Ron Hess on Data Management and so much more


Ron Hess

Show Notes:

This is without a doubt the best 20 minutes of your day. And just as a side note- this podcast comes with a bonus track after the end credits, because we had so much to talk about. I want you to ask yourself- “What piece of technology is 9 years old and still relevant today?” Easy answer- the Excel Connector! It’s a ButtonClick Admin’s best friend! We are so excited to have Ron Hess is a Senior Application Architect at Kenandy, Inc. He is an inventor, former Architect at, Evangelist, and the father of one of the coolest data tools- the Excel Connector for Ron has some great thoughts on building applications, why he built the excel connector, and the role of Admins. Ron was a great guest and has a lot to teach any Admin or Developer. You can follow Ron Hess on twitter at @vnehess. You can learn more about the Excel Connector at –

We have to thank our listeners for recommending Ron to us, specifically Pete Fife. You can follow Pete on twitter at @fifedog15

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