Salesforce Admin How I solved this series with contributors.

How Salesforce Admins Solved Real-World Problems in 2020


In February 2020, we launched a new blog series called “How I Solved This,” where we do a deep dive into a specific business problem and share how one #AwesomeAdmin in our community chose to solve it. We’ve learned how to Take Action Directly from a Report, Manage Queue Membership with a Custom Object, Highlight Key Fields on Lightning Record Pages, and MOAR. We hope to inspire you to try an iteration of one of these solutions for your own business needs.

Why did we start sharing these posts?

Because admins ? solving problems creatively! And we like sharing more good stuff, no fluff for admins by admins!

Read on to see how #AwesomeAdmins like you are solving problems every day.

How I Solved This: Take Action Directly from a Report
Michael Kolodner kicks off the series with a clever way to use Flow and custom links in a report.

How I Solved This: List Views for Object Ownership
Amber Boaz shows off a great way to share “my” records, regardless of whether or not the user is the record owner.

How I Solved This: Highlight Key Fields on Lightning Record Pages
Michael Kolodner returns with a fun way to highlight important fields on a record page.

How I Solved This: Migrating Data While Keeping IDs Consistent
Kelly Bentubo shares a great technique for data migration while maintaining record IDs.

How I Solved This: The AdminFlag Field
Check out how Gordon Lee uses a custom field to bypass standard automation without messing up live data.

How I Solved This: Using Quip and Salesforce Together to Manage Projects
Prag Ravichandran Kamalaveni shows how to use Quip to track projects embedded right inside a Salesforce record.

How I Solved This: Intuitive Record Links
Adam Kramer has a great way to get people to click into a record with custom links.

How I Solved This: Community Users Submit an Application Using Flow
Deanne Walters shares her solution to managing her nonprofit’s application submissions.

How I Solved This: Dive Deep Into the Debug Log
Follow Samantha Shain’s adventure as she uses the debug log to figure out a pesky production org error.

How I Solved This: Managing Queue Membership with a Custom Object
Check out Scott Luikart’s creative way to manage a queue using a custom object and Flow.

How I Solved This: Protecting Fields Used in Integrations from Deletion
See how Gorav Seth keeps his integrations from breaking by creating a new custom metadata type.

This series was inspired by a passing “Dreamforce hallway conversation” with Amber Boaz, so thank you to Amber for lighting the creative spark!

And a HUGE thank you to all of our fantastic contributors to this series in 2020! MEGA #AwesomeAdmin shout-outs to:
Michael Kolodner
Amber Boaz
Kelly Bentubo
Gordon Lee
Prag Ravichandran Kamalaveni
Adam Kramer
Deanne Walters
Samantha Shain
Scott Luikart
Gorav Seth

Do you have an innovative solution to a business problem that you want to share with the world? Let us know here and you could see your solution featured on the Salesforce Admin Blog!

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