Ombudsman Cloud Care with Mary Crozier


For this episode of the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we’re joined by Mary Crozier, Salesforce Consultant and the Ombudsman Cloud Care Founder. She tells us how she created the incredible app she’s created to champion volunteerism and service.

Join us as we talk about what an Ombudsman is and what they do on a ship, how she saw an opportunity to overhaul the Ombudsmen team’s workflow with Salesforce, and the power of the Salesforce community.

You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Mary Crozier.

What is an Ombudsman?

Mary came across Salesforce when she was working as a consultant in Japan. As a military spouse, building a career with remote opportunities was essential because frequent moves come with the territory. “Two years ago, I started on my Salesforce journey,” she says, “three months later, I was certified.” At the same time, she was moving to San Diego where her husband took command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier with a crew of 5,000. While she was to build up her Salesforce experience, she also got to know the ship’s Ombudsman.

“An Ombudsman is a liaison between the command and the families,” Mary says, “not just the immediate families of the sailors on board, but also the extended families—they all rely on getting information from command, and that happens through the Ombudsman.” This is a volunteer role on a ship and with 5,000 sailors, it can be a lot of work. Mary got thinking, wouldn’t this all be a lot easier with some sort of case management tool? She started working on the project in January, without knowing how the pandemic would make the need for a tool like this that much more acute.

How Ombudsman Cloud Care creates digital transformation

When Mary first started working with them, the Ombudsmen had nothing automated, not even an autoresponder on their inbox, so it was an absolutely enormous amount of work for a volunteer position. They were relying on sticky notes and notepads and in the face of COVID-19 that had to change.

Mary created Ombusdman Cloud Care, which is not just an app but a broader initiative to retool the way Ombudsmen work. Previously, they alternated weeks, but crises don’t happen that way, and they had no process for how to work together if a deluge of communications suddenly came in.

The app is primarily focused on case management, making it much easier to track everything, automate key processes, and report on communications to command. This cut down on a lot of phone calls, time spent tracking down information to put into spreadsheets, and a whole lot more. Long story short, Mary and her team brought digital transformation to the Ombudsmen team.

The keys to creating an app quickly

To help this project off the ground, Mary created a tiger team to get things done fast. She had Michael Kolodner, who could really help with the implementation and getting everything working; and Shelley Bolt, who was able to work with the Ombudsmen to understand what they needed and how to help them even more. 

The Salesforce community also was a big help, especially for giving the app a security review. “If you’re not reaching out to them for help, then you’re definitely missing out because they’re such a resource—it’s a whole community of go-givers,” Mary says. 



Full Transcript

Gillian Bruce: Welcome to the Salesforce Admins Podcast, where we talk about product, community, and careers to help you be an awesome admin. I’m Gillian Bruce, and today we are talking about something really special. For those of you who celebrate Christmas. This is my little gift to you. We’re talking to Mary Crozier. She is a Salesforce consultant and the Ombudsman Cloud Care founder.
Now, if you don’t know what an ombudsman is, don’t worry. We will cover that very quickly here in the episode, but she is an amazing member of the Mil Spouse Trailblazers Community, the military Salesforce community overall. She’s created an incredible app that really champions volunteerism and service. And I just thought it was a really special story, so I wanted to share it with you today. Lots of great points in there about how to get buy-in, how to architect an app, how to create a team, and really deliver powerful impact. So with that, let’s welcome Mary to the podcast.
Mary, welcome to the podcast.

Mary Crozier: Thank you so much for having me. It’s my pleasure.

Gillian Bruce: Well, I really appreciate you taking the time to join us, and I am very excited about getting you to share a little bit more of your story with our awesome admin audience. I’d like to start with getting to know you a little bit more. Can you tell us a little bit about how you found Salesforce in your life?

Mary Crozier: Sure. I was living in Japan and I was doing some consultant work where I did some professional commercial photography and website development and design. And I was continuing to work with clients even once those projects were done, and I knew I wanted to transition even more into the tech field so that I would continue to be viable and to have more remote opportunities because that’s what our lifestyle dictated. And I just wanted to be able to transition to just something more reliable.

Gillian Bruce: Okay. So you mentioned lifestyle and you skipped over a major part of that.

Mary Crozier: Oh yeah.

Gillian Bruce: So can you tell us a little bit about why were you in Japan?

Mary Crozier: So we were in Japan. We’re military family and my husband was the skipper, the commanding officer for the USS Blue Ridge there, and so we were stationed there during that time.

Gillian Bruce: Okay. So you are one of the amazing members of our Salesforce military community, and the story that I’d love to share with our audience is really focused around kind of that experience. And you’ve built an incredible app. And I’d love for you to tell us a little bit about that. It is an ombudsman app. Can you first define for us non-military folk what is an ombudsman?

Mary Crozier: Yes. So an ombudsman is the liaison between the command and the families. So not just the immediate families of say sailors on board, which you normally would think of, but also the extended families. We’re talking the grandparents, the parents, they all rely on getting information from command, and that happens through the ombudsman. The most important thing to know though is that an ombudsman is a volunteer. They do not get paid for this position and they basically just do it out of the kindness of their own hearts, but they’re hired from the command to do this and to be a liaison.

Gillian Bruce: Okay. So these are folks who are in the military community, but not necessarily an official within structure, correct?

Mary Crozier: They are somewhat official. They are a known entity, but they’re volunteers, at least in the Navy. So in other branches, they get paid, but in the Navy, they don’t get paid. So they are just strictly volunteers, but they are official conduits from command to families and vice versa. Like if you need to reach your sailor, if you need to get hold of the command, you have to go through the ombudsman to do that.

Gillian Bruce: Okay. So a pretty important role because there’s a lot of people on those ships, right?

Mary Crozier: Yeah. So there are about 5,000 sailors aboard a carrier for instance. And so, yeah, it can be a huge job.

Gillian Bruce: Okay. So you have built an app to help this amazing volunteer ombudsmen perform their functions. Can you tell us a little bit of the story of why you came up with this app? How did you even think of Salesforce for this?

Mary Crozier: Well, so two years ago I started on my Salesforce journey, like from the start, November two years ago in training. About three months later, I was certified. We were in the middle of our move into San Diego and I got certified. I picked up a volunteer position and got to work. And soon after that, my husband took over command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt. And I got to know the ombudsman. We believe in building that relationship because we had gone through several crisises, not on our ship, but in the area that we were in Japan, there were several other tragedies. And we just knew that it’s important to build the relationship so that if there’s ever a tragedy, we don’t go to the pier and not know each other, not know the families, not know the ombudsman. So it was really important for us to get to know them and build that relationship once we were here in San Diego and took over command.
And so Salesforce comes in because I saw how, with each sort of issue, and then at times I would be brought in to assist, or at least to have the conversation of like what should we do? Is this something we need to bring to command or is there a better way to deal with it? And because I had also gone through ombudsman training as well, which is significant, because otherwise, I wouldn’t be brought in.
So I had this idea, wouldn’t it be easier if you had some case management tool? I had been working in sort of a case management system, so I was somewhat familiar with how this could work. So I brought this idea, wouldn’t it be easier if you had something?
It started off as a side project and they were like, “Yeah, that would be really cool. That sounds really useful. We definitely would give it a try.” And that was in January. And then came February of last year, or this year. And as we all know, as the months moved on in 2020, it quickly went from minor family crisises or sometimes a major crisis in a individual family, to, all of a sudden, a pandemic, and our situation got much more dire. So then the need for a better system, better processes was obvious.
So at the beginning with their shared Gmail, they didn’t even have like an automatic reply [crosstalk]

Gillian Bruce: Oh man.

Mary Crozier: There was nothing automated. And so I was like, well, let’s first… Because they were just inundated. I mean, in the initial first weeks, they were inundated. So imagine you work full time and then you get off your job because they all had jobs and some of them, parents, and you get off your job and you come home and you get on your emails to do your volunteer work, and there are 500 emails that you have to respond to. And it didn’t just stop there. That was a pretty everyday occurrence as each firestorm occurred.
And so the first thing we did was just set up an automated email in Gmail. That was the simple, like first, let’s just get this out to families because they need some kind of response quickly. And if it’s an emergency, they need to then initiate it a different way. Plus, they were just getting inundated through a variety of places. With social media, they were sort of getting tagged and looped in. And so their touches, their touch points were coming in from sort of everywhere. They were basically being ambushed. And they wanted to help. These are givers. They wanted to help everyone. So it made sense to find a better solution where people came to one source, where all the cases came into one place and the ombudsmen could work together, because that’s not how they were working previously.

Gillian Bruce: Yeah. I mean, it sounds like there really wasn’t much technology being used at all. There was phone calls, emails, you said social media, all the different platforms. I mean, I can’t imagine, as you said, you’re like these are volunteers, they have regular jobs, they get off their job and then they come to 500 emails and a bunch of phone calls and random tags on different social media platforms. That’s incredibly overwhelming.

Mary Crozier: And sticky notes and notepads. Yeah, I’m sure on many days that was fine and it was adequate, but they couldn’t work together. And so they were also just doing like one week on and one week off. Well, crisises tend to, not during a pandemic, but tend to happen over the course of say one week. And so then the load falls on one person and that one person gets ambushed, and it’s not really a good system going forward.
So with our, it’s an app, but it’s also an initiative. And so we’ve really, we’ve not just created a tool, we’ve sort of retooled the way they even work because they just needed a better process in general. And so the app really led to just a better system overall.

Gillian Bruce: So basically you brought digital transformation to ombudsman?

Mary Crozier: I guess that’s the case. My team and I, we have definitely changed how they can work together.

Gillian Bruce: I mean, that’s amazing, Mary. Like this is exactly what the Salesforce platform is meant to do. And I love how you haven’t been a Salesforce consultant for many, many years, you just understood so drastically how the business use case was so important and so needed to change. And you saw that and you’re like, “Hang on. I know this tool that can help us do this.” So, I mean, that’s huge. This is literally what we talk about all the time at Salesforce is helping organizations achieve digital transformation. So here you go, you’re doing it.
So tell me a little bit about how you figured out which elements to build into the app, right? I mean, you’ve talked about collaboration being an issue, incoming requests an issue. How did you go about kind of architecting what this app looked like?

Mary Crozier: So, to be fair, the smartest thing I did was create a tiger team, and a tiger team is basically a small group of people who can get great things done fast. And I brought in Michael Kalodner, who’s a Salesforce MVP and non-profit partner consultant. And I also brought in Shelley Bolt, who she was working on her admin certification at the time, but is the ultimate go-giver. And I wanted somebody to be really focused on the ombudsman as well, not just the tech side. And so I knew that even though she wasn’t certified that week when I brought her in, I knew she was going to be a huge asset to us going forward.
And they really helped. I knew case management. I knew that, okay, we could kind of follow these cases. We could bring in family members, we could send off emails automatically that had all the case information to the command immediately without all the phone calls and maybe back and forth and did we send it, who sent it questions. And it was in the midst of chaos in my own life sort of caused by the whole pandemic.
And so I really depended on them. I I said, “Hey, I have this idea. This is sort of how I think it needs to work. Here are their requirements,” and I acted again as the liaison between the ombudsman and that team. And they really helped make it happen on the backend while I was sort of juggling being part of that process and also still being a big part of the ombudsmen team and helping them.

Gillian Bruce: Yeah. I mean, what I really like, Mary, is that I hear that you had such a clear vision of what this could be, and you also knew how to tap into your network to pull together the right folks to make it happen. And I think that’s so relevant to a lot of admins, right, who may be starting a new implementation or even coming into a role where there is an existing implementation, but they need to figure out how to either understand what’s currently happening or they need to build a new thing, and tapping into your network of Trailblazer community members and people just that is an incredible resource because you don’t have to do this alone. And I think that that’s a really important message.

Mary Crozier: Yeah. The Salesforce community is amazing. And yeah, if you’re not reaching out to them for help, then you’re definitely missing out because, I mean, they’re such a resource and it’s a whole community of go-givers. I have yet to meet one person who was like, “Yeah, I’m not interested.” The list of people and the names of some of the people would just astound you who have touched this product. It’s just amazing that even though those are the three really founders, we are the three kind of founders of the app, but there’s so many people who have touched this and really helped make it happen and make it an actual app and gone through security review, which was really important for me because I wanted it, we know Salesforce is secure and is viable, but I wanted to make sure that people who were not affiliated and associated with Salesforce, for instance, the command leadership, that they knew this was secure, it had gone through security review and was part of an app.

Gillian Bruce: Well, oh my gosh, I can imagine that security is a huge concern. I mean, especially with anything in the military realm, right? I mean, that is top priority. And in a way, having this app is so much more secure than random sticky notes and Gmails and social media posts, right? [inaudible]

Mary Crozier: Yes. Yes, exactly. Yes, leaps and bounds, way better than what they were using. So we sort of chuckle whenever that question comes up and it’s like, “Well, what were you using? Is that more secure?” Because we’re saying this is very secure, but yeah, it’s always a topic of conversation and we enjoy getting that question.

Gillian Bruce: Okay. So let’s get back a little bit to the elements of the app because I’m really curious about the different pieces here. So you mentioned case management was kind of one of the starting ideas, and then you had your tiger team help build this out. So can you talk to me a little bit about what is actually in this app?

Mary Crozier: Yeah. So we definitely utilize the case object and we’ve customized that because ombudsmen have to report specifically on certain areas and on their touch points, how many ingoing and outgoing touches they have on certain types of crisis or issues, and they have to report on those monthly. So having those specific monthly reports ready to go is also huge. Like it’s a simple thing, right? Like reports, we all know what reports are and it seems silly that it’s such a big deal, but for these ombudsmen, they were spending several days every month, or at least one of the ombudsmen, it’s usually one of them that has the role of the joy of gathering all the data from all the ombudsmen. And there’s usually a group of four to five on a carrier. And it takes a couple of days, right, to gather all the data from everybody and then put it all in a spreadsheet and make it all look good and be able to send that off. And now, that’s done automatically.
Case management reporting, just the automated emails, getting emails, responding to family members who have reached out, making sure that those family members know they’ve been heard. That’s priceless right there. Getting those really important emails off to the command and knowing that the command has received them, that’s huge.
You know, the ship is doing its business. The command team, they’re busy. They’re doing their jobs there. One of their jobs is obviously to look after the sailors, and the ombudsman need to know that they’ve received the information about the sailor and that they’ve got it. It’s in their hands now. And before, maybe the ombudsman didn’t know. Did they get the email? Maybe I should call. And so now they’re suddenly calling, trying to get ahold of people in different departments or whatever, “Did you get the information? Are you acting on this? What do we need to do?” So it’s just a time-saver too, especially in an emergency.
What else is there? There’s also a, in this case, because it’s the Navy, we have a custom sailor object, and sort of everything ties into that, as you can imagine.

Gillian Bruce: That’s great. I mean, I’m hearing so many things that you you think about are just normal, things we take for granted, right? Feeling heard, getting verification that someone has received a message. Those are things that, in this role, as you said, are just critically important. I think it’s amazing, it’s amazing that their system was a little outdated, to say the least. And just the value that you and your team were able to bring with a Salesforce app. I mean, it’s transformative. So, amazing work.
We mentioned a little bit about security and making sure that of all of the possible organizations in the world to be concerned about security, I would put the military probably up there at the top and getting leadership on board with kind of the security review that’s required to put an app like this on the app exchange and things like that. Let’s talk a little bit about how you get leadership to endorse and adopt a new technology that is truly transformative and something they are not familiar with. Tell me a little bit about that story.

Mary Crozier: Well, we didn’t know how that would go. Like I was coming up with it as the command spouse. And so I had the conversation with Brett. It was easy. He was like, “Yeah, that sounds great. Let’s do it. Let’s make that happen.” And so he was willing to let me go and build it and then check it out and see how it looked. And he thinks it’s a no-brainer, but by the beginning of April, his thoughts didn’t matter anymore. And whether he believed in it or not was no longer relevant.
And so we had it created at that point already, but obviously the ombudsmen work for the command. And so they didn’t want to just assume that it was going to be okay. So we knew we had to have this conversation. And at first, I posed to them, I’m like, “This is up to you. You really have to endorse it and say, ‘This is what we are using. This is what we really need,'” but that put the ombudsmen in an awkward place too because obviously the situation was crazy at the time and there were multiple changes of command.
So it was very challenging. However, I was able to speak on the command spouse level and say, “We created this, they’re using it, and here’s how they’re using it. Here’s what it was like before, and here’s what it’s like now.” And I actually, we did many demos, and we continue to do demos. That’s a big part of… We’re not marketing, we’re not trying to sell anyone on this. It’s does this make sense to you? And as one command spouse said, this is a no-brainer. The question more is why aren’t we using this? So-

Gillian Bruce: That’s what you want to hear, right?

Mary Crozier: I was like, “Yeah, that’s pretty much…” I kind of threw my hands up. I’m like, “Yeah, exactly. It’s a no-brainer. Why wouldn’t you want your ombudsmen to be able to use a tool like this to help the families and to help the command?” Because it’s ultimately to help the families, but I also saw the need from the command side that they needed this. They need the ombudsmen to know that they’ve heard it, they’ve got it, and the ombudsmen can now move on to the next problem to solve. And so it really was to help both, families and command, and the ombudsmen. Everybody’s a winner here.

Gillian Bruce: That’s so great. I mean, yeah, I would imagine that command has got just a few things to do. So getting followup phone calls to verify an email was received, I can imagine that’s not the greatest use of their time. So, I mean, a huge time-saver, right, on all fronts-

Mary Crozier: Right. Right.

Gillian Bruce: But I think especially if you’re commanding a humongous organization of people, it’s really important that you are as efficient as possible. So I get that they saw that value prop there. So that’s great.

Mary Crozier: Right. Yes. Yes. It is, it’s wonderful. Yeah, it’s definitely… We realized that at first we thought we were going to be having to sell it and really push it and encouraged people to really take on something that was innovative, but when we started having these conversations and they were like, “Well, yeah, why wouldn’t we want to use this?” it’s just a matter of now sort of making it happen and signing on and taking the time to build it into their process and their system.

Gillian Bruce: That’s great. So I’d love to just touch on that for a second because, all right, cool, you’ve had these conversations, you know the right people to talk to to get them excited about it. You’ve got the people who are in the no-brainer camp are leading the way, and now you’ve got to roll this out and teach a whole bunch of people how to use a new system. How did that go?

Mary Crozier: It’s gone really well. So we’re taking ombudsmen and we’re giving them a new skill, right? We’re giving them the Salesforce skill. And if they, once they’re done volunteering, they want to then go and work in the Salesforce industry, they have this new skill to add to their resume, which is phenomenal.
The training we do specifically involves I think three to five basic trainings, like from how to log in to how to submit a case, to how to bring in new family members and get them into the system, and the sailors as well. And then we also host weekly office hours. So every Friday, ombudsmen can, at lunchtime, they can come into the meeting and get all their answers that they need, or get help, or submit a ticket and talk it through because we have our own little case management for solving problems, and of course it’s not on Salesforce yet because this is a completely free initiative. Did I say that? Everything is free.
So everything’s free for the ombudsmen. The Ombudsman Cloud Care app and this whole initiative, we don’t include anything that’s ever going to cost them money. It is 100% free and we do this 100% pro bono. So everything we have to do is also free. So we have our support tickets and they come into an Excel sheet, but that’s okay, we’re managing.

Gillian Bruce: That’s the next version. That’s [crosstalk]

Mary Crozier: Yeah, Ombudsman Cloud Care for us. And so it’s great. It’s working really well. Up to this point, it’s very manageable. But yeah, we’re really excited because we’re giving ombudsmen that training and a new skill to take with them.

Gillian Bruce: I think that’s amazing. I mean, clearly I think it’s probably easy to draw the conclusion of, hey, command is saving time, ombudsmen are saving time, actually, the sailors and their families are getting served better, but also to provide this new skill to folks and open up this new career world to them is also really, really an amazing impact that you have in the community. Have you heard any feedback from maybe the military family community or the sailors themselves about the impact that this has had?

Mary Crozier: So because I’m not necessarily involved directly anymore with the [inaudible] obviously, but yeah, they are just loving having this tool. It is making such a, just it’s life-changing for them to have cases come in from only one or two sources. So that alone has really just changed the way they do things and their stress level. They’re not having to monitor Facebook because the whatever groups that are out there, they just post, “Hey here’s the form,” and they just share the link.
So everything is more condensed. It’s more streamlined. Their stress levels in regards to at least their job as ombudsmen has definitely gotten better. So that, to me, is the biggest one.

Gillian Bruce: That’s awesome. That’s awesome. I mean, they are such important people that are, as we should keep reminding folks as you tell the story, they are volunteers, so [crosstalk]

Mary Crozier: I don’t want them stressed out and quitting.

Gillian Bruce: Yeah. We need to keep them around and make it easy for them to provide their service, right? Yeah.

Mary Crozier: Yes, exactly. You want to keep your ombudsmen happy.

Gillian Bruce: Yeah. Yeah. Well, Mary, I think you’ve done a great deal to help improve the ombudsman experience and to help make them happy. So huge props to you and your team for putting this together and really creating a very impactful app and putting your Salesforce skills and your industry knowledge, which is, I mean, I think military is an industry, we can call that industry knowledge together. And that’s really kind of the admin magic there, right, is knowing how your org works and then knowing how to plug in Salesforce tools to help make things easier. So, good job, awesome admin Mary.

Mary Crozier: Thanks. It’s been an amazing ride.

Gillian Bruce: So any last kind of pieces of advice or tips you’d like to share with our amazing audience before we wrap up today?

Mary Crozier: Yeah. You know what? Two things. One, the biggest is rely on the community. If you have an idea, if you’re trying to help solve a problem, reach out. Like announce it to the world, to the Ohana. And trust me, people will come back with resources. And then follow up on them because it will change your life for the better. And I’ll quote Jay-Z here, the genius thing we did was not give up. And that’s truly, there were times when it got stressful and there were times when my own personal family crisis got a little out of hand and we took a little break, and then two weeks later, we picked it right back up. And that made all the difference in the world.

Gillian Bruce: Well, thank you for imparting the first Jay-Z quote on the podcast. [crosstalk 00:31:12]. That’s a good one. So thank you. Again, Mary, seriously, thank you so much for the amazing work that you and your team have done, for the vision that you had, for the impact that you’re bringing to not just the military community, but I think this example resonates so much with a lot of people who maybe are now seeing other opportunities and use cases to use Salesforce to really help improve how communities communicate and work together. So thank you so much for that and I look forward to hearing about the next thing you build because I think you’re just stepping in the water a little bit here. I have a feeling you got lots more in your future.

Mary Crozier: Oh, I hope so. Thanks for having me. It’s been a pleasure to share the story.

Gillian Bruce: (silence)
Wow. Well, thank you so much, Mary, for giving us this special holiday gift of a story and inspiration. I could talk to Mary forever about what she built and how she helped to deliver real value to very important members of our society.
And with that, I wanted to share some of my top takeaways. So number one, Mary had a very clear message about how she had a vision, right? So look in places where maybe even have some very outdated technology, maybe some papers, maybe some spreadsheets, maybe some unanswered emails, and think about how you can bring the power of Salesforce to help digitally transform that experience.
Now, Mary created something that was for a very specific use case that was very near and dear to her heart and her experience. I guarantee you’ve got something in your life. Now, it may not be an ombudsman app, but it may be something even maybe managing, I don’t know, holiday cards or keeping in touch with family. But if you’re looking for a way to stretch your skills, this is a great way for you to build an app and test out what you know.
Okay, next is all about getting leadership buy-in, which is huge. Now, Mary shared a lot about how she had conversations with folks who were involved, simply talking about the need for this, why it matters, what it can do, and then demo-ing. Demo demo, demo, demo.
Another element of Mary’s success is security. So Salesforce has an amazing security model. It is an incredibly powerful platform that is upheld by trust, which is our number one value, but communicating that and how secure it is to people who are very concerned with security overall was super important. And one of the ways she did that was by putting the app through the app exchange process, the security review process to verify and demonstrate how truly secure the app is. So if you’ve got maybe some leaders who are a little wary, hey, you can use the same principles and really show them the power of the Salesforce platform and how secure it can be.
And finally, I mean, this wouldn’t be a holiday themed podcast without talking about the power of community and tapping into others and asking others for help and relying on others to contribute and help make something successful. Mary talked about how important it was for her to tap into people who maybe weren’t super Salesforce experts, but experts in the military community, experts with this ombudsman role, and then tapping into the Salesforce expertise that exists out there with folks who also cared about the same thing.
So put it out there, go reach out, make some connections. I know most of us are all online these days, and so it’s actually, in some ways, easier than before to reach people that you may have never reached in person. So take advantage of that and really make some of those connections and help you accomplish some big, awesome things.
Thank you so much, everyone, for listening to this episode. Really appreciate it. It’s been quite a year. Hopefully this helps inspire you a little this season to give back and to be thankful for everything that you’ve got and being part of the Salesforce community. I am thankful that you are a listener.
If you want to learn more about being an awesome admin and everything admin related for Salesforce, make sure you go to to find all kinds of things, like blogs, some more podcasts. We even got some great videos on there. You can also stay up to date with all things awesome admin on Twitter. We are @SalesforceAdmns, no I, and #AwesomeAdmin. You can find me on Twitter @GillianKBruce, and our other amazing host for this podcast, Mike Gerholt, is @MikeGerholdt. You can find our guest today, Mary Crozier on Twitter @Hi_MaryCrozier. All the links are in the show notes that we mentioned today, and I hope you all have a wonderful wrapping up of your year. Be grateful, be thankful. I am grateful and thankful to you, and we’ll catch you next time in the cloud.

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Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Lisa Tulchin, Senior Curriculum Developer at Salesforce. Join us as we chat about user learning styles and how to use them to create better training sessions. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation with Lisa Tulchin. Choose […]


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Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Ella Marks, Senior Marketing Manager at Salesforce. Join us as we chat about the keys to creating an effective presentation, how to prep, and how to create a strong ending. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation […]


Effective Process Documentation for Salesforce Admins

Today on the Salesforce Admins Podcast, we talk to Jennifer Cole, Director of Business Intelligence and Automation at 908 Devices. Join us as we chat about why understanding and documenting your business processes is critical for collecting quality data in your org. You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways […]