Jennifer Lee and Simon Walsh in a new episode of "How I Solved It."

How I Solved It: Digitize Paper Forms Using Flow


Welcome to another post in the “How I Solved It” series. In this series, we do a deep dive into a specific business problem and share how one #AwesomeAdmin chose to solve it. Once you learn how they solved their specific problem, you’ll be inspired to try their solution yourself! Watch how Simon Walsh uses Flow to digitize his insurance claims application process. Read more details in the post below.

Key business problem

We handle virtually all service requests–including claims–via paper forms. We send out the forms, get them back with mistakes or missing data, call or email and ask for corrections, etc. You get the picture. It can be a time-consuming process for service agents. We need a new screen flow that streamlines service requests and helps us drive our critical goals while improving the customer experience.

How I solved it

It’s amazing what you can do with clicks, not code. I’m not a coder but I built a prototype claims process on Flow’s drag-and-drop canvas, and launched it on a test website using Experience Cloud.

The new flow will help us drive our critical goals. We’ll save money, eliminate paper forms, and deliver a vastly improved customer experience.

Here’s what the screen flow looks like.

The screen flow for the claims application.

Blue squares are data entry screens. Orange diamonds are decision points. Save your flow and click the Run button. The tool automatically generates the web pages you laid out on the canvas. And when customers use those web pages, Flow automatically adapts to the customer’s browser–desktop or mobile—and the pages include data validation, document uploads, dependent picklists, conditional paths (based on your “decision points”), and a host of other cutting-edge features.

It’s a massively better experience for customers. It’s easy to upload required documents. The screen flow tells customers if they’re missing data or if what they entered is incorrect (for example, “SSN must be a 9-digit number”, etc.). It also eliminates one of our biggest problems: NIGO or “not in good order” claims. These are claims with mistakes or missing data. In these cases, we have to go back to the customer (sometimes two or three times). With this flow, NIGOs will be a thing of the past. Best of all: The web screens only surface relevant options, based on the choices you make at the decision points. For example, if a customer just wants a simple lump-sum payment, they never see all the other settlement options (which you have to wade through if you’re using the paper claim forms).

Get faster results with clicks, not code. Your customers will thank you.

Do try this at home

Screen flows can replace your paper forms, save money, streamline procedures, produce a vastly-improved customer experience, and open up new avenues for career growth. For example, if your service agents aren’t wrestling with paper forms, they can move into sales support and other roles that drive revenue and offer opportunities for career growth.

Explore modules about Flow in Trailhead, then use your Trailhead Playground to start building some flows, which is one of the best ways to learn. I built our claims process in a playground, launched it on a test website using Experience Cloud, and eventually exported the flow into one of our dev regions. If I can do it, anyone can. Go get it!

Let us know what you thought of this solution, and tell us how you want to use it with #AwesomeAdmins.


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