Image of Mark Jones next to greenery and text that says, "Skills for Success Series Wrap-Up."

Skills for Success Blog Series Wrap-Up


Thank you so much for reading the 14-part blog series, Skills for Success. Over the past 12 weeks, we’ve shared some amazing content to help Salesforce Admins better understand and develop the skills needed to be successful. Written by admins, for admins, the series featured a great lineup of #AwesomeAdmins who have real-world experience and knowledge of how to apply each skill in this role. If you’d like to go back and read any of the blog posts, here’s a list of the 14 skills we covered:

  1. Communication
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Attention to Detail
  4. Learner’s Mindset
  5. User Management
  6. Security Management
  7. Business Analysis
  8. Data Analysis
  9. Data Management
  10. Designer’s Mindset
  11. Change Management
  12. Process Automation
  13. Product Management
  14. Project Management

I personally want to offer a big thank you to all of the contributors—we couldn’t have done this series without you! I also want to thank Salesforce for making this happen. It’s been an amazing experience to be a part of, and I truly appreciate everyone who contributed.

I hope you find this series to be extremely useful. The whole purpose behind it is to help you, as Salesforce Admins, understand these skills better so you can apply them to the work you do each and every day.

My biggest takeaways

As we wrap up, I’d like to offer my biggest takeaways from the series. There’s been a lot of amazing content to digest. I’m sure we can all think of highlights from each post that we want to apply to our work and share with others.

Here are my three biggest takeaways:

  • Learning is vital to your career growth
    One of the biggest themes to repeatedly come up in the series was learning. This is for good reason, as we all start somewhere. Most of us didn’t begin as experts in these skills; we learn them over time and they have a continuous learning curve. To be a successful Salesforce Admin, you must be committed and willing to learn. So take advantage of the various learning opportunities available. Take the time to learn more about the things you’re working on and are interested in. Learning really is an ongoing requirement of the Salesforce Admin role.
  • Get involved in the #AwesomeAdmin community
    This piece of advice also came up a number of times in the series and for good reason. The Trailblazer Community is an amazing resource to help you grow as a Salesforce Admin. If you’re not part of one already, why not join a Trailblazer Community Group in your area? If you can’t find any nearby, why not start one? For me, personally, I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t gotten involved in the community and made those connections. Find the people in the community who have your back and are able and willing to support you along the way. Trust me, you won’t regret it!
  • Work smarter, not harder
    There are a ton of fantastic resources that can help you develop the skills highlighted in this series, like the Salesforce Admins Skill Kit (more on this below). As an admin, you don’t have to come up with everything yourself. So much of what we do on a daily basis has already been done. Utilize the resources available to you. Remember, if you’re working on something and don’t know the answer, you can find it with a little help from a good resource. Googling is a fundamental skill held by the best Salesforce Admins out there.

What next?

If you’re looking for next steps following this series, here’s what I recommend:

  • Check out the Salesforce Admin Skills Kit
    Alongside the Skills for Success series, the Salesforce Admin Skills Kit launched back in April. Each post in the series directly relates to one of the skills in this kit, so take a look and be sure to bookmark the page so you have it on hand.
  • Review the Essential Habits for Salesforce Admins blog and badge
    You’ve spent the last 12 weeks reading the posts on each of these skills. The next step is to put them into practice by developing good habits that will help you thrive as an admin. There’s some fantastic Trailhead content on building Essential Habits for Salesforce Admins. If you haven’t completed the module yet, why not go ahead and do that right now? This badge is very much worth the effort.
  • Bookmark the series content and continue the conversation online
    Finally, if you’ve found this content to be helpful, bookmark these posts to easily find and read them again. If my time in the ecosystem has taught me anything, it’s that a great admin needs a stockpile of great go-to resources. Why not make this series one of them? I’m sure you know of others in the ecosystem who would benefit from reading and engaging with this series. Share the links on Twitter and LinkedIn to help us get this content into the hands of other admins like you. I’d love to see this series become a recommended resource for all admins, no matter their level of experience.

A final thank you!

Thank you again to everyone who contributed in some way to make the Skills for Success series what it is, especially the amazing authors who offered their time and shared invaluable insights. Thank you to Juliette Warren and the Admin Relations team for making this series a reality. And thank YOU for taking the time to read it! We’d love to hear your thoughts about this series, so let us know how it helped you using the hashtag #AwesomeAdmin on social. Don’t forget to put into practice your takeaways from Skills for Success and share what you learned with your fellow admins.

Take these three steps to build your success:

  1. Explore the new Salesforce Admin Skills Kit to learn how to represent your skills when applying for admin jobs or preparing for performance reviews.
  2. Share these skills on social media using #AwesomeAdmin, and tell other admins three skills you’re going to commit to developing this year.


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