills was a big part of our discussion today, so be sure to join us next week when I chat with Laurie Dusko about Salesforce admins and how she grew her career. Now if you want to learn more about all things Salesforce admin, go to to find tons of resources. You can also stay up to date with us on social. We are @SalesforceAdmns, no I. You can find me on Twitter as well. I am @MikeGerholdt, and of course, I want to thank Janae again for being our guest on the podcast. You can find her on Twitter @SalesforceJanae. With that, I’m Mike Gerholdt. Thank you for listening to the Salesforce Admins Podcast. We’ll see you next time in the cloud.

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