Kyle Roche on connecting everything


Kyle Roche - 2lemetryThis week on the ButtonClick Admin podcast we chat with Kyle Roche, CEO of 2lemetry.

This episode is all about the internet of things. Kyle started as a consultant and now has his own Startup that specializes in everything for tracking real things in the world and talking back to the cloud.

Kyle really does a good job educating us on the internet of things by talking about how his company helps the enterprise track engine information in trucks, the temperature of wine while it’s shipped, and the cool project they did with the Denver Broncos. We even venture down the path of RFID chips and proximity sensors. If you want hear about the future, this episode is one that will really open your eyes to the wonderful advances we are making – I think jetpacks are just around the corner.

Follow Kyle and 2lemetry on twitter

And their Vimeo channel-


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