Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast we’re joined by Emma B-F (Bloksberg-Fireovid), a project manager at KELL, to continue our theme from last week. We discuss the power of conversation to transform your org and your position as a Salesforce admin within your company.

Join us as we talk about how to remove fillers from your language, sticking the landing, and why removing personal pronouns can make a problem clearer.

You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Emma B-F.

Why it’s OK to admit that being an admin is hard.

“We have this honeymoon phase because all the great content out there,” Emma says, “when you’re first new to this admin group it’s all glitz and glam.” You get a cool Twitter handle and go to Dreamforce, where you encounter big ideas and everything that’s possible as an admin. “But then I came home and I had so many ideas swirling around in my head it was entirely overwhelming, so for many of us in this community, we have to figure out what is the right next step.”

Most of us are normal humans with fears and anxieties, and we need to take some time to realize where we can fit into the Ohana. When Emma got back she was super amped for all of the certifications she could get, “but I had kind of forgotten that I hate test taking and I’m not that good at it,” she says, “it was this comedown of ‘I thought it was going to be easier.’” It’s hard, and sometimes we don’t spend enough time acknowledging that.

Learning from failure.

“My tips are mainly stories about my failures,” Emma says, but those are especially helpful considering her background. She majored in sociology in college and had a lot of experience working in social justice. “We’re never really taught how to be an assertive and clear communicator,” she says, “I got some feedback from a mentor of mine who was a white male who used to be a lawyer and had this training in communication, and he gave me feedback that I was beating around the bush too much in the way I talked about things.”

One of the things that Emma identified that she needed to work on was assertive communication. That means cutting out all of the beating-around-the-bush clauses that are typically in our sentences. That’s things like “I don’t know if this is helpful but,” or “I just want to throw this out there as an idea.” Instead, you “stick your landing” and say exactly what you mean. “The hardest part about sticking your landing is being comfortable with the silence at the end of the sentence,” she says.

Lessons from another language.

The other language suggestion that Emma has is rooted in her time spent in Latin America and becoming fluent in Spanish. “If something goes wrong,” she says, “in Spanish grammar, you put the blame on the object, so you say ‘the keys lost me,’ or ‘the salmon caught itself on fire.’” As you’re describing problems in your job as an admin or even in life, removing personal pronouns and talking about the actual object of the issue itself can make a big difference.

“When I was first getting into my admin role I was having a really hard time running reports on different objects,” Emma says. She’d say things to her team like, “I can’t figure out how to pull a report on these two objects.” Instead, when you say, “These two objects are not appearing in the report that we’re looking at,” it flips the script and changes the conversation. It moves the burden off of you and to the object, which is important because it asks people to look at the problem itself rather than you to figure out how to fix it.

How to internalize confidence.

“The way that you can internalize your own growth potential is to think and act like an executive,” Emma says. “What that usually boils down to is cultivating confidence in yourself that if you see an executive on the other side of the room,” she says, “do I have the confidence to walk over them, and have a conversation with them to the point where they know that I am standing in front of them as an equal, and I believe I am an equal, and therefore they should treat me as such?”

“Oftentimes the hardest part is getting past that barrier, that first conversation starter,” Emma says, “if you have topics (hobbies, passions, loves) that you feel like you can have a conversation about with anyone at any time, identify those and mark those down as your gateway conversations.” Getting the habit and being more comfortable with talking about yourself in a way that can build up your internal confidence to go for it when it matters.



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Full Show Transcript

Gillian Bruce:               Welcome to the Salesforce Admin podcast where we talk about product, community, and careers to help you become a more awesome Salesforce admin. I’m Gillian Bruce and today we are continuing the conversation that we started with Megan Himan last week where we talked about the power of conversation and how you can transform not only your organization, but your position as a Salesforce admin within your company using conversation and being selective about how you talk about your position, how you talk about what you’re doing.

Gillian Bruce:               That was a fantastic way to kind of start this set of content that we’ve now got lined up to get us through the rest of the year. Now, this guests I have on today is going to be a familiar voice for those of you who’ve been listening to the podcast for a while. We’re welcoming back Emma B-F. She was on the podcast in May and she talked about how your nontechnical background can make you an even more awesome admin.

Gillian Bruce:               Now I wanted to follow up that conversation and pair it with Megan’s conversation to really talk about some tactical things you can do in conversation using language to really own this role that you have as a Salesforce admin. It can be a little overwhelming, maybe you’re newly in a corporate environment or in a different kind of company than you’ve ever been in before, and Emma has some really practical things that she’s learned in kind of owning her role and really kind of becoming that truly awesome admin that I wanted her to share with you listeners and we had a fantastic conversation so I won’t do any more explaining. I will just welcome Emma to the podcast. Emma, welcome back to the podcast.

Emma B-F:                    Thanks so much for having me, Gillian.

Gillian Bruce:               Well, we had so much fun chatting last time and got a huge response from the community, from our listeners. Our previous episode was all about how your nontechnical background makes you an awesome admin and I think it resonated very strongly across the admin Ohana. Really kind of speaking to folks who don’t come from a technical background and so highlighting some of those things that actually not having a technical background makes you better at your job was a really, really great message.

Gillian Bruce:               But I wanted to get you back on the podcast because I wanted to kind of continue that conversation and kind of bring it to that next step. So once we kind of talk about the nontechnical skills that do make you an awesome Admin, now you realize you’re in your role, you are an awesome admin and what’s next? How do you kind of take all of the role and kind of own it, make it yours and really kind of do something significant with it?

Emma B-F:                    Well, that’s kind the hardest part, Julian, is we have this honeymoon phase for a lot of admins because of all this great content out there put out there by your team and others in the Ohana community. When you’re first new to this admin group, it is all glitz and glam, right? For me created a Twitter account because I had never done that before and I got on Twitter and they were talking all about Dreamforce and I got all of this wave of excitement to say it’s time to go to Dreamforce. And so I did, and there I saw celebrities who were in the Ohana community. I saw all of these big ideas. All that is possible as an awesome admin, but then I came home and I had so many ideas swirling around in my head.

Emma B-F:                    It was entirely overwhelming and so I think for many of us who are new to this community, we have to figure out what is our right next step because it’s kind of like you see all of these beautiful possibilities and oh my gosh, maybe one day I will be as awesome as Leah McGowan Heir, and you come home and you’re like, okay, but where do I start from there? Because I’m a normal human with fears and anxieties and trying to figure out how I fit into this Ohana.

Gillian Bruce:               Yeah. I mean, I think you captured it really well. You kind of go to Dreamforce so you get super excited, you get your shiny awesome admin cap and it’s like rah, rah, we’re going to do all these amazing things and Mark showed me how I can like make Einstein basically do my work for me on the main stage and the keynote and everyone’s telling me all these amazing things I can do and then you get back to your office on Monday and you’re like, cool so how do I do that?

Emma B-F:                    Right. I remember going to Dreamforce and seeing how many certification possibilities there were out there and so I came back with this ferocity of like, yes, I am going to get all of the certifications in the next year. We’ll make it happen. And then I had kind of forgotten that I hate test taking and I’m not that good at it and it took me six months to study and pass my admin certification and it was kind of this come down of being like, I thought this was going to be easier. I thought my brain was just going to click into it immediately. But as you said, depending on your background technical training, depending on your education, depending on who is in your social network and what you know about these jobs, the transition to this world is hard and we times don’t talk about just how hard it is and what we can do to get to the next level and overcome some of that.

Gillian Bruce:               Yeah, I think that’s a really important thing to think about because especially I think as many admins like we talked about before, don’t come from a technical background. Maybe you don’t even come from a kind of a corporate environment or anything like that. And so now here you are in this role in a company and not only, you can get the skills, you can get the … go to Trailhead and learn all the things you can get certified. But then how do you kind of navigate the landscape of being in a company and working with these different stakeholders and these different groups and there’s languages. There’s all kinds of things that now you’ve got to learn and if it’s not something that you’ve been around before, it can be a lot to kind of take in and grasp.

Gillian Bruce:               So what are some of the things that would help someone learn how to kind of really start owning their role, owning this idea of being a Salesforce admin or just being a Salesforce professional within a company period. What are some tips that you have from your experience that have helped you?

Emma B-F:                    Well, my tips are mainly stories about my failures, which I hope will be helpful to some people out there because I’m in full support of let me just tell you what I tried, what didn’t work and how I ended up figuring out what to do. So what you were saying, Gillian, about if you have not come from this corporate background and he did not come from tech. That was my story. So we’ve talked about how I came from the nonprofit sector. I majored in sociology in college and had done a lot of social justice work. But guess what that meant? A lot of what I had been trained on how to communicate professionally, how I understood my professional identity to be, was very rooted in a lot of the trends that we see in women in the workforce, people of Color in the workforce where were never really taught how to be assertive and clear communicator.

Emma B-F:                    And one of the first things that I came up to immediately was that I could tell people were not taking me seriously as an admin. And I got this feedback from a mentor of mine who was a white male who used to be a lawyer and had this training and communication. And he gave me feedback that I was beating around the bush too much. The way I talked about things. And it had been something I had noticed kind of here and there. But it was brought to me face to face being like, men are clear in their communication. And I was not being clear.

Emma B-F:                    And so one of the things that I identified as something I needed to work on was what we’re calling assertive communication. And there are many definitions out there for it. But in particular, a pseudo assertive communication basically breaks down to cut out all of the beat around the bush clauses that you typically have in your sentences. So more generally, particularly in women, you’ll see us say things will qualify our sentences by saying things like, I don’t know if this is helpful, but … or I just want to throw this out there as an idea … to almost soften our landing even though we know we have a great freaking idea or we know we’re pointing out something that has not been brought up before. And so there’s this concept and assertive communication called sticking your landing. And what that means is that you say exactly what you mean to say and you don’t say anything else.

Gillian Bruce:               I think that’s an amazing, amazing tip. I’m really visualizing actually a gymnast sticking the landing like is no doubt what just happened. Boom.

Emma B-F:                    Yes. And the hardest part about sticking your landing is being comfortable with the silence at the end of the sentence. Like right there, silence again. It’s hard, right? Because you’re like, I need to fill this space with something because it feels awkward and I don’t know how people are going to react or whatnot, but that is how you can just look at the language that you’re using in your day in and day out and just a tweak and how you’re communicating with your team can have a real impact.

Gillian Bruce:               Yeah, and just to highlight the impact of a pause. So it’s something that they talk about in broadcasting quite a bit is that when you really want somebody to understand something, when you want your audience to understand something, it’s okay to have a pause. The idea of dead air is you don’t want to be maybe pausing for 30 seconds, but that gives people a chance to kind of in their brains, catch up to what you’re saying and mull it over and be like, oh right. Instead of just continuing to like force the conversation and move on to the next thing so I absolutely agree with that and it is very, very powerful tool.

Emma B-F:                    Exactly. And with any type of new skill, it takes some muscle memory. So as we were saying like this is not going to be something that is easy or immediate. So the first time that I made this intentional decision to cut out qualifiers from my sentences, I could feel the rush of blood through my body, the adrenalin when I stuck my landing. But what I saw as the result was one meeting I was leading this meeting at the nonprofit I was working at, was a big workshop for our school partners in the area and I was the only woman on senior leadership at the time and I was by far the youngest and I tailored the presentation to stick my landings for every sentence. And after that meeting, our COO came up to me and he was my mentor and he brought me to a corner. He goes, you killed. It was this moment of relief being like, this works. But I was terrified.

Gillian Bruce:               Totally. That’s great. I love that you immediately saw the impact of putting these into practice and having that adrenaline rush. And then getting that immediate validation, like that is pretty amazing.

Emma B-F:                    Exactly. So that is one tip or learning from failure that I offer to the admin community and anyone pretty much. But the other language suggestion that I have learned over time is actually very grammatical, which kind of turns to other languages. So I lived in Latin America for a bit and was becoming fluent in Spanish and they have this interesting thing in Spanish grammar where if something goes wrong. So let’s say you leave your keys at home or you burn the salmon or something and Spanish grammar, you actually put the blame on the object.

Emma B-F:                    So you say the keys lost me or the salmon caught itself on fire and what I have taken from that, which was a tip given to me by someone else, is that as you’re describing problems in your day to day work as an admin or even in life, sometimes I do this with my partner as well, removing personal pronouns from descriptions of issues or situations and talking about the actual object or issue itself.

Emma B-F:                    So an example of this is when I was first getting into my admin role and I was having a really hard time running reports on different objects. I used to complain or bring questions to my team and be like, I can’t figure out how to pull a report on these two objects. When you flip the script on that and you say, these two objects are not appearing in the report that we’re looking at.

Gillian Bruce:               I see what you did there. Yeah, it totally changes the conversation. Changes how you think about it.

Emma B-F:                    It changes how you think about it and it moves the burden off of you to the object, which is really important when you’re new to this because I was having doubts that I running the right report type. I didn’t understand what was going on. But when you flip the script on that, you’re actually asking people to look at the problem itself rather than looking at you to figure out what we can do to fix it.

Gillian Bruce:               Amazing tip. So we have, don’t be afraid of the pause, sticking your landing and removing those personal pronouns. I think those are three very kind of tangible things to start focusing on. I will absolutely take these into account and start using that on myself as well.

Emma B-F:                    We will send each other texts when we get it done because you need that high five as well.

Gillian Bruce:               Totally. Totally. So, you mentioned a lot of things about kind of talking to executives and when you’re getting into a company and like you said you didn’t … maybe this is your first time interacting in that environment. What other … we talk about presentation skills, but then there’s also this idea of executive presence. Can you tell me a little bit about maybe some of the nuance differences there?

Emma B-F:                    Yeah, and I think it’s important for us to start off as to why executive presence is important. This is something you and I have talked about where if you come into the Salesforce Ohana and you know that you are an incredible admin, you’re an incredible developer, you’re incredible business user and you want to take yourself and your career up to that next level. There is research out there that says thinking, acting and being viewed as an executive, as a leader is kind of the best way for you to level up in your career and move up to that next level. So that’s why we’re even talking about this, right? And if all of us in Ohana have just gotten over that fear and anxiety and imposter syndrome of being an admin. Now we’re confronted with this other thing of being like, what? Now I have to act like a leader. I have to be seen as an executive. I how do I tackle that?

Emma B-F:                    And it can be hard if you don’t have 15, 20 years of sector experience or you haven’t traveled around the country presenting at different DreamIn events and Dreamforce and other things like that. But the ways that you can even start to internalize your own growth potential is by starting to think and act like an executive. And what that usually boils down to, not In all cases, but it’s cultivating confidence in yourself that if you see an executive on the other side of the room, let’s say. I see Mark Benioff or Parker Harris on the other side of the room. Do I have the confidence to walk over to them, have a conversation with them to a point where they know that I am standing in front of them as an equal and I believe I am an equal and therefore they should treat me as such, right?

Emma B-F:                    And that can be really daunting and really hard to do. So I’ll offer just one suggestion that really worked well for me and other people in my Ohana thinking about how to overcome that, which is oftentimes the hardest part is getting past that barrier, that first conversation starter. If you’re not a person who can very confidently talk about the weather or what’s going on in the room and if you have topics, hobbies, passions, loves out there that you feel like you could have a conversation about with anyone at any time, identify those, mark those down as your gateway conversations.

Emma B-F:                    So for myself, I’m a huge NFL fan. I could talk about NFL games with pretty much anyone wherever they are in the country or the world. I can also have a conversation with anyone about House of Cards or Game of Thrones because I’m obsessed, but those are my like gateway conversations and it’s not about the weather and it’s not about Salesforce topics and it is not walking up to someone and giving them the objective statement on my LinkedIn profile or my top line items from my resume, because that’s not really what people care about. I think we’re conditioned to think that’s what people care about, but when it comes down to it, like Gillian, you and I met and we were talking about really silly things starting off, right? Like we weren’t talking about very technical field for a start and I fell over [inaudible 00:19:25] developed.

Gillian Bruce:               Yeah. No, but I wish we would have talked about NFL or Game of Thrones or House of Cards because those are also things I could talk about for days.

Emma B-F:                    Now you know we’re a good fit.

Gillian Bruce:               Exactly. But I think what you say is, it’s good to have that elevator pitch in your head about who you are, what you want to do, kind of your mantra. But like you said, that’s not the first thing you need to roll off your mouth. You need to kind of establish a rapport or identify yourself as a human being to another human being before letting that out. I mean there’s a point at which when someone says, okay, what do you do? Like what are you interested in? Then that’s an invitation to kind of share that. Correct?

Emma B-F:                    Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Gillian Bruce:               You don’t have to lead with that.

Emma B-F:                    Right. And it’s one of those, again, you’re flexing this muscle and if you haven’t talked to many executives in your life, it’s really can be very paralyzing to see that person on the other side of the room that you don’t ever go and introduce yourself. But the more you start having conversations with executives and just with people out there they don’t need to be executives. Just people out there who you want to have in your corner or people who have offered to help you along the way. Just getting in the habit and being more comfortable with talking about yourself and a more like you said, personable way, but that in the end can help you build up your internal confidence to maybe go for that next promotion that’s a manager role that you’ve been wanting to go for, but have just been scared or didn’t have what you felt like you needed to go for it.

Gillian Bruce:               Yeah. I totally agree. It’s amazing how just those little things and honing those little skills will really build into opening up entire new opportunities for yourself.

Emma B-F:                    Exactly.

Gillian Bruce:               So another element that we’ve talked briefly about in our previous podcasts was this idea of kind of having your crew or like your Salesforce squad to kind of help support you as you go through these exercises of being more assertive and learning executive presence. And I think especially in the Salesforce world, many people who are a Salesforce admins are probably the only people in their entire company that are focused on Salesforce exclusively, right? So it can feel a little lonely. Tell me a little bit about how you can help build your Salesforce squad, especially if you kind of consider yourself maybe a solo admin.

Emma B-F:                    Definitely. That is where I was in my admin role. I was the only one running around being like, we have to migrate to lightening. You don’t understand why. And people were like, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please move on. And as you and I have talked about, when admins are kind of introduced to the Ohana, most of it’s happening online and that can work for some people, but for others, like for me it was completely overwhelming. So when I first got my Twitter account before I went to my first Dreamforce because everyone told me I had to have a Twitter. When I got online and I started following MVPs and Salesforce employees and people in the community, it kind of felt like freshman orientation where I was looking around at all these people being like, I don’t know any of you and none of you know me. This feels awkward.

Gillian Bruce:               Totally. It’s like that cafeteria moment. That first day at school and you’re like, cool. So I see all of you. Where do I sit?

Emma B-F:                    Right. Exactly. And if you think about that metaphor, it kind of lessens the fear of, okay, every person I meet, especially at the beginning, I don’t need to become best friends with the first 10 people I meet, right? So one lesson I learned along the way is you’re going to have a lot of connections with people either online or maybe you go to a local user group and that’s really great. But you don’t have to feel this pressure to become best friends with every person you meet. And when I kind of let that initial fear go and I really just started to focus on people who I made connections with, who were in similar situations that I was, or people who had really different interesting experiences and stories I wanted to get to know more. I started to feel more comfortable with not having thousands and thousands followers on Twitter, but instead having five solid people who I was in a text group with that we could text each other questions about our workflow rules and our lighting page updates, you know?

Gillian Bruce:               Yeah. I think that’s really great. You gotta to kind of, you don’t have to boil the ocean so to speak, right? You just kind of start small with a few folks that you connect with and yes, you are now in part of this Ohana, which has incredibly powerful and awesome and can also be overwhelming, especially on Twitter sometimes. But yeah, you kind of create your mini Ohana, that kind of your immediate Ohana, I guess, to kind of help be your immediate feedback circle or your immediate cheerleaders. I mean the whole Ohana will be that for you, but you’ve got to kind of narrow it down a little bit.

Emma B-F:                    Right. And you can also have like a specific purpose for your Ohana. Some people lean on the community for helping to get over very specific technical hurdles. Right? For me personally, I needed a Salesforce squad to help validate that what I was building and doing internally was awesome. You can have a different purpose for that and the way that you cultivate that can be different. Like I love meeting people in person and randomly DMing someone on the internet is so not my style. So you have to again, not resist the urge to do what everyone else is doing and just focus on like what do you need to be successful and what does that look like? It’s okay if it’s different.

Gillian Bruce:               And it should be different. I think that everyone is different and everyone learns different ways and everyone grows in different ways as well. So I think that’s really important to know that there’s not just one way to do it. You should create your own path and carve your [inaudible 00:25:29].

Emma B-F:                    Definitely.

Gillian Bruce:               Okay. Well Emma, this has been an amazing conversation. I so appreciate you coming back on the podcast to share like some very, very important tips and ways to really own your role, kind of take that role of being a Salesforce admin to the next level. I really appreciate you sharing that with us today.

Emma B-F:                    I gotta thank you for inviting me back because this is way too much fun.

Gillian Bruce:               Well the community loves you so as long as they keep wanting you back, I will have you back as many times as I can. So, but before I let you go, I do always get in trouble if I don’t ask a lightning round question.

Speaker 3:                    Lets do it.

Gillian Bruce:               Alright. So this is official I guess your second lightning round question. So you know the deal. First thing that comes to mind. No right or wrong answer. I promise I won’t ask you the same question I asked you last time. Alright, you ready?

Emma B-F:                    Let’s do it.

Gillian Bruce:               Okay. So holidays are coming up and I know one of my favorite holiday traditions is to watch silly movies on TV or wherever. What is one of your favorite holiday movies?

Emma B-F:                    I know the answer to this one. My answer is Elf because we and my family combine all the holidays, so on Thanksgiving we watch Elf and then the next night we make potato latkes for Hanukkah.

Gillian Bruce:               That’s awesome.

Emma B-F:                    One monster holiday tied together with the Elf movie.

Gillian Bruce:               That is fantastic. That is great. Now I’m going to add Elf to my regular rotation because I actually believe seeing it like a couple times, so I’m going to incorporate that one this year. Thank you for the take.

Emma B-F:                    It’s the best.

Gillian Bruce:               All right. Thanks again so much for your time. I so appreciate you and everything you do in the community and to help inspire and empower others to do amazing things.

Emma B-F:                    I love you too, Gillian.

Gillian Bruce:               Well, clearly I love talking to Emma about these very important topics and I really, really loved some of the things that I learned and the way that she put some real concrete steps around taking more ownership in your role and how to do that. Some of the conversational things I thought were really fantastic. The way that she pointed out, is removing fillers from your language, so stop using all those words that we do use to beat around the bush and just be very direct and clear when you say a thing. Stick the landing. Do not be afraid of pausing after you have said your point. You don’t need to re-say it. You don’t need to explain it. Take a few seconds to let it hit and sink in. It’s very hard to learn how to do that because pausing, can be very uncomfortable. Silence can be uncomfortable, but that’s a really good tip.

Gillian Bruce:               And then the third thing about conversation is we’re moving those personal pronouns. I love how Emma pointed out that in Spanish, if you do this all the time, it’s not my fault that this report isn’t working, it’s that this report is not working. So, think about using those in your day to day conversations in your meetings. It’s going to be really uncomfortable to start doing that, but I highly encourage you to. Another great thing that Emma talked about that I thought was really important is this idea of having gateway conversations. So, being able to interact with executives is a lot more than having your elevator pitch ready and having a certain conversation sell, just being able to talk about something that’s not work related, that is a hobby, a passion, something that you can talk about comfortably as to relate to each other as a person is really important.

Gillian Bruce:               So figure out what those things are for you. I bet you have a few and don’t feel like you have to connect with every single person in the community as your newly entering into the Salesforce Ohana. It can be overwhelming. There was a lot of presence online, a lot of attention, a lot of amazing people. Do not feel like you need to connect with every single one in a deep manner. Find a few that you connect with any unique way and focus on those. Develop those. Think about the things that are going to help make you successful in your Salesforce journey and find ways to get support for that through the community.

Gillian Bruce:               Alright, so those were my takeaways from our amazing conversation. I so appreciated having Emma on the podcast. If you’d like to learn a little bit more about some of the things we talked about. I have some fun resources for you, so Emma and I talked quite a bit about some fun things that might help empower you and help continue this line of thinking and this conversation, first of all there is a Ted Talk by Emily Heirs, The Power of No. Great Ted Talk to checkout. Next is something called Bossed Up Bootcamp. Now this is a really cool professional development experience that’s designed to work with women to prevent burnout.

Gillian Bruce:               Emma herself actually completed the program in July 2016. Definitely recommend you check it out. I’m also have the woman who runs it has a great email as well. She sends it to people thinking about the important things to do to help up level your career and your skills. There’s also a blog post called One Trick for Speaking Like a Boss that Emma actually contributed to the Bossed Up Community, and this is all about the power of eliminating those qualifiers that you used to beat around the bush and not directly say what you want to say. And then finally Dare to Lead, is a number one New York Times bestselling book and an ultimate playbook for developing brave leaders and courageous cultures.

Gillian Bruce:               So check those resources out. I put links in the show notes. We also have some great trail head content on developing your career. I’ll put that in the show notes as well. I want to really thank you for listening to this episode. I want to encourage you to subscribe. Please share this with your friends, your Ohana, people who are potentially interested in Salesforce. We want to help everyone feel empowered to become truly awesome admins. As always, you can find more podcasts, webinars, blogs, events, all of the fun things from the awesome admin team, and you can find us on social and there’s on Twitter @Emma_B_F. You can find myself @GillianKBruce and you can find Salesforce admins all the greatest happening from the awesome admin team @salesforceadminsknowi. Thanks again so much for listening to this episode and we’ll catch you next time in the club.


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Why Mentorship Is Crucial in the Salesforce Ecosystem

Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Warren Walters, Salesforce MVP and host of the Salesforce Mentor YouTube channel and website. Join us as we chat about what admins and devs can learn from each other and why everyone can learn to code. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are […]

Promotional image for Salesforce Admins Podcast featuring a woman named Lisa Tulchin, discussing learning styles. There’s a cartoon of a goat dressed as a Salesforce admin holding a smartphone, set against a blue sky background with trees and mountains.

How Do I Know What My Learning Style Is?

Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Lisa Tulchin, Senior Curriculum Developer at Salesforce. Join us as we chat about choosing the learning path that fits your learning style and strategies for training your users. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Lisa […]

Promo for Salesforce Admins Podcast featuring Ella Marks and a cartoon goat with a smartphone and presentation board.

Create Content for Impactful Presentations with Ella Marks

Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Ella Marks, Senior Marketing Manager at Salesforce. Join us as we chat about the keys to creating a great presentation, how to prep, and how to always nail your ending. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation […]