Holly Palmer

Holly is an Event Marketer for the Awesome Admin team and is a Bay Area native. She loves the sun and doodle dogs. You can bribe her with red Swedish Fish and awesome swag ideas.

Salesforce Administrators Rock World Tour London

The London World Tour was the biggest Salesforce event outside of Dreamforce –thanks to the 9,600 attendees! Last Thursday at the ExCeL Centre, Admins brought incredible energy to the Trailhead Zone– from the standing-room-only Admin Theatre to the Ask the Expert booths, Admins were everywhere. Check out the photos of the fun here. There was also […]


Salesforce World Tour: Feeling the Energy, Boston!

As we touched down in snowy Boston this week to bring you the Salesforce World Tour, I was reminded of the amazing energy and passion of our Awesome Admins! The winter weather didn’t stop us from connecting or learning, and we want to thank all of you for being so welcoming. Over 5000 people filled […]