Ruth on a lifeguard stand and Cloudy in snorkeling gear. Text that says, "Jen's Top Summer '23 Release Features."

Jen’s Top Summer ’23 Release Features for Admins and Users


Summer is always my favorite time of year. While there are days when it does get hot in Boston, I enjoy summer activities like going to the beach, hiking with my partner and Mochi, eating outside without a jacket, and eating lots of roasted corn and watermelon! Summer also happens to be one of our three releases to the Salesforce platform.

As always, please read the release notes for features that are important to you and your company.

After you read the summarized list of features below, head over to your Summer ’23 sandbox and test-drive the features yourself. You can also get hands-on in a Summer ’23 pre-release org here. Check the Maintenance Calendar for exactly when your Salesforce org will get the Summer ’23 features. Scroll through the list and check your Salesforce instance (NA__, EMEA__) against the release dates listed in the calendar.

All enhancements below apply to Lightning Experience unless specified otherwise.

Releases include Pilot, Beta, and Generally Available (GA) features.

  • Pilot–Usually the first phase of public testing, Pilots normally include a small subset of participant companies. These companies must request to opt in to a Pilot and then be nominated for participation.
  • Beta–This phase involves rolling out a feature publicly for testing. Beta features are normally given limited support as they are not yet fully functional or finished, so we recommend getting hands-on with these features in a sandbox.
  • GA–Once a feature has passed the Pilot and Beta testing phases, it will be formally included in a Salesforce release. GA features are considered fully functional and, in most cases, fully supported.

Features for users

Below are a few Summer ’23 features I thought your users would find helpful!

Undo field changes with a click

Users can now quickly undo field changes as they edit an input field on a Lightning record page that isn’t Dynamic Forms enabled. When a user types in an input field, the undo button appears, and the field is highlighted with a yellow background color.

Undo button when editing a field

Maximize user productivity with calendar enhancements

You can now view up to 500 events in your calendar view with longer event text and overlapping tiles. Click once to preview an event and again to open the event. To enable these calendar enhancements in Setup, go to Activity Settings and select Use Lightning Web Components for Calendar Home.

Calendar demo of the one click to preview and one more click to view an event record

Access your calendar with one click

When your users create a new event using the New Event drop-down in Activity Composer, they can now open their calendar to quickly see if there are any conflicts.

 View Calendar now available from the New Event drop-down

See object names in record tabs

Are you someone with multiple browser tabs open at the same time? Same. Hard to sometimes track which tab is which? Same. Salesforce now displays the record name, object name, and “Salesforce” in the tab name when viewing or inline editing a record. The object name will appear only when fully editing the page in the Lightning Console, not when fully editing the record in Lightning.

Tab with record name, object name, and the word Salesforce shown on record view

This is the tab display when fully editing a record.

Tab with record name and the word Salesforce shown when fully editing a record

(GA) Unify your analytics with Analytics home

Manage all your analytics in one place with a personalized home for your CRM Analytics and reports and dashboards.

Unified analytics homepage

Use the CRM Analytics for Slack app to share your Lightning dashboards

Share analytics with your teammates where they’re at, in Slack using the CRM Analytics for Slack app. Once your workspace admin approves it and it’s installed in Slack, your users can click on the Post to Slack icon, select the Slack workspace and channels where they want to share the dashboard, and it will appear in a post accordingly. Users can click on the dashboard name to access the dashboard in Salesforce. Additionally, they can access the Share, Subscribe, and View Snapshot actions as well.

Post to Slack icon on a dashboard

Report and dashboard enhancements

Enhance your Lightning dashboards with images and rich text

Up your reporting game by adding image and rich text components to your Lightning dashboards to further enhance your visualizations—give them section titles, narrative text, and images, and even include animated GIFs! Add up to 25 widgets to your dashboards—including a maximum of 20 charts and tables, two images, and 25 rich text widgets. Note: This feature applies only to users of Lightning Experience using Unlimited Edition.

Reduce redundancy with more dashboard filters

Use up to five filters to further refine your dashboard data. Previously, you had only three filter options. This feature applies only to users of Lightning Experience using Unlimited Edition.

Dashboard with five filters

Find email messages faster with improved searches

Your agents can now search email messages with matching subjects when they type ahead. As an admin, you define the fields that appear in their search results by configuring the search layout for Email Message records. To do this in Setup, go to Objects to Always Search, select Edit for the agents’ profile, and add the Email Message objects. Next, go to Object Manager, search for and select the Email Messages object, select Search Layouts, locate the layout for the agents’ profile, and edit the fields to display in the search results.

Shows the configuration steps for Objects to Always Search and Search Layouts

Create quotes without a related opportunity

Your sales reps can boost their productivity and create a quote without having to first create an opportunity. Note: A quote must be related to an account once it’s converted to an order. To enable this feature in Setup, go to Quote Settings and select the Create Quotes Without a Related Opportunity.

Features for admins

Here are a few Summer ’23 features for #AwesomeAdmins!

Multi-factor authentication auto-enablement continues with Summer ’23

The requirement to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) when accessing Salesforce products went into effect on February 1, 2022. All users must now use MFA when logging in to Salesforce with Salesforce username/password credentials or single sign-on (SSO).

The first MFA auto-enablement phase occurred during Spring ’23. Additional phases are scheduled for the next several major releases, concluding with Spring ’24. As part of the auto-enablement, Salesforce will auto-enable MFA for direct logins. We’ll eventually enforce MFA as a permanent part of the Salesforce login process. To avoid disruptions to your users when these milestones occur, enable MFA as soon as possible. For more information, see MFA Auto-Enablement Continues: Find Out When and How Your Org Is Affected (Release Update).

To monitor the MFA enforcement milestone schedule, see the MFA Enforcement Roadmap. To know when your production org is affected, monitor the Release Update node in Setup for the MFA Auto-Enablement Release Update.

The CASESAFEID function will convert only valid 15-character IDs

The behavior of the CASESAFEID function will convert only valid Salesforce 15-character IDs to case-insensitive 18-character IDs. Now, if you provide an invalid ID, it will return the invalid ID. Previously, in Classic, if the ID was invalid, no ID was returned.

(Beta) Mass create and update records using quick actions on related lists to increase user productivity

Talk about boosting productivity! You can now add Create a Record and Update a Record quick actions to your related list and mass update up to 100 records at once! Admins and users rejoice! You can add a quick action one of two ways to your related list. In Lightning App Builder, add the Dynamic Related List – Single component to your record page and select Add Action from the Properties pane. Or, you can add a quick action in the page layout editor. Note: If you don’t see actions on the related list within App Builder, set the related list type to Enhanced List.

Shows adding an Update Record(s) quick action to a dynamic related list

Clone Lightning apps fast!

Use the clone feature in App Manager to quickly create a new custom Lightning app. Use the Quick Save option at any step to copy the app configuration as is. Note: This feature isn’t available for standard, connected, managed, community, or classic apps.

Use one file to install Data Loader regardless of macOS or Windows

We now have one installation file to install and set up Data Loader. Previously, this required separate zip files for the different operating systems.

Recalculate account sharing rules faster with change in opportunity sharing behavior

Account sharing rule recalculations are faster now that the system will determine whether the user can access the child opportunity records when they try to access them, rather than storing the child implicit share records for the account and their child opportunity records. This feature will be available after May 15, 2023, and you can enable it by contacting Salesforce support through a feature activation case.You can also learn about the roadmap and enable this feature for child cases and contacts through the Enable Faster Account Sharing Recalculation by Not Storing Case and Contact Implicit Child Shares Release Update by reading the Product Manager’s update.

Run the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool before Classic Knowledge data model retires

For customers using Classic Knowledge, the Classic Knowledge data model will no longer be available starting with the Summer ’25 release. Run the Lightning Knowledge Migration Tool prior to the deadline to migrate to the Lightning Knowledge data model. Learn how to migrate in Help. By migrating to Lightning Knowledge, you will get the Knowledge features, such as Einstein Article Recommendations, Einstein Search for Knowledge, Flow support, bots, and more! Note: The Classic UI for Knowledge will not be retired.

Use an org-wide email address to send automated process emails

As a security measure, Salesforce prevents companies from sending automated process emails from an unverified email address. To send automated process emails for your org, you need to set up an org-wide email address. Then go to the Process Automation Settings page and enter the designated email address in the Automated Process User Email Address field.

Process Automation Settings, with Automated Process User Email Address field populated

Field enhancements

Limit inactive picklist values to 4,000

Speaking as a former customer, I cannot imagine an org with more than 4,000 inactive picklist values in a custom picklist, let alone anything over 20. I like to keep mine relatively neat and tidy. With the Summer ’23 release, we’re enforcing the limit of inactive picklist values to 4,000 for new unrestricted custom picklists, for performance and org-health reasons. Unrestricted custom picklists previously created with over 4,000 inactive values will remain unchanged.

Manage Salutation picklist values in Object Manager

You can now manage picklist values for your Salutation field in Object Manager for Individual, Lead, Contact, and Person Account objects.

Use gender-neutral salutations for your customers

The Mx. picklist value is now available by default for the Salutation field on the Individual, Lead, Contact, and Person Account objects for new orgs created in Summer ’23 and after, so your customers can use titles that align with their identities. Orgs created prior to Summer ’23 can manually add the Mx. picklist value.

Permission enhancements

(GA) Set field-level security for a field on permission sets instead of profiles

Manage the field-level security (FLS) for fields on permission sets instead of profiles when you create a new field or modify an existing field’s FLS. This aligns with the best practice of maintaining user access in permission sets as opposed to profiles. You can also review each permision set’s permissions for that field’s object on the same page. To enable this in Setup, go to User Management Settings and enable Field-Level Security for Permission Sets During Field Creation.

Shows process for assigning FLS to permission sets during a new field creation or modification of existing field

Give your delegated admins the ability to manage permission set group assignments

Your delegated admins can now manage permission set group assignments for their designated users. Note: Your delegated admin won’t be able to modify the permission set groups.

Assignable permission set groups for delegated admins

(Beta) Use user access policies to automate and migrate user access

Automation to the rescue! Use user access policies to automatically manage user access to managed package licenses, permission sets, and other access based on the criteria you set, when users are created or updated. Additionally, use this feature to migrate users in bulk. You can also monitor recent user access changes. To enable this feature, go to User Management Settings in Setup and enable User Access Policies (Beta). Note: If Salesforce support enabled user access policies for you prior to the Summer ’23 release, you must enable this feature again on the User Management Settings page.

User Management Settings page; User Access Policies (Beta) is enabled

View even more information in the User Access and Permissions Assistant reports

The User Access and Permissions Assistant reports have been updated to also contain user titles, profiles, and whether they’re active. You can also filter on user attributes. Performance for these reports for orgs with many users has also been improved. To use User Access and Permissions Assistant, download the app from the AppExchange.

Flow Builder enhancements

No more new processes!

As the next step in the future retirement of workflow rules and processes, starting with the Summer ’23 release, you’re no longer able to create new processes or clone as new process. You can still continue to maintain, deactivate, and activate your existing processes. Note: Developer Edition orgs will not be impacted by this change.

Cloudy with a megaphone.I’m going to get on my soapbox for half a sec.

Admins, I recommend you start moving your existing processes to Flow Builder. You can use the Migrate to Flow tool to migrate the supported Process Builder use cases, but as a former admin who worked on converting my company’s processes to Flow prior to the retirement announcement, I highly recommend you take the time to review your processes with your business stakeholder to get aligned, and consider designing your automation new in Flow Builder rather than using the migration tool. This is important for all orgs but especially for the older orgs where you built those processes years ago and haven’t touched them since. Some processes change over time. The end goal is not to go from 50 processes to 50 flows but to take the time to consolidate your automation where it makes sense. There may be opportunities to improve automations now that you gained more automation experience than you had when you built them a year or more ago. When I look back at some of my earlier automation, there are definitely areas I can improve upon. Take the time to Marie Kondo those processes that don’t bring your company joy. Check out Automate This! Migrating Workflow Rules and Processes to Flow.

Convert more processes to flows with the Migrate to Flow tool

The Migrate to Flow tool has been updated to allow you to migrate processes with scheduled actions. A scheduled action in your process will migrate to a scheduled path in Flow. The tool will migrate the scheduled action only if one row of criteria is selected. When this is done, the Process Builder Decision element is migrated to Flow as an entry condition to ensure the scheduled path runs correctly. So, what this means is if your process has five criteria with scheduled actions, by using the tool you will have five individual flows. Note: The Migrate to Flow tool takes care of all pending scheduled actions from the original process at flow runtime.

This animated GIF takes you through an example of migrating a process with a scheduled action to Flow.

Migrate a process with a scheduled action to a flow using the Migrate to Flow tool

Locate your Flow permission quicker

All your Flow user permissions are now consolidated into a new Flow and Flow Orchestration section in the App Permissions section so you can easily locate and manage them in one place.

Flow and Flow Orchestration section in App Permissions

See more elements on the Flow Builder canvas

The Auto-Layout mode is now more compact, so you can see more Flow elements on the canvas! There’s less space between the icons; the add elements button now appears as a tiny circle. When you hover over the circle, click + to get the full element menu.

New compact Auto-Layout canvas in Flow Builder

Automatically log emails sent in the Activity Timeline using the Send Email action

When you use the Send Email action in Flow Builder, Salesforce will automatically log those emails for you to the record’s Activity Timeline, so the emails that users send or Flow sends will now all be captured as an activity. You can associate an email to a recipient record (that is, leads, contacts, and person accounts) or to a non-recipient record, such as an account or opportunity, or both! To log the email to the Activity Timeline, set the Log Email on Send field to {!$GlobalConstant.True}.

Watch the animated GIF to see how to configure the Send Email action to log the email to the Activity Timeline to the contact and cupcake record when the cupcake order’s status is changed to completed.

Shows how to configure the Send Email action in Flow Builder to log an email that Flow sent

Use email templates in the Send Email action

You can now use your Lightning and Classic email templates in the Send Email action. Specify the email template ID in the Email Template ID field on the Send Email action to tell Flow which email template to use. If your email template uses merge fields, you can specify the IDs in the Recipient ID and Related Record ID fields. Note: #AwesomeAdmins do not hardcode IDs in their flow, so do a Get Records element before the Send Email action to look up the email template’s ID. Check out the animated GIF below on how to configure this.

Use an email template in a Send Email action in Flow Builder

Search and show Data Table results in screen flows

The Data Table component can now handle a larger dataset and will show the first 1,500 records along with the total count. In cases where there’s a large dataset, users can use the search to further filter down the data. Initially, only 200 records are displayed. Groups of 10 records are shown as you scroll for results.Data Table search bar

(Beta) Make your screens reactive with reactive components

Create single screen apps and a better user experience with minimal screens for your screen flows by making them reactive! Configure screen-supported standard screen components or your custom Lightning web components (LWC) to react to changes in other screen components on the same screen, rather than placing the reaction on the next screen.

Note: Check out the Considerations for Reactivity in Screen Flows (Beta).

To enable this feature, go to the Process Automation Settings page in Setup and select Opt in to Reactive Screens Beta. Note: Existing flows can be reactive after you’ve opted in to the Beta and saved the flow with API version 57.0 and later.

Enable Opt in to Reactive Screens Beta feature on the Process Automation Settings page

I’m excited for this feature and imagine all the cool things you can do with custom LWC, but as with Beta features, it currently doesn’t have all the bells and whistles when it comes to fully using this on standard Flow components, but I know the team is working on this. With that being said, I think it’s still pretty cool, and I can definitely see the power this will bring in the future to native Flow components.

Playing around with this, I was able to select data from the standard Data Table component and see the mailing address differ based on the cupcake order chosen—ON.THE.SAME.FLOW.SCREEN. Previously, this would require going to a second screen to see the address of the selected order.

Shows screen flow using reactivity and how it was set up in Flow

(Beta) Update the screen in real time using formulas

Your screen flow can now perform real-time formula calculations when using supported formula functions. If Flow detects any change in values in a formula, it will recalculate and update the value shown in the screen component. Pretty cool! It gives me #Trailheart to see all this love that screen flows are getting. Shout-out to product managers, Adam White and Sam Reynard!

Note: Check out the Considerations for Reactivity in Screen Flows (Beta).

To enable this feature, go to the Process Automation Settings page in Setup and select Opt in to Reactive Screens Beta. Note: Existing flows can be reactive after you opt in to the Beta and save the flow with API version 57.0 and later.

This feature is pretty awesome! I LOVE, LOVE being able to do real-time calculations in a screen flow as the data changes. Let me repeat myself: as the DATA CHANGES! This is a game changer. In the example below, I have a screen flow that allows a salesperson to re-order a previous Mochi cupcakes order and add MOAR cupcakes, and it tallies the subtotal for the new cupcakes and the grand total reactively!

Shows formula reactivity in the Subtotal and Grand Total fields with a cupcake order form created using a screen flow

(GA) Provide users a list of choices for easy selection with Choice Lookup

Using the Choice Lookup screen flow component, you can easily find records using the auto-complete functionality. You will need to create a collection choice set, a record choice set resource to store the list of filtered records from Salesforce, a set of manual choice resources, or a picklist choice set. Next, add the Choice Lookup component and specify the set you created. The option is up to you! Twenty choice options are displayed initially. As you scroll, more choice options are displayed, in groups of 100, for up to the maximum of 1,020 choices. If you apply a filter after loading your initial choices, the display resets and shows only 20 new choices.

Use Multi-Select Picklists and more data types with Flow in Slack

I know we often have mixed feelings about Multi-Select Picklists, but if you must use them in your flow, know that screens in flows that run in Slack can now include the Multi-Select Picklist screen component. You can also use Boolean, Currency, Date, Date Time, and Number data types as flow input parameters as well.

(GA) Access external data in Flow Builder without code

Create and use an HTTP Callout action that calls a web-based service API all without code within Flow Builder. Both POST and GET implementations are available. Once you create the new HTTP Callout, it generates an External Service and creates a new Apex type for your input and output data structures for you behind the scenes. You can also edit a HTTP Callout action instead of modifying the auto-generated API specification in the Beta version of this feature.

Methods available for an HTTP Callout in Flow Builder

(Beta) Send data to an external service using HTTP Callout

Both POST and GET implementations are available with a HTTP Callout, so you can now use the POST method to send Salesforce data to an external service. Previously, only the GET method was available.

Delete flows from second-generation managed packages

You can now spring clean your org and delete those flows from second-generation managed packages that you don’t need.

Get records from Data Cloud objects in Flow Builder

You can either use Apex code or a Get Records element to retrieve Data Cloud data into Flow. Once you add your Get Records element to your flow, search for the Data Cloud object you want to use. Data Cloud objects are alphabetized with Salesforce standard and custom objects. You can only view Data Cloud data in Flow. You cannot create, update, or delete Data Cloud data with Flow. Note: To retrieve Data Cloud object records in a Get Records element, users need Read access to the data model object and Manage Flow permissions.

Create steps to run MuleSoft actions

Call a MuleSoft action using Anypoint or Robotic Process Automation (RPA) from a step in your orchestration. This step runs asynchronously in system context. Note: MuleSoft Composer will be added later this year.

Invoke a MuleSoft action from an orchestration step.

Get refreshed record variables when an orchestration resumes

When an orchestration pauses and then resumes, all variables except for $Record_Prior (the record’s prior values) will be refreshed with values in your Salesforce org to avoid references to outdated data.

Add custom information to the Flow Orchestration logs

You can now add additional information to your Flow Orchestration’s interactive and background step logs to better track your orchestration’s process. To do so, use a text variable named Comments, available for output, to set the custom information to the step’s flow and assign a value to that variable. Note: You cannot use internal variables or any output variable data types from text for adding custom information to your orchestration logs. You can, however, set the Comments variable using a flow resource (that is, constant, variable, text template, or formula that contains text).

Configured Comments variable available for output; text data type

Add an Assignment element that sets a value to the Comments variable, like the example below.

Configured Assignment element to set the value for the Comments variable

Then, when a orchestration step calls the flow that contains the Assignment element, the string assigned to the Comments variable will appear in the related orchestration run log list and detail views.

Control the running context of an orchestration

You can now set the running context to launch and resume an auto-launched orchestration to control the access orchestrations have to Salesforce data. This includes record-level access for evaluation flows and background steps when the orchestration runs in system context. Note: Record-triggered orchestrations will also run and resume in system context. When you use an orchestration that runs on API version 58.0 or greater, the resumed orchestration context will always be the same as the context of the orchestration that was launched.

To set the running context, go to the auto-launched orchestration’s properties, and under Advanced, select an option from the How to Run the Orchestration drop-down.

 How to Run the Orchestration options for run context

Lightning App Builder enhancements

Align fields horizontally in field sections

If you’re like me, you like to keep your data clean and aligned. Now, you can align fields in Dynamic Forms Field components by using the Align fields horizontally property. This will keep fields aligned with their neighboring fields in the same row.

Align fields horizontally component property

This animated GIF shows the before and after of using the align fields horizontally property using Lightning App Builder.

Before and after of using the align fields horizontally property using Lightning App Builder

(Beta) Experience Dynamic Forms on mobile devices

With Summer ’23, your mobile users can now experience Dynamic Forms on their mobile devices with the same experience as desktop users. This experience is supported on Accounts, Cases, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, and custom objects. To enable this in Setup, go to Salesforce Mobile App and enable Dynamic Forms on Mobile (Beta). Note: If your Lightning record page also includes the Record Detail – Mobile component, your users will see only this component on their mobile device regardless of whether you enabled Dynamic Forms on Mobile Beta. You will need to remove this component in order for your mobile users to see the Dynamic Forms page.

Dynamic Forms on Mobile (Beta) feature enablement in Setup

Use Accordion and Tabs components on your app pages

You can now make your app pages more organized with the Accordion and Tabs components using Lightning App Builder. Previously, this was available only on Lightning record pages.

Einstein Search enhancements

(Beta) Configure searchable fields for each user profile

Personalize the Einstein Search experience by user profile. Using Search Manager, admins can determine and configure fields to make them searchable by user profile. In the GIF below, you will see how easy it is to configure the Customer Priority field to be searchable or not searchable for the Manager profile.

An example of how an admin can configure fields to be searchable by profile

(Beta) Quickly configure searchable picklists

You can now select a picklist field to be searchable in Einstein Search using Search Manager.

External services enhancements

Call a MuleSoft invocable action from Orchestration

You can now call a MuleSoft invocable action right form Orchestration.Invoke a MuleSoft action from a step in Orchestration

Edit external services created by HTTP Callout in Setup

You can now edit external services that were originally created by HTTP Callout. To edit an operation, navigate to the external service’s Details page and use the Edit HTTP Action.

Environment enhancements

(GA) Quickly create full sandboxes

Use the Quick Create feature to quickly create or refresh your Hyperforce-eligible full sandboxes. Note: This applies to new full sandboxes for production orgs on eligible Hyperforce instances and will be rolled out on a staggered basis after June 10, 2023.

Manage expired sandbox licenses

When you exceed your allocated sandbox licenses, we will let you know and lock the appropriate number of sandboxes to put you back to license compliance, starting with the sandboxes you have recently used the least. We will unlock the locked sandboxes once you have a sandbox license. If you take no action, after 60 days, the locked sandboxes will be deleted and cannot be recovered. This change applies to expired sandbox licenses of Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Editions. This will be rolled out on a staggered basis after June 10, 2023.

Migrate to Hyperforce with Hyperforce Assistant

If eligible, you can upgrade to Hyperforce using the Hyperforce Assistant. From Setup, select Hyperforce Assistant. The hard-coded references check now supports orgs with a large number of Apex classes.

Security, identity, and privacy enhancements

Verify user email addresses

Admins can now manage email verification from the user detail record. You can see if their email address is verified, and if not, initiate the verification by clicking the Verify link that appears next to the email address. Your users can also view their email address status and initiate the verification process themselves. Note: The verification link expires within 72 hours. It can be initiated again by clicking the Verify link.

If the user’s email address isn’t verified, initiate verification by clicking the Verify link next to the email address.

Lengthen your users’ session timeout to 90 minutes

You can now set your users’ session timeout in Session Settings to 90 minutes.

Automate processes for Security Center data with flows

For orgs with Security Center (add-on subscription), you can create record-triggered flows with Security Center objects.

Customize when to share sensitive information in your URLs

When you click on a link, the site you visit can see the URL of the Salesforce page the link is associated with. Sometimes that URL contains identifying information, such as an account number or org ID. To protect against exposing that information, you can select an HTTP Referrer Policy, which controls how much of the URL is shared. To establish this in Setip, go to Session Settings, select Include Referrer-Policy HTTP header and select an HTTP Referrer Policy.

Referrer URL Protection setting.

Your Account enhancements

View tenant IDs in Your Account app

You can now see the ID of your Salesforce org, Tableau deployment MuleSoft org, Commerce Cloud tenant, and your Marketing Cloud MID in your contracts list within the Your Account app to help you better monitor your license usage by tenant. Note: To use the Your Account app, the Manage Billing or the Your Account App Admin User permission set is required.

Manage Marketing Cloud subscriptions in Your Account app

You can now manage your Marketing Cloud subscriptions on your own in the Your Account app in the Browse & Buysection under My Products. Note: To use the Your Account app, the Manage Billing or the Your Account App Admin User permission set is required.

Release Updates

As a best practice with each release, don’t forget to review the release updates to ensure you’re on top of upcoming updates, which gives you ample time to test and activate them before they’re enforced in your org.

To learn more, go to Release Updates in Setup. Give yourself plenty of time before an update is enforced to enable it in a sandbox, do proper testing, and make any necessary changes to code and configuration to ensure all still works post-update.

I’m calling out a few of the release updates here. I recommend reviewing the comprehensive list of release updates for those that apply to your org.

Deploy enhanced domains

Enhanced domains is deployed in Summer ’23. This release update will be enforced in Winter ’24. Orgs created in Summer ’22 or later get enhanced domains by default, and new production orgs created in Summer ’23 can’t disable enhanced domains.

To comply with the latest browser and security standards, Salesforce will enforce enhanced domains on My Domain in all orgs. Enhanced domains is available in all orgs except Public Cloud orgs. What is enhanced domains, you ask? It allows your company-specific My Domain name in your URLs, including your Salesforce sites and Experience Cloud sites. Your users can access Salesforce using browsers that block third-party cookies. Since this update does affect your application URLs, including Experience Cloud sites, Salesforce sites, and Visualforce pages, we highly recommend you enable and test enhanced domains in a sandbox before the update is enforced in Production.

Enable sharing for Flow Orchestration objects

In the Summer ’23 release, sharing for Flow Orchestration objects is now enabled. As a result, the Manage Flow user permission will cease to grant access to Flow Orchestration objects. Now, a user will need the Manage Orchestration Runs and Work Items user permission along with sharing access to the Flow Orchestration objects. Users who need to run orchestrations and execute work items will still need the Run Flows user permission.

Use a default No-Reply address as the system address for case email notifications

This update is enforced in Summer ’23. It allows you to use a company-branded email as the default No-Reply address instead of emails sending from These notifications lack important information, aren’t customizable, and eventually stop sending.

First, configure a default No-Reply address in the Organization-Wide Addresses page in Setup, verify the default No-Reply address, set up Case Escalation and Inbound Email for Existing Cases, Enable Test Run and Run Tests to test and activate the release update.

Example setup for a default No-Reply email

Transition to Lightning editor for Email Composers in Email-to-Case (Beta)

Salesforce will enforce this update in Summer ’24. Salesforce is retiring the existing email editor in the docked and case feed email composers with a Beta Lightning editor that has updated user interface and new features: full-screen mode, the ability to print from the menu, undo and redo buttons, and smart copy-paste. This new editor also complies with Salesforce security standards.

Restrict emails sent from guest users’ unverified email addresses

Enforced in this release, emails sent from Salesforce using a guest user’s unverified email address will be blocked. If you have custom implementations that use emails sent from guest user records, you may need to change the guest user record to continue sending emails by either using an org-wide email address or an email address that you can verify for the guest user record.

Enable faster account sharing recalculation by not storing case and contact implicit child shares

Starting in Summer ’23, the release update will allow for faster account sharing recalculation in your org. Salesforce will determine access to child case and contact records when the user tries to access them, rather than store those implicit child shares. This will be enforced in existing production orgs in Winter ’24. For production orgs and scratch orgs created in Summer ’23 or later, this behavior is enabled by default. For sandboxes, this behavior is enabled on a rolling basis beginning in Summer ’23.

Check out Product Manager Larry Tung’s article for more information.

Get improved unique field masking

The pattern to mask values marked unique and greater than their field value is now shortened differently. The new pattern is that if the field value is still too long after the record ID is shortened, then you will be promoted to update your custom pattern value to ensure uniqueness. Note: This applies to Enterprise and Unlimited Editions only.

Process data mask jobs faster

Spend less time waiting. Enable this release update to get improved data masking processing time with the removal of the batch preparation step. This product is available to users with the Data Mask managed package.


Be Release Ready for Spring ’25

Admin Release Countdown: Get Ready for Spring ’25

Are you ready, Awesome Admins? It’s almost time for the Spring ’25 Salesforce Release! An essential part of every admin’s job is staying on top of the latest Salesforce Releases. Three times a year, Salesforce releases new features and updates to our technology, enabling users everywhere to take advantage of the latest and greatest that […]