Women are code heroes with Kieren Jameson


 “It’s like you’re meeting an old friend. You’ve got this connection, and it’s the first time in my career that it’s really made me say ‘Yeah, you are in the right place. This is what you should be doing.'”


About Kieren Jameson

Kieren Jameson, MLIS, is Digital Solutions Manager with ETR (a California-based non-profit focusing on health and education). She has over 20 years’ experience in information architecture, graphic design, technical project management, enterprise technology management (including multiple Salesforce products) and Web development for a variety of online systems, including websites, databases and other cloud software. She’s passionate about Diversity in technology and blogs on Women & Coding at https://www.womencodeheroes.com and is also working with others to start a group to help women Salesforce Admins to learn to code in Apex.

Follow her on twitter at @KierenJameson.

Community Spotlight

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