Gillian Bruce and Tony Nguyen in a new episode of "How I Solved It."

How I Solved It: Security Management with Tony Nguyen


#AwesomeAdmins, in case you haven’t heard, we’ve taken our existing “How I Solved It” series from YouTube, sprinkled some extra magic onto it, and are bringing a five-episode version of it to Salesforce+, our free streaming service.

In the fourth episode (available now on Salesforce+), we see how Tony Nguyen uses his security management skills to protect his company from potential security breaches. Tony explains why security management is key to being an effective Salesforce Admin and highlights how he uses skills from the Salesforce Admin Skills Kit—security management, learner’s mindset, and problem solving.

We recommend you watch the episode on Salesforce+ and then read about his solution below.

The challenge

Tony’s team works closely with the IT team to ensure that Salesforce security settings align with his company’s compliance needs and policies. He knows he must use a combination of external and internal features to make sure users access only the data they need when they need it, and protect the system against outside threats.

The solution

Tony used Health Check to check his system settings against security standards, updating his password policies to improve his overall score.

Health Check screen showing 96% Excellent score.

The escalations team had concerns about other users accessing sensitive customer data, so Tony used a combination of dynamic actions, Flow, dynamic pages, and permission set groups to create a solution.

He built a dynamic action that only appears when the user has a customer support profile that allows only them to create an escalation record.

Case record page showing Create Escalation dynamic action button in top right.

Tony locked down the sensitive customer data fields using visibility settings so that, once the escalation record is created, only escalation managers can see those fields.

Escalation record page open in App Builder canvas showing dynamic field component visibility for Escalation Details section to only Escalation Manager profile.

Tony’s escalation teams rotate every 90 days to avoid burnout, so he created a permission set group with an expiration date to automate revoking access.

Permission set group for Assigned Users page showing custom date set for expiration

Tony also shows us a screen flow he built to capture information from the support reps as they create a new escalation.

Flow Builder showing Case Escalation Action flow on the canvas with Screen and Create Escalation Record elements.

Admin skills

Tony demonstrates a lot of skills from the Salesforce Admin Skills Kit in this episode, but we want to focus on security management, learner’s mindset, and problem solving.

Here’s how he uses these admin skills (and how you can, too!):

Security management

  • Understand and utilize Health Check.
  • Know your company org’s security settings.
  • Stay up to date with security best practices.

Learner’s mindset

  • Continuously look for ways to learn.
  • Use Trailhead.
  • Get active in the Trailhead Community.

Problem solving

  • Communicate, communicate, communicate.
  • Establish a relationship with your stakeholders.
  • Listen to your stakeholders and be the bridge between the business and Salesforce.

We hope you enjoy this episode! Stay tuned to Salesforce+ for more “How I Solved It” episodes coming soon!

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