Matt Bertuzzi on working in a Salesforce PE org


Matt Bertuzzi

Matt Bertuzzi is a B2B Marketer at The Bridge Group, Inc., a Salesforce MVP, who has a vast knowledge of what it takes to be successful in a PE Org. If you are interested in measuring the performance of an Inside Sales group or a group that handles leads- this podcast is for you! His tips and tricks for reporting and customization are relevant to anyone who works in a PE or any other edition of Salesforce. One of the best lines about metrics is Matt has is reporting within the day- “There is nothing you can do to change yesterday.” In this episode we mention the AppExchange app- Field Trip: – a great app for evaluating fields in any org.

As a PE Admin here are his 3 tips & tricks Matt suggests: 1. Automation of notifications can be done with scheduled reports instead of a workflow. 2. Buttons and URL hacking is a great way to take your PE org to a new level. 3. The Excel Connector is your friend, here is a link –

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