#AwesomeAdmins solve seemingly impossible problems, make magic happen, and lead their companies through digital transformation. When we asked you to describe an #AwesomeAdmin in one word, we received many different answers….
Unifier, Patient, Integral, Friend, Enthusiastic, Magical, Curious, Therapist, Epic, Listener, Caring, Patient, Patient, Empowering, Giving, Genuine, Authentic, Inspiring, Persistent, Student, Enablers, Determined, Learners, Motivated, Teachers, Understanding, Innovative, Gracious, Heroes, Relentless, Inspiring, Game-changing
and of course: Superhero!
What makes an #AwesomeAdmin a superhero you may ask? Well it’s your awesome superpowers, of course! You may not know it, but you possess superpowers that make the magic happen. Find out what your strongest superpower is and share it with other #AwesomeAdmins on Twitter!
Discover Your Superpower!