Build a Blog: Set Your Publishing Schedule.

Build a Blog: Set Your Publishing Schedule


Welcome to the fifth installment of my Build a Blog series where I teach you how to create a blog specifically for Salesforce Admins.

If you’re just getting started with this series and want to catch up, check the links at the end of this post to get up to speed on defining your audience, centering your content focus, and for an overview of the series.

In April, we started a positioning statement as a roadmap for this series. A positioning statement is a description of how a product or service—in this case, your admin blog—fills the need of a particular market or segment. This month, we’ll finish that positioning statement by defining a publishing schedule.

This whole series is based on building a blog for Salesforce Admins, so in the “For” line in the positioning statement below, we’ll put that. The second line defines who our audience is for the blog. For example, you might write “beginner admins,” or “admins learning Security”. The third line is how you want that audience to consume that content–it could be text, video, or audio. The fourth line expands on your answer as to where they’ll consume that information—it could be via watching YouTube videos, streaming podcasts, or reading blogs. The last line, the one we’ll tackle this month, focuses on how often. Or, more succinctly, what our publishing schedule looks like.

Blog Positioning Statement


Salesforce Admins


And consume information


And want new content every

What today's post is about

Having a realistic publishing frequency means setting a schedule that’s manageable and achievable based on your available time, resources, and the quality of content you aim to produce. It’s important to find the right balance between consistency and quality to ensure you can consistently meet your audience’s expectations without compromising the value you provide. It’s also important to remember that like with any skill, the more you produce, the better you’ll get. For example, when I first started the Salesforce Admins Podcast, it took me hours to prep, record, re-record, and finish an episode. But now, after nearly 600 episodes, I’m a better interviewer and can laser-focus my time on prepping beforehand.

Setting a realistic publishing frequency

While it may be tempting to dive headfirst into creating content daily or weekly, it’s important to start with a realistic publishing frequency that aligns with your available time and resources. One of the main reasons new content creators fail is they burn themselves out. And they don’t give themselves time to come up with new ideas. Consistency is crucial, so it’s better to begin with a manageable schedule, such as one high-quality piece per week or month, rather than overwhelming yourself and compromising quality.

Available time and resources

Assess how much time you can dedicate to content creation on a regular basis. Consider your other commitments, such as work, family, or personal obligations. Be honest with yourself about the amount of time you can realistically allocate to create high-quality content. It’s better to have a consistent schedule that you can manage and your audience can rely on, rather than overwhelm yourself with an unrealistic frequency.

Content type and format

The type of content you create and its format can influence your publishing frequency. As I pointed out previously, writing an article may require less time than producing a video or recording a podcast episode. Consider the complexity of your chosen medium and the time it takes to research, write, edit, and produce content in that format. Each format has its own unique demands, so factor that into your scheduling decisions.

Quality vs. quantity

While consistency is crucial, never compromise on the quality of your content in favor of meeting a strict publishing schedule. Producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience should be your top priority. If maintaining a certain frequency starts to impact the quality of your work, it may be necessary to reassess your publishing schedule and adjust accordingly.

I want to stress that quality doesn’t mean perfect. I’ve often heard the phrase “don’t let perfect be the enemy of done”—and this so true. There is no perfect anything, so do the best you can with the skills you have and know that you’ll get better over time.

Skill level and experience

Speaking of time, as a new content creator, you may need more time initially to refine your skills and processes. Recognize that it takes time to improve your efficiency and gain experience. Start with a frequency that you feel comfortable with and gradually increase it as you become more proficient and find your rhythm.

Finding a realistic publishing frequency is an iterative process. Be open to experimenting and adjusting your schedule based on feedback, engagement metrics, and your own capacity. It’s better to start with a lower frequency and gradually increase it over time than to commit to a demanding schedule that you struggle to maintain consistently. Building a loyal audience is a long-term endeavor, and delivering high-quality content on a consistent basis is more important than publishing at an unsustainable pace.

Batching your content creation

Batching your content creation involves grouping similar tasks together and dedicating specific blocks of time to complete them. This approach can significantly improve productivity, creativity, and efficiency. Here are some best practices for effectively batching your content creation.

Gather resources and materials

Ensure you have all the necessary resources, reference materials, and tools readily available before you start batching. This includes research materials, images, video clips, audio files, or any other assets you may need during the content creation process. Being prepared and organized will minimize interruptions and maximize your efficiency.

Focus on one task at a time

During batching sessions, focus on one type of content or task at a time. For example, dedicate one session to writing articles, another to recording videos, and another to editing and post-production. This helps maintain focus and minimize context switching, allowing you to work more efficiently.

Minimize distractions

Eliminate distractions during your batching sessions to optimize productivity. Find a quiet space, turn off notifications, and set boundaries to avoid interruptions. Consider using productivity tools or techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (working in focused bursts with short breaks) to enhance concentration and workflow.

Perform quality control and edit

Once your batching sessions are complete, schedule a separate time for quality control and editing. Review and refine your content with fresh eyes to ensure it meets your standards of quality. This step allows you to catch any errors, make improvements, and polish your work before publishing.

By effectively batching your content creation, you can streamline your workflow, maintain focus, and increase productivity. This approach allows you to take advantage of your creative momentum, ensuring a consistent output of high-quality content. Experiment with different batching techniques and adapt them to your unique needs and preferences to find the most efficient and enjoyable content creation process for you.

Repurposing and recycling

Repurposing and recycling content involves leveraging your existing content in different formats, on different platforms, or in different ways. Rather than constantly creating new content from scratch, repurposing allows you to maximize the value of your existing work and reach a broader audience. It’s an effective strategy that saves time and effort while maintaining consistency and quality.

Here are five ways to embrace content repurposing and recycling.

  1. Transform written content into different formats: If you’re a writer, you can repurpose your articles, blog posts, or even e-books into different formats. For example, you can convert a written blog post into an engaging video script or create a podcast episode where you discuss the key points from your written content. By adapting your written work into audio or visual formats, you can cater to different preferences and reach audiences who prefer consuming content in those formats.
  2. Extract key points for social media posts: Break down your longer-form content into bite-sized chunks for social media platforms. Extract key points, quotes, or statistics from your articles, videos, or podcasts and create engaging social media posts. These snippets can serve as teasers, directing your audience to the full piece of content and generating interest and engagement.
  3. Create compilations or best-of content: If you have a substantial library of content, you can compile related articles, videos, or podcast episodes into a themed collection. For instance, gather your best-written pieces on a particular topic and create an e-book or a downloadable PDF guide. This not only repurposes your existing work but also adds value for your audience by giving them a consolidated resource.
  4. Update and refresh older content: Over time, certain topics or ideas covered in your previous content may evolve or become outdated. Rather than starting from scratch, consider updating and refreshing older content to reflect new insights or changes. You can add new examples, include recent research, or provide additional context to ensure your existing content remains relevant and valuable.
  5. Cross-promote across platforms: Take advantage of your different content channels and cross-promote your work. For example, if you release a new video, create a blog post that embeds the video and provides additional insights. Similarly, if you publish a podcast episode, write a summary or transcription of the episode as a blog post. Cross-promotion encourages your audience to engage with your content across various platforms and helps expose your work to different audiences.

By embracing content repurposing and recycling, you extend the lifespan of your content, reach new audiences, and reinforce key messages. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, by maximizing the value of your existing efforts while maintaining a consistent presence. Remember to always tailor the content for each platform or format, ensuring it aligns with the preferences and behaviors of your audience in those specific channels.

Monitoring engagement and feedback

Paying attention to audience engagement and feedback is crucial for content creators as it provides valuable insights into the preferences and needs of your audience. By actively listening and responding to your audience, you can build stronger connections, improve your content, and cultivate a loyal community. Here are some best practices for effectively engaging with and incorporating audience feedback.

Encourage and facilitate feedback

Make it easy for your audience to provide feedback by actively encouraging their participation. Include clear calls to action in your content, such as asking for comments, inviting questions, or encouraging social media interactions. Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where your audience feels comfortable sharing their opinions and thoughts.

Track engagement metrics

Utilize analytics tools to track engagement metrics such as views, likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates. These metrics offer insights into the performance and impact of your content. Pay attention to trends, patterns, and spikes in engagement to identify what resonates most with your audience. This information will guide your content creation decisions and help you understand what topics, formats, or approaches generate the most engagement.

Actively respond to comments and messages

Take the time to engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and social media interactions. Promptly reply to questions, acknowledge feedback, and express gratitude for their support. Engaging in conversations shows that you value your audience’s input and fosters a sense of community. It’s also an opportunity for you to clarify points, gain further insights, and establish a personal connection with your followers.

Seek constructive criticism

Welcome constructive criticism and view it as an opportunity for growth. Encourage your audience to provide honest feedback on areas where you can improve. Embrace feedback as a chance to refine your content, enhance your skills, and better cater to your audience’s needs. Remember, constructive criticism helps you evolve and deliver even more valuable content.

Conduct surveys and polls

To gain more comprehensive feedback, consider conducting surveys or polls to directly gather insights from your audience. Ask specific questions about their preferences, interests, and what they would like to see more of in your content. Use tools like Google Forms, social media polls, or dedicated survey platforms to collect data. Analyze the results and adjust your content strategy accordingly, aligning it with the desires of your audience.

Adapt and iterate based on feedback

Regularly review and analyze the feedback you receive from your audience. Identify recurring themes, suggestions, or requests. Use this feedback as a compass to refine your content strategy, experiment with new ideas, and adapt to your audience’s evolving needs. Continuously iterate and improve your content based on the insights gained from audience engagement.

Remember, effective audience engagement is a two-way street. Show genuine interest, respond thoughtfully, and be open to incorporating their feedback. By fostering a collaborative relationship with your audience, you’ll build loyalty and create content that truly resonates.

Creating a successful publishing schedule as a new content creator requires careful planning, dedication, and a commitment to consistently deliver valuable content to your audience. By setting a realistic publishing frequency, batching your creation process, repurposing and recycling existing content, and monitoring audience feedback, you’ll be well on your way to mastering your publishing schedule and nurturing a loyal following. Remember, perseverance and continuous improvement are key to establishing your online presence and achieving long-term success in the dynamic world of content creation.

Let’s recap the series

Doing something new can have many starts and stops. My goal is that by August you’ll have found your passion for sharing.

The goal of the Build a Blog series is to inspire you to create your own admin blog by Dreamforce 2023. You can catch up on the series with these posts:

And you can join the previous conversations in the Admin Trailblazers Group:

Also in the Admin Trailblazers Group, I’ve started a discussion about this post—you can join in here.

Let’s talk about your worries, concerns, or things you’d like me to address. We’re in this together.

Next month, we’ll wrap up this series by talking about how to nurture growth and promote your content.

I want to see what you’re building and help where I can, and I want you to feel like you’re part of a group of new bloggers who are building something special—because you are! You’re building a channel to share your most valuable asset—your voice and your perspective.

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