Your users don’t have time to go on a scavenger hunt every time they need information. Getting to know how each user works is at the heart of how personalization delivers a unique experience. Save time and clicks by enabling Einstein Search Personalization, now Generally Available in Winter ’21!
How Personalization Works Its Magic
Einstein Search Personalization is an AI feature that ranks search results based on the behavior of each user in an org. Each user works and prioritizes information differently. Personalization looks at the last 200 records that a user interacts with and builds a picture of that user based on that activity. As Einstein Search learns more about each user’s preferences, it continues to deliver unique results. The order of search results differs for each user, but no results are filtered away. Results are only re-ordered to be more relevant for a given person.
As an admin, you don’t need to supply any data to make personalization work. All you have to do is turn the feature on. Personalization starts offering better results immediately, and results improve as Einstein learns more about individual preferences.
In addition, modifying the search layout makes personalization even more useful. The layout plays a part in how Einstein Search learns what’s most relevant for your users. You can customize search result layouts by selecting which fields are shown for each object that is critical for your users. For information about customizing search layouts, see Create Profile-Specific Search Results Layouts.
Personalization is available in Lightning Experience and in the Salesforce Mobile App.
Personalization is a Productivity Game Changer for Your Users
Search results that cater to each user help them work faster! Personalization gives them the information they need, more efficiently than ever. Two users might have the same role at your company, but the information that’s most relevant to their work is very different. For example, Ashley and Jordan are customer sales representatives. Ashley works with accounts in San Francisco most often, while Jordan works with accounts in Arlington. When Ashley searches across the org, personalization ranks accounts in San Francisco higher, and for Jordan, ranks accounts in Arlington higher.

Wait, There’s More!
The power of Einstein Search doesn’t stop at personalization. Actionable instant results and natural language search are mature beta features that are supported by our Salesforce Customer Support team.
Actionable instant results turn the global search box into a powerful tool. Users start typing and get access to record previews, actions, quick links, and suggested searches. Click less but accomplish more! And you can control what your users instantly access by customizing search results layouts.

Natural language search simplifies the common but difficult task of creating a filtered object list or report. Users can enter a phrase using language in a natural way, such as ‘my open cases’ and Einstein Search returns results.

Einstein Search is Simple To Enable
You asked for an easy setup process for all your users, and Einstein Search Winter ’21 delivers. In just a few clicks, you can turn on Einstein Search personalization, actionable instant results, and natural language search.
Simply go to Setup and enter Einstein Search. Select Enable Einstein Search and select all three checkboxes, as shown here:

It’s that easy. Enable Einstein Search for your org and get your users working faster and smarter!
Want to find out how else you can work smarter with Salesforce Einstein? Head over to our AI for Admins blog series. Each post features a different AI product or topic, with real world examples.
For more about Einstein Search, check out: