User management enhancements Winter '25

User Management Enhancements | Winter ’25 Be Release Ready


Winter ’25 is almost here! Learn more about user management and check out Be Release Ready to discover more resources to help you prepare for Winter ’25.

We’re continuing to innovate in Setup starting with user access and user management. We have several exciting enhancements in store for Winter ’25–many thanks to your feedback and engagement on IdeaExchange. Your continuous feedback has really helped shape what we’re delivering, so thank you to everyone who has given us feedback—it’s truly a gift. 

If you haven’t read our blog post from the last release, go ahead and do that to see the exciting features we delivered. We also encourage you to check out the Future of User Management which we presented at TDX, as it will set some additional context for you.  

Here’s what you can expect to see in Winter ’25

1. Enhancements to the User Access Summary

We heard you love this summary, so we’re giving you even more features! 

If you haven’t checked out the summary feature on users yet, what are you waiting for? In Winter ’25, you’ll be able to see how a user got each of their permissions by using the row-level action called Access Granted From. This action shows you all of the places a user is getting a permission from, since permissions are additive. You no longer need to run queries or click through dozens of pages to find this info. Hooray for this time-saver!

A row-level action called "Access Granted By" that an admin can click on to see how a user is getting access.

In addition to seeing where a user is getting a permission from, we’re including key fields on the User Access Summary that are now also editable.

User fields that can be edited right on the User Access Summary.

2. Object access is granted right from Object Manager

Because we heard you love summaries, we’re giving you another one in Object Manager. For all objects that have CRUD access, you can see a summary of which permission sets, permission set groups, and profiles grant access to the object. If you want to see what else is coming in the future (Hint: We might make this summary editable so you can edit object permissions en masse.), make sure you tune in to our Future of User Management session at Dreamforce 2024. Not attending Dreamforce? Catch the on-demand video on Salesforce+.

The Object Access summary for the Account object in Object Manager.

3. Enhanced User List View

Are you one of the many people that voted on the idea to allow for in-line editing in the User list view? If so, you’ll be pleased to know that if you enable Enhanced User List View on the User Management Settings page, you’ll not only get a new list view for the User page but also inline editing! This is in addition to all of the capabilities you know and love with list views, such as search, pinning, and filtering.

Note: Not all fields are supported in the list view yet, but we’re working on opening more up in future releases.

The enhanced User list view filtered to a custom pinned list where a user has been searched and the profile can be edited in line.

4. Description field on public groups and queues

At Dreamforce ’23, a Trailblazer approached me after one of my sessions and asked, “Are you ever going to deliver the idea for a description field on public groups and queues?” I promised that I would get them this field—and I’ve kept my promise, because now you have a description field on both!

New Description field available on a public group.

5. Enhanced public group membership

You can now manage public group membership right from the Public Group Summary in a much more streamlined and performant experience. You can search across all current or available members, then add or remove up to 100 members at a time.

We have even more features for user access and you can see them all here in our release notes. If you’re already curious about what’s coming next, I hope you’ll tune in to the upcoming Future of User Management session at DF24.

Winter ’25 resources

Each release brings tons of amazing new functionality and it can be a lot to digest. Throughout the Winter ’25 release, we’ll publish blogs and videos to help you prepare to get the most out of this release! Bookmark Be Release Ready and check back regularly as we continue to add new Winter ’25 resources for Salesforce Admins.

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