December Monthly Retro with Gillian and Mike


It’s the final episode of the Salesforce Admins Podcast for 2020, and this week, we’re bringing you the monthly retro, with a holiday haul of December Salesforce content. We’ll spotlight all the great blog posts, videos, and everything else from this month so you don’t miss out.

Join us as we talk about everything neat and new in Salesforce content from December and a look back at all the things we’ve found that gave us joy in 2020.

You should subscribe for the full episode, but here are a few takeaways from our conversation between Mike and Gillian.


One of the bright spots of this year is it marked the first time anyone from anywhere could participate in Dreamforce. Mike put together a bunch of great videos for the Admin channel, including presentations on Tableau, #LowCodeLove features, and security and privacy center. The best thing is that because the entire event happened online, you can go back and watch anything you missed and still get the full experience.

The New Essential Habits

Essential Habits has gotten a makeover and there’s so much more beneath the surface. We’ve combined the succinct, top-level themes you love with deep dives into everything that goes behind it.

Blog highlights from December

Mike highlighted Flow Orchestrator in a blog post you shouldn’t miss. “This is really what we’ve wanted as admins for a long time,” he says, “the way that Orchestrator is set up helps us automate an entire business process.” Gillian, meanwhile, wants to make sure you don’t miss Lizz Hellinga’s roundup of low-code features you can use right now in your org.

Podcast highlights from December

If you haven’t yet caught Mike’s episode with Madeleine Coutanceau, who has really embraced new features with a declarative approach that lets them get the most out of Salesforce without accumulating technical debt. Gillian spoke to Mary Crozier, a military spouse who created a team to build the Ombudsman Cloud Care app to help manage communications with the families of 5,000 sailors on an aircraft carrier. If you don’t know what an ombudsman is, check out the episode.

Listen to the full episode to hear about our favorite shows, podcasts, recipes, and everything else we’ve been doing with ourselves during the rollercoaster ride that has been this year. Also, our favorite Salesforce features of 2020.


Full Show Transcript


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