New Lightning Resources for Service Cloud Admins


We’ve got great news for Service Cloud Admins that are looking to make the move to Lightning Experience. Maybe you have a customized Service Console in Salesforce Classic or maybe you’ve been putting off your transition. Not sure where to start? We’ll help you get started! As you start working with the Summer ’18 release, check out these new and updated resources to help make your move to Lightning Experience easier. And it’s not as scary as it sounds.

Before we get into the updated resources, here’s a few things to keep in mind as you plan your transition.

Start your transition now

We recommend that you transition as soon as possible, even if you’re waiting for functionality that’s coming to Lightning Experience. We might even deliver some of those gaps while you’re transitioning. The longer you wait, the more advanced Lightning Experience becomes, which could mean more money and time later. So start slow and do it now.

Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience can coexist!

Your Salesforce Classic implementation can coexist with a Lightning Experience implementation with no issues, and that includes your console. Your agents can keep working in your Service Console in Salesforce Classic while you transition to Lightning Experience.

Leverage the out-of-the-box app

Salesforce provides an out-of-the-box Service Console app in Lightning Experience. Use this app as a starting point for your transition—just customize it to meet your needs. The app is already optimized for agents, so save yourself valuable time and get started today. Of course, you can always recreate your Salesforce Classic console app in Lightning Experience, but using our out-of-the-box app is faster and easier.

Make your transition gradual and iterative

You don’t have to do everything all at once, and that includes moving your users. That’s right, you don’t have to switch all your users at the same time. We recommend that you first roll out Lightning Experience to a small group of Service Cloud pilot users. Include your All Star agents in this group and adjust your plan based on their feedback.

Don’t lift and shift!

Use the move to re-evaluate your customizations since there might be an easier way to do something in Lightning Experience.


So are you ready to get started? Check out these new and updated resources we have for you:

Video Resources

Get Ready to Transition to Service Cloud in Lightning Experience: Watch this updated 2-part video about making the move to Service Cloud in Lightning Experience. Consider these videos your starting point as you’ll learn about the basics of planning your transition.



Lightning Experience at Your Own Pace:Watch this video to understand the ins and outs of giving your users permission to Lightning Experience.



What Features Are Available in Lightning Console Apps?: This topic is updated each release with details about Lightning Experience equivalents for Salesforce Classic console features. Use this topic to help you figure out what you need to customize in your Lightning Service Console. Keep in mind that some features in Lightning Experience have different names than they did in Salesforce Classic.

Lightning Experience Roadmap: This topic is also updated each release and can help you identify when features will be available in Lightning Experience.


Learn about what Service Cloud is like in Lightning Experience with the Get Started with Service Cloud for Lightning Experience Trail below. Get a tour of the case page for the Lightning Service Console and check out Service Setup. There’s an entire module about customizing the out-of-the-box Lightning Service Console app to make it your own.

You can also follow the Make the Move to Lightning Experience trailmix, and use it as your reference for all things Lightning Experience. This helpful starting point includes a module that’s just about creating your rollout plan.

Hope all these resources help! Happy transitions!

Trailhead Trail
Improve the productivity of your customer service team by moving your org to Lightning Experience.
The admin Learn Moar Trailhead Community badge next to text that says, "#3 Salesforce Mobile App Highlights."

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