Salesforce Admins Podcast Retro

November Monthly Retro with Mike and Laura Pelkey


For this episode of the Salesforce Admins Podcast, it’s the monthly retro. In this episode, we’re grabbing a second helping of great Salesforce product, community, and career content from November. We’re joined by Laura Pelkey, Sr. Manager, Security Customer Engagement at Salesforce.

You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation.

Podcast highlights from November

We’re just a few months out from the MFA requirement start date on Feb 1, 2022, and as things slow down around the holidays, Laura thinks it’s the perfect time to plan your MFA rollout. “I would venture that cooking a turkey is a lot harder than rolling out MFA for a lot of our customers,” she says. You can get more info about MFA in Laura’s podcast appearance with Ian Glaser last week. She also wanted to highlight Cheryl Feldman’s episode on permissions.

Blog highlights from November

Steadman put together a great post about how to ask for help when you go to the community, which is especially important now that we have the newly-revamped Trailblazer Community. You can avoid some confusion and get straight to fixing things. Laura wanted to highlight Katie Moran’s piece about approaching Salesforce with a beginner’s mindset, which took her back to her days starting out as a Salesforce Admin.

Video highlights from November

Laura points out a super helpful video from “How I Solved This” on how to create an app to help manage onboarding and onboarding their users. “Deactivating users is really important when you’re talking about security,” she says. I was a fan of J.’s video for “Did You Know” about updating records with a simple Flow. In my own words, “It’s like the first time you cook an easy meal and feel like a chef…maybe you only had to cut up some potatoes and a few scallions but hey, you cooked.”

The admin kitchen with Mike and Laura

Stay for the whole episode to hear Laura and I chat about our twists on holiday recipes, turducken, and our favorite and least favorite dishes.

Podcast swag


Full Transcript

Mike: Welcome to Salesforce Admins podcast in the November monthly retro for 2021. I’m your host, Mike Gerholdt. In this episode we’ll review the top product, community and career content for, holy cow, October that we really want you to catch up on. To help me do it, I’m joined this month by Laura Pelkey. Laura, welcome back to the podcast.

Laura: Hey, Mike, so great to be back here. It’s been a long time, I think maybe five or six days, since we chatted.

Mike: That’s a long time in COVID days.

Laura: It’s quite a long time.

Mike: It could be a year. It’s already 2023, I think.

Laura: What is time? I don’t even know

Mike: What is time?

Laura: Let’s not get into that. That’s a longer podcast.

Mike: It is. Well, actually this is the last retro that you can listen to and still confidently order swag from the podcast store so that it can be underneath your holiday tree. It’s a good gift giving thing. Who doesn’t want a podcast mug for that Christmas party gift? Just buy a couple dozen of them.

Laura: I’d like a few. I’d like several.

Mike: See? There you go. If you draw Laura in holiday party gift giving, you can easily buy a podcast mug. I’ll put the link to the Trailhead store. That being said, Laura, you’re back. Let’s talk about what’s top of mind for our monthly retro for this month.

Laura: Yeah, absolutely. I think, I’m not going to lie, this is usually my top of mind, the MFA requirement. What’s different about it is we are now just a few months out from the start date of the requirement, which is February 1st, 2022. Again, don’t know how it’s going to be 2022 soon, but-

Mike: Time.

Laura: Yeah, time. Maybe people are having a little bit more time on their hands right now, things might be a little bit slower with the holidays coming up. This would be a really good time for you as an admin to get started planning your MFA rollout. If I was an admin, I would be taking some time, maybe not over the holidays but just as things progress over the month, and start thinking about how to make this rollout really successful.

Mike: The good news is that cooking a turkey takes forever. You could get up, start cooking the turkey, make an MFA plan.

Laura: Since we’re on that subject, I would even venture that cooking a turkey is a lot harder than rolling out MFA for a lot of our customers.

Mike: We should have a Butterball MFA hotline.

Laura: Yeah, some cross promotion going on there.

Mike: Hi, thank you for calling Butterball.

Laura: Cooking tips and MFA tips.

Mike: Can we help authenticate your turkey?

Laura: Right.

Mike: There should be. Somebody should make a turkey authenticator.

Laura: I like that.

Mike: You know, from Silicon Valley there was hot dog. No, not hot dog. Turkey.

Laura: Who do we talk to about that?

Mike: I don’t know.

Laura: Let’s get Ian. Let’s get back with Ian and maybe float this idea.

Mike: Here’s here’s our million dollar idea. Let’s double down as Salesforce in 2022, make a turkey authenticator.

Laura: I like it.

Mike: It just spins. Great. Well, we solved that.

Laura: Yeah, problem solved.

Mike: No problem there. Let’s go through before everybody just turns the podcast off and give them some things that we enjoyed in the month of November for podcast highlights. Laura, you are the guest so, well, I’ll have you go first.

Laura: Oh, thank you. Well, this is a little bit self promotional but in terms of podcasts, I really enjoyed being on the pod last week with you and Ian Glazer, who is an SVP on our identity team. He’s amazing. For those of you who haven’t heard the podcast yet, we talked about the value of multifactor authentication and actually how MFA relates to security breaches that you might have seen in the news, and how it can help prevent you and your company from taking on risks related to that. I think that’s definitely number one. I know I’m supposed to pick one, but I picked two.

Mike: Well, you’re the guest. You can just do that.

Laura: Thank you. Thank you. I really also enjoyed Cheryl Feldman’s podcast called The Future of Permissions for Admins. Anyone that’s heard me talk on Trailhead Live or on the pod or in seeing one of my blog posts, I talk a lot about how profiles and permission sets can help control visibility and access within your org. That’s a big, big pillar of security when we talk about data security. I won’t spoil the content for you, but she breaks things down and also talks about some new features that will actually make it easier for admins to manage permissions.

Mike: Yeah, both were a really fun podcasts. I look over at Twitter and I continue to see people tweet about Cheryl’s podcast. That was-

Laura: That’s awesome.

Mike: -such a fun discussion. The discussion we had with Ian, I have to second that. I think one of the things … Laura, you and I have worked together since, I don’t know, the beginning. Since dirt was invented, it feels like.

Laura: Since the beginning of time.

Mike: The beginning of time, you were on the podcast when you were but a wee few days old at Salesforce.

Laura: Yep.

Mike: I think with this pod, we are actually talking about the implications of what happens if you just don’t do this? How does this affect the rest of the world? How does your actions in the rest of the world affect your company? Up until that point, I hadn’t paid attention to that. I have friends, it sounds crazy.

Laura: Good for you.

Mike: I have friends, Laura. I know people. I have friends that have used … It’s like, “Finish the rest of the sentence, Mike.” I have friends that have used their work email addresses for social networks and hey, who’s not trying to hack one of those? Then it’s like, oh, yeah. Then, by the way, they might have access to something else you got access with because you used your work email. That podcast really was like an alarm went off in my head when Ian was talking about that.

Laura: I loved the example you gave, I think it was your Instagram.

Mike: My Instagram has been hacked. At least once a month from somebody in Russia, they totally want …

Laura: Interesting.

Mike: They’re jealous of my 300 followers.

Laura: Very jealous. The same thing happened to my Twitter actually, after I started working at Salesforce, but I had 2FA on it, which is a subset of MFA for those of you who don’t know. Nothing bad happened, which is great. Definitely, people, tune into that podcast if you haven’t listened to it already. We go through some tips and some interesting things you might not know about MFA.

Mike: I didn’t get the question out there but since I have you now, some of the apps, like my bank, will text me a code when I log in. Is that the same as MFA or 2FA, or is that a subset, like a third cousin’s best friend?

Laura: It is a type of two factor authentication. Basically, 2FA is something you know, which is usually your password, your username and your password, plus something you have. Which could be a code generated that gets sent to your email, or a text message sent to your phone. The official term is they’re considered weaker forms of two factor authentication. At Salesforce, we are asking customers to use strong authentication methods. That’s something like the Salesforce authenticator app, which is free. You can also use a U2F token, YubiKey is a really common one. There’s other different things you can use that provides stronger authentication. Basically, those other factors are … Sorry, you asked me a short question. I’m giving a long answer.

Mike: No, no. I’m learning. I’m learning. I didn’t know there were different strengths.

Laura: Email and text message are considered weaker because those factors can actually be easily compromised or hacked. Compromised is the nice, the euphemism for the word hacked.

Mike: Feels better.

Laura: It feels better, yeah. Somebody can hack into your email and then actually intercept the 2FA code that you get. You don’t want that happening. That’s not fun. It’s not as secure.

Mike: Huh, okay. Well, I wondered because I’d seen that floated around. I was like, one of these times I’m going to have Laura on the podcast. I’m just going to ask her.

Laura: Good question.

Mike: That’s probably the most interesting part of this whole podcast, up until we talk about Thanksgiving stuff.

Laura: I’m excited for that.

Mike: Let me tell you, there will be things, opinions. We had some really fun blogs. I’m going to start off with the blog that I really enjoyed. This is from Jay, who’s on the Admin Evangelism team. They wrote this. Jay and I had been chatting over coffee in the mornings. I think one of the things is the Trailblazer community got revamped. It looks really engaging now. It doesn’t look like the old Salesforce UI. There’s a lot more people that can access it because it’s also on mobile now, which is also, hey, thankful. People just, I guess with the influx of a ton of people coming in is, “Well, how do I ask a question?” They bum rush in the door and just assume, well, everybody knows everything about my org anyway. I’m just trying to do this one thing. It’s like, whoa. We just fell off a 30,000 foot cliff and we’re counting grains of sand here. I need a little context.
Jay put this post together about really, how do you write something that other admins in the community are going to engage with? How do you spell out what you’ve worked on? How do you talk about things that you’ve already researched? Which, to me, is a big thing. If you’re going to come and ask a question, I don’t want this question to be your first stop. Show me you tried some things out, or what worked or what didn’t, because otherwise we’re just going to end up wasting each other’s time. I’m going to end up asking you to do a whole bunch of troubleshooting stuff that realistically you should have come to the table with. I really enjoyed this post. It’s a quick read, but it’s also something you can keep, bookmark and think about, okay, I’ve got to go to the community. I’m going to ask questions. I’m just going to gut check this post that I’m about to add against all of Jay’s suggestions.

Laura: It is super helpful. I also love the new revamped Trailblazer community. I think it looks awesome. I post sometimes in there. I want to share resources that are new with our customers. I’m never sure if the post itself will catch people’s eye. Definitely want that to happen.

Mike: Laura, what blog post did you pick?

Laura: I chose the blog post How Salesforce Admins Can Achieve Success with a Beginner’s Mindset.

Mike: Oh.

Laura: That’s by Katie Moran. This post resonated with me particularly because my first job was as a CRM administrator for a CRM that shall not be named. Then later, I was a Salesforce admin. For me, I remember being very overwhelmed with how powerful these tools are. I wasn’t really sure where to start. I wasn’t really sure how to maximize using them, how to get the most value. This blog post is great. Katie gives some tips around that. She also talks about how to parlay your different kinds of work experience into a career as a Salesforce admin or using Salesforce, which I think that’s … I don’t know, what do we call it, Mike? The Salesforce economy? There are tons and tons and tons, thousands of jobs out there that you can get if you know Salesforce well. You don’t have to necessarily start off as a CRM admin as your career. I don’t do that anymore. My career has evolved completely. It’s almost like a 360, or a 180.

Mike: Yay, it’s a 360. Back to being an admin. Welcome aboard.

Laura: Whoops, not great at math.

Mike: I kept turning. I wasn’t supposed to turn.

Laura: Almost like a 180, but it’s still very relevant in the work I do now at Salesforce. I really liked that this blog talked about nontraditional ways, ways you can leverage your work experience to get a career using Salesforce.

Mike: I love the line she put, “You’d be surprised how much your past experience can relate to a career in Salesforce.” I cannot tell you how true that is. The number of times that I look back at the career I had in retail or the different jobs I had before that, and how they still relate. It’s still a skill. Managing multiple requests and managing multiple forms of communications stuff. You tend to pigeonhole people into, oh, they must not be good at that because they’re in retail, or they’re in this, or they’re in food service. Let me tell you something, the person that is giving you your hamburger when you’re going through the drive through, they can multitask. They can do a lot with technology and absorb and communicate, which is all skills that are so transferable.

Laura: They have the hustle. I waited tables for a long time. You have this innate ability to hustle and to quickly learn and quickly pivot.

Mike: Well, one thing I don’t have that I’ve evolved out from retail is the ability to stand for long periods of time. I look back when I was younger and it was like, oh, yeah. 10 hour shift on my feet? No problem.

Laura: Sure. No problem.

Mike: Now it’s like five minutes to the mailbox. Oh, it’s climbing Mount Everest.

Laura: Some things never change and some things do change.

Mike: We had a couple videos come out, Laura, for this last part. I’ll have you go first.

Laura: My video that I picked was one of the awesome How I Solved This, part of the How I Solved This series, called Create an App to Manage New and Departing Employees. This was a really awesome video where Jennifer, the Admin Evangelist on your team, talks about how admins can create an app to help manage onboarding and off boarding their users. I thought this was great because specifically off boarding, or deactivating users, is something that is really important when you’re talking about security and account access, which is making sure that if an employee no longer works at your company, they don’t have access to your Salesforce instance. It’s important for it to be very timely, very important that that employee gets deactivated quickly. I liked there was a little security spin on it. I always love her videos. She’s a great presenter.

Mike: I should have anticipated you would find a video and then put a security twist to it.

Laura: Of course, yeah.

Mike: It’s like you watch The Food Network and Bobby Flay puts hot chili pepper in everything.

Laura: Sprinkle a little security on everything.

Mike: Make chili, here’s some pumpkin pie. There’s no way he can put chili peppers in pumpkin pie. Sure enough. The other fun series that we have going is Jay with the Did You Know series, which I thought’s great. We had Dream Force and we had a lot of discussion in True the Core and a few of the other stuff about workflows, that there’s no more investment in workflows, there’s no more investment in process builder. We’re moving forward with flow. Flow is the future, flow is where it’s at. I get that, it can be scary. It’s like, oh, I got to learn a new thing. I love this video because Jay shows how to update records with a very simple flow. It’s like the first time you get one of those meal kits. You make it and you’re like, I’m a chef. I can do this. I can, I can totally. Maybe you only had to cut up some potatoes and a few scallions, but hey, you cooked.

Laura: You’re cooking.

Mike: You didn’t pop a frozen pizza in the oven. It feels approachable. It can get you past that cliff of, oh, it’s too much. Like the security stuff. Like the MFA, like we were talking about. Like, oh, it can be just so much. I’m just not even going to take it on.

Laura: It can be overwhelming, but those little steps forward really make you comfortable. Then before you know it, you’re cooking Thanksgiving meal. That’s that was such a good segue.

Mike: I was going to say, it’s like you’re setting me up for a segue to talk about Thanksgiving. For anybody listening outside the U.S., the last Thursday of November … Is it last Thursday? Yeah.

Laura: Yeah.

Mike: It’s last Thursday.

Laura: Yes.

Mike: Okay, had to make sure because sometimes-

Laura: 98% sure.

Mike: 98% sure. It’s the Americans Not Even Getting American Holidays Correct, that’s the new name of the podcast. We have a holiday that celebrates the end of the harvest season, I suppose we would call it that. Where basically the holidays, we eat, which feels very American the more that I talk about it, but we also eat very specific things like turkey, mashed potatoes. There’s usually some sort of casseroles. There are spins on stuff. I’ve seen clams in dressing, which I could see that working. More of an east coast thing. In California, do you make an avocado dressing?

Laura: Well, avocado is just basically a condiment here.

Mike: It is.

Laura: You just put it is on literally everything. I have mixed avocado into mashed potatoes before.

Mike: That I could see.

Laura: It’s actually really good.

Mike: Absolutely.

Laura: I know it sounds weird, but it’s actually really good.

Mike: It’s also a really good substitute for mayonnaise.

Laura: Oh, yeah.

Mike: Mashed avocado. Same creaminess, but you get a little more zing.

Laura: Definitely. If it’s unclear, I live in California for those who are listening,

Mike: Anybody that puts avocado in their mashed potatoes doesn’t live in North Dakota, let me tell you that. I wrote down a few things to talk about for Thanksgiving. The first one, I can’t recall when this came up on my radar, and I feel like I saw it on Good Morning America because that’s my cultural litmus test now, but it’s something called turducken. I know there’s turkey on the outside, but the insides, I’m not really sure. I think a chicken is smaller than a duck, so it’s a chicken that’s stuffed inside of a duck that’s stuffed inside of a turkey, and then you cook that.

Laura: I wish you could see the face I’m making right now.

Mike: Okay, good. Would you eat that? Does that sound …

Laura: I’ll try anything. I’ll take a bite of anything, but I honestly don’t see myself being really into that. I’m more of a purist. I like things to be separate and I think this is just kind of a weird …

Mike: This is the opposite of that.

Laura: I don’t want to be too hard on it in case people really like turducken, but it’s not my Thanksgiving style.

Mike: You think there’s a turducken Facebook group out there?

Laura: Probably. They’re going to come for me.

Mike: Wild for turducken. They’re going docks you on Twitter. Here’s my thing. I like chicken. I like turkey. I’ve never had duck.

Laura: Duck is good.

Mike: I’m sure it is. It’s probably a little more gamey. I envision it a little bit more greasy.

Laura: It is. It’s a totally different … It’s similar to …

Mike: You’ve had duck?

Laura: I have had it. It’s more similar to dark meat in turkey. I don’t know if it’s a red meat technically, but it looks like a red meat. You’re mixing different … I don’t know.

Mike: Here’s my thing, I’m worried it’s not going to get done.

Laura: That’s valid.

Mike: It’s not going to get done.

Laura: How do you cook all of that?

Mike: I don’t know, but it’s going to take all day.

Laura: Then the outside will be dry.

Mike: I’m just worried the inside of it’s just not done.

Laura: I’m just going to call it, it’s just too complicated.

Mike: We’re two for two on the not turducken. It’s not a thing I would eat either. Maybe if it was prepared by somebody, it just also feels like a lot of egregious meat.

Laura: It’s a lot

Mike: Like, why do I need all of this?

Laura: I like to have an even amount of things. I’m not overly focused on meat during Thanksgiving. It feels like it’s hogging the attention.

Mike: You’re not one of those people that gets three quarters of a dish of mashed potatoes and then a wee bit of everything else because you like mashed potatoes.

Laura: I try to give all the dishes an even plate time, try to be fair.

Mike: Even plate time.

Laura: I’m revealing so much about my personality with this answer.

Mike: That’s okay. That’s why people listen to the pod. Well, then let’s talk about dishes. Strangest holiday dish you have ever seen or eaten.

Laura: I don’t know if I’ve seen many strange dishes. This is not unusual, I don’t think, in the U.S., but always growing up we didn’t make the fancy cranberry sauce from scratch. We just had the can. Basically, cranberry jello is what I like to call it. I’m not going to lie, I love that.

Mike: Do you really?

Laura: It’s so good.

Mike: My mom really likes that.

Laura: It’s jello.

Mike: It basically is.

Laura: It’s basically jello.

Mike: The coolest part is when you open the can and you get it to come out as a solid chunk.

Laura: I think that I like it because my mom would outsource that to me as a child. She’d be like, “You can cook the” …

Mike: “The cranberry sauce that’s in the can.”

Laura: The cranberry sauce. I would slice it up and that was it, so I have a soft spot.

Mike: Well, yeah. The can ridges make for your slices. Nice.

Laura: What about you?

Mike: Eaten or seen? I’m in a little bit more German part of Iowa. I’ve seen, maybe this is only weird to me, but rhubarb pie. You ever had rhubarb?

Laura: I like strawberry rhubarb. Is that the same thing, or?

Mike: That’s just rhubarb with strawberries. It’s a very bitter, it looks like red celery.

Laura: Interesting.

Mike: You cook the hell out of it. You chop it up and cook the hell out of it and it’s very bitter.

Laura: That does sound very German.

Mike: It is. It is. I know, Germans love sauerkraut and bitter stuff. I wouldn’t say it’s the strangest, but to me it’s the most off putting. Like, “Would you like any rhubarb?” “No, I’m good. I’m just going to enjoy the air that’s in my mouth.”

Laura: I do like strawberry rhubarb, but you’re basically just tasting the strawberries. Let’s be honest.

Mike: It’s usually more strawberry than rhubarb. Well, giving equal time to all of the favorite holiday dishes, so you got to have a favorite. Usually, everybody has a favorite. Do you have a favorite?

Laura: I do. My family always makes rice pilaf as one of our sides.

Mike: Oh, that’s fancy.

Laura: I think it started with my great-grandparents. It was my great-grandmother’s recipe and my grandma made it, my mom made it. I make it now. That’s my favorite. I like to put some gravy on it and make it extra savory. I’d have to say that’s my favorite. Then you can just eat it for a week after because it’s rice, basically.

Mike: You put gravy on it?

Laura: I do. I love gravy. Gravy might be my favorite holiday dish, but it’s not really a dish, so it would be weird to say that.

Mike: Gravy is like fire. I don’t know what it is, but it’s good on every thing.

Laura: It’s good on everything. It’s like avocado.

Mike: Like avocado, you can make gravy avocado or avocado gravy.

Laura: Interesting.

Mike: The Food Network, so I was watching this the other day, they were talking about whether or not this is a thing. Whether or not you put gravy on everything on your dish, or just the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes.

Laura: I put it on everything except sweet potatoes. I don’t like it on sweet potatoes.

Mike: The sweet potatoes we usually get come with some cooked marshmallows. We do that with brown sugar.

Laura: We do brown sugar. We don’t do marshmallows. I’ve always wanted to do marshmallows. I’ve gotten shot down for my whole life about marshmallows, but maybe this year. We’ll see. I might just sneak it. I might just volunteer to make the sweet potatoes and just surprise everyone and put some marshmallows on those.

Mike: If you mash the sweet potatoes, you can mix the marshmallows in.

Laura: Oh, yeah.

Mike: Oh, that’s really good.

Laura: Sneaky.

Mike: I’m a little tied. I guess the non fave holiday dish for me is pumpkin pie. That is the worst pie. I hate pumpkin pie.

Laura: Really?

Mike: Yeah, and let me tell you why. I had the flu once over Thanksgiving, so that’s why I don’t like pumpkin pie. That and waffles, those two things.

Laura: You had pumpkin pie while you were sick and it just had a weird-

Mike: Yes.

Laura: Oh, I see.

Mike: That’s it, so I don’t like pumpkin pie. The opposite is, I think I’m tied. I really like turkey with gravy, of course.

Laura: Turkey’s really good.

Mike: But also, because I don’t like pumpkin pie, I push to have apple pie. I like a good double crusted apple pie with crust on the top, crust on the bottom.

Laura: The open ones are weird. I’m not into that. You need a crust on top.

Mike: Yeah, just to soak up all the stuff. That’s my thing.

Laura: I love pumpkin pie, but I support you.

Mike: It’s, oh, the smell. Now, I will have a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. That’s fine. You want to talk about weird? I don’t like tomatoes, but I love ketchup.

Laura: Interesting. You’re an enigma

Mike: A little bit, but I don’t put gravy on my whole dish. Mostly because in the Midwest we have creamed corn. That’s already got its own gravy.

Laura: I don’t like that.

Mike: Oh, creamed corn is super good.

Laura: I shouldn’t say eww. I actually don’t think I’ve ever had creamed corn.

Mike: They had that fried at the state fair one year.

Laura: Honestly, that doesn’t sound bad to me, fried creamed corn.

Mike: You ever had those macaroni and cheese things?

Laura: Yes, the fried macaroni and cheese balls.

Mike: That’s what that was.

Laura: That sounds awesome.

Mike: It was a fried corn ball and then they just dusted it with, I don’t know, salt or something. It really didn’t matter.

Laura: It doesn’t matter.

Mike: Hot fried corn.

Laura: You can fry anything and it tastes amazing.

Mike: Pretty much, yeah.

Laura: Pretty much.

Mike: Pretty much. Well, we would love your opinion on turducken or the strangest dish that you’ve had. Hit us up on Twitter. If you got pictures, that’s even better.

Laura: Even better.

Mike: Maybe not of the turducken. I could avoid turducken showing up in my feet, just saying. Ugh. If you want to learn more about all things that we just talked about, minus the turducken, in today’s episode, please go to to find those links and more resources. You can say up to date with us on social for all things admins. We are @Salesforceadmns, no I, on Twitter. I am @MikeGerholdt and Gillian, who is out right now, on Twitter is @GillianKBruce. Of course, don’t forget to give a follow to my guest host today, who is Laura Pelkey. You can follow her on Twitter @LauraPelkey1, because she was the second Laura Pelkey in the world.

Laura: Someone beat me to it.

Mike: Seriously. Meanwhile, enjoy your Thanksgiving. Stay tuned for next week’s episode. It is a special once in a year episode that we are doing. The entire admin relations team has compiled and got together. If there’s one thing you do, besides listening to this episode a couple hundred times, it’s listening to that episode, which is going to be super cool. I’m jazzed for it. I see the audio files coming in right now. That’s your hint on how cool it is. In the meantime, stay safe, stay awesome and stay tuned for the next episode. We will see you in the cloud.

Laura: Thanks everyone.

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