Editor’s note: This post was updated on September 26, 2022, with the latest information on enablement timing.
We have important news for #AwesomeAdmins who manage a Salesforce Community or Site. There are updates coming in Spring ’23 that require your attention to ensure your external users see the correct information in your Community or Site. Please continue reading and take action before Spring ’23!
Each external user should only edit and view their own Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data. Since each company considers different fields as PII, Salesforce has increased the number of default fields considered PII when you enable Enhanced Personal Information Management. This means that if you do not take the steps outlined below, there’s a chance you’ll have users who cannot see the data they expect to see.
An example scenario would be how external users view a field like Mobile. If you made the Mobile field for external users viewable by your community users, then your users may be accustomed to viewing and referencing this field. Salesforce considers the Mobile field PII by default, so in Spring ’23 this field will be not viewable to other external users unless the admin takes the below steps.
To avoid unexpected changes to field visibility for external users, we urge you to take action prior to Spring ’23 being enabled in your Salesforce org.
What steps do I need to take?
First, disable Hide Personal Information and enable Enhanced Personal Information Management by following the below steps.
1. Go to Setup > User Management Settings.

2. Disable the Hide Personal Information setting.
3. Enable the Enhanced Personal Information Management setting.
Then, review the fields that will be classified as PII with Enhanced Personal Information Management.
By default, the following fields are classified as personal information and hidden from external users:
Hide Personal Information (retired in Spring '23) | Enhanced Personal Information Management |
Alias Department Division Email Sender Email Signature Employee Number Extension SAML FederationId Title Username | The 10 fields from Hide Personal Information and the following fields:
About Me Company Name Email Email Sender Name Employee Number Fax Manager Mobile Phone User Photo badge text overlay
(Components of the Address) City Country Geocode Accuracy Latitude Longitude Postal Code Street State
First Name Last Name |
Now, adjust the PII for fields that should not be classified as PII (if needed).
1. Review the User fields classified as personal information and adjust what is considered PII by clicking the this field set link or going to: Setup > Object Manager > Users > Field Sets > PersonalInfo_EPIM.

2. Remove fields that your external users should have the option to see.
3. Classify only fields that contain user PII; for example, do not classify System fields.
4. As always, test in a sandbox before production!
Additional information
- The Name field is special and is classified as personal information in the field set (by default). Unlike other fields, we show the Name unless Show nicknames is enabled for the site.
- For customers who enabled Enhanced Personal Information Management in Winter ’22, instead of a Field Set, adjust fields classified as personal information by going to a User field and adjusting the Compliance Categorization picklist.
- You should edit the Name field’s Compliance Categorization by choosing PersonalInfo as a picklist value.