Your Guide to the Improved Salesforce Setup Menu Interface


New in the Summer ’13 release, Salesforce improved the Setup user interface with an Improved Salesforce Setup Menu Interface. Now for the experienced Admin the first time you enable the new interface it will take you back to the first days of being an Admin- at least it did for me. But worry not, I’ve put together a nice graphic to help you find your way around and rely less on the search function.

Enabling the Improved Salesforce Setup Menu

Let me start by saying I enabled the improved interface in a Dev. org first and gave myself and other Admins a week or so to get used to it before we enabled it in our production org. And as a Good Salesforce Admin you should ALWAYS test in a Development or Sandbox org first. That said, it’s easy to enable. Just click Setup | Customize | User Interface . At the bottom is a check box “Enable Improved Setup User Interface”.

My Personal Setup is now My Settings

As you can see from the graphic above Salesforce tossed out My Personal Setup and moved it to a very logical area under Your Name called My settings. Say what you will, but to me this makes sense to me. One of the issues I’ve had to deal with in terms of user adoption was getting users to click on setup to get to their settings. And that’s not surprising, if you look at your computer the “Setup” area can be a vast, scary universe that general leads to a phone call from your mom saying “the screen is now upside down and in Japanese, what do I do?” Plus for non-Admins they may feel they don’t have permission to click the Setup Menu without getting an error- or could “Mess something up”. Changing this was a good move on the part of the UX Team.

My Personal Settings Menu

Administration Setup is now Administer

With the My Personal Setup Menu out fo the way it makes sense to logically move up the Administration Setup menu and retitle it as “Administer”. As you can see in the graphic they basically left this menu alone, but pulled out a couple components that really did need their own section. So the new Administer section now has the following:

  • Manage Users
  • Manage Apps
  • Company Profile
  • Security Controls
  • Domain Management
  • Communication Templates
  • Translation Workbench
  • Data Management
  • Mobile Administration
  • Desktop Administration
  • Email Administration
  • Google Apps

App Setup is now Build

The new Build section is basically the App Setup section with the “Deploy” section pulled out. I’m sure for Developers this makes life simpler and from an Admin training standpoint this also makes training a lot easier. So the Build Menu is now- Customize, Create, Develop. Along with your favorites of Schema Builder, Installed Packages, AppExchange Marketplace, and Critical Updates.

Monitoring now has it’s own section

You can say that Monitoring finally left the shadow of Administration Setup and rightfully so. I can’t tell you how many times I got a frantic email from someone who scheduled a mass email and then needed to have it not go out- which left me scrambling to get to the mass email settings and delete it. But more important than that it calls out the importance of monitoring your CRM and hopefully gets you in the habit of doing so. Part of the old Monitoring section that included jobs and logs has now been broken out into it’s own section as well. Both making logical sense and I’m sure are very developer-friendly.

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Conditional Field Formatting | Winter ’25 Be Release Ready

Winter ’25 is almost here! Learn more about Conditional Field Formatting and check out Be Release Ready to discover more resources to help you prepare for Winter ’25.  The challenge with configuring visual indicators today Creating custom visual indicators to call attention to key fields is a common Salesforce configuration requirement. Visual indicators make it […]