How Do I Listen to the Salesforce Admins Podcast?

How Do I Listen to the Salesforce Admins Podcast?


Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of podcasts and laying to rest a few misconceptions that might be keeping you from enjoying this incredible source of information and entertainment. If you’re someone who’s already comfortable with reading blogs and scrolling through social media on your trusty smartphone, then you’re just a few taps away from becoming a podcast-listening pro. Let’s bust those myths and get you started on your podcast-listening journey!

Myth 1: Podcasts are hard to find and download

Remember the days when finding and downloading content used to feel like a cryptic quest? Say goodbye to those times of frustration, and let’s welcome simplicity with open arms. Most smartphones, like iOS devices or Google devices, come equipped with a native podcast app that’s easy to use and no different than any music streaming app.

On your iOS device, you’ll find the Podcasts app ready to roll. It’s as built-in as your morning coffee routine. Simply tap on the app, and you’re greeted with a world of podcast possibilities. Type in keywords, topics, or even the names of your favorite personalities, and voilà! A buffet of podcasts catering to your interests. Go ahead and try it right now. Type “Salesforce Admin” into the Podcasts app on iOS (or Google Play).

But wait, there’s more! Did you know that major streaming platforms like Spotify, Soundcloud, and Google Play have also hopped on the podcast train? That means, if you’re already familiar with these platforms, you’re golden. No need to install another app — you can find podcasts right there alongside your favorite tunes. And many of your favorite podcasts, like the Salesforce Admins Podcast, are already on those platforms.

Myth 2: You need special equipment to listen

Guess what? You don’t need to be a tech wizard to enjoy podcasts. If you’re reading this on your smartphone, you’re already set! No need to invest in fancy equipment or learn a new language of gadgets.

Grab those earbuds you use for music or the ones that came with your phone. Plug them in, and you’re good to go. Every episode of the Salesforce Admins Podcast is published just like a blog post. And there’s a player right on the page that will play in any mobile browser. Whether you’re walking the dog, sweating it out at the gym, or just chilling at home, your earbuds are your golden ticket to the podcast wonderland.

The scoop on subscribing

Let’s talk about subscriptions, the secret sauce that transforms your podcast experience from “casually listening” to “never missing an episode.” Subscribing to a podcast is like having its latest episodes hand-delivered to you.

When you find a podcast you love (and believe me, you’ll find plenty), all you need to do is hit that Subscribe or Follow button. From that moment on, your podcast app will automatically download new episodes as soon as they’re released. No need to constantly search for updates — it’s like having your very own newsfeed of audio goodness.

Multitasking marvel: Podcasts on the go

Now, here’s the real magic of podcasts—they turn those mundane, everyday activities into opportunities for learning and entertainment. Remember those times you wished you could make better use of your commute, your daily walk, or even your household chores? Well, podcasts are your answer.

Imagine this: You’ve been thinking about growing your skill set and getting deeper into understanding business analysis. But you have zero time to read a blog post. You’re on your morning walk, earbuds in, listening to an episode with Ko Forte about business analyst skills. You’re not only getting your steps in but also getting smarter. You’re diving into captivating stories, exploring new ideas, and laughing along with witty Coffee with Evangelists conversations. All while the sun rises and the world wakes up around you.

In a nutshell, podcasts are the ultimate multitasking tool. You can listen while you’re on the move, while you’re cooking, while you’re building a new flow… The possibilities are endless.

The myths that podcasts are hard to find and download, and require special equipment, are nothing more than tales from the past. With your smartphone in hand and a curiosity for new ideas, you’re ready to embark on a podcast adventure that’s as easy as sending a text.

It’s time to put in those earbuds, hit that play button, and let the magic of the Salesforce Admins Podcast enrich your life in ways you never thought possible. Happy listening! 🎧


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